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I went inside of my family' old study searching for anything that would help me rebuild this kingdom. We needed to start with cleaning up the streets, but the problem was that we needed more people with us. I knew others were out there, but I had to earn their trust since this war divided us. I wasn't sure if I would successfully get them to agree, but I had to try. This place was once full of magic, happiness, mystery, and peace. As I continued to search through my family's things, a book stood out to me. It was an old, weathered journal tucked away at the bottom of drawer.  My curiosity was instantly piqued. The journal's cover was adorned with intricate designs of fairies dancing among the flowers, hinting at the secrets it held within. Immediately, I was drawn to open it, so with trembling hands, I opened the journal and began to read. The pages were yellowed with age, but the words written in elegant writing were still clear and legible. As she dove deeper into the journal, my fascination grew. It spoke of a hidden world inhabited by fairies, a realm of enchantment and wonder that existed just beyond the veil of reality, Korynthia. The name was beautiful and it made me wonder what the fairies was like.  The author, Aurora, detailed her encounters within this ethereal kingdom. She described their magic and beauty in vivid detail. I wanted to visit, but may be this place no longer existed.

But it was when I reached the final pages of the journal that I gasped in astonishment. There, hidden among the fading ink, was a revelation that could change my life forever. According to Aurora's writings, there was a secret portal to the fairy realm hidden somewhere in the nearby forest. A portal that only appeared once every hundred years, on the night of the summer solstice. And if the journal was to be believed, the next solstice was just days away.

My heart raced with excitement as I realized the significance of this discovery. Could it be possible? Could I really seek help with the fairies and rebuild Ivy Court? I was hopeful. All of this time, the book was here, but why.  My parent's never mentioned anything to Malcolm and I about it. I closed the journal and tucked it carefully under my arm. I knew what I had to do. I had to find the portal and uncover any truth that laid hidden within the pages of the mysterious journal.

My heart raced with anticipation as I gathered Trey and Lila in my living room. The journal was clutched tightly in my hands. I knew I had to share this discovery with them, to tell them about the portal. "Guys, you won't believe what I found," I exclaimed, my voice trembling with excitement. "It's a journal about fairies, and it's filled with amazing stories and secrets." I plopped down on the sofa. Trey and Lila exchanged curious glances before leaning in closer to get a better look at the journal. Trey's eyes widened in curiosity as I flipped through the pages, while Lila's lips curved into a small smile.

"A portal?" Trey breathed, his voice filled with wonder.

"Yeah and its in the forest not too far from here. I think we need to go there."  

Lila nodded in agreement, her gaze fixed on the journal's intricate illustrations. "I've always believed in magic, but I never imagined we'd stumble upon something like this."

Maya beamed with pride, her excitement growing with each passing moment. "I know, right? But here's the thing... It only appears once every hundred years, and the next time is just days away."

Trey and Lila exchanged apprehensive glances. While the prospect of visiting the fairy realm was undeniably exciting, I knew I had to approach it with caution.

"We should wait," Trey suggested, his voice laced with concern. "We don't know what dangers might be lurking on the other side." I thought of it, but enough to stop me from going, but I still nodded in agreement, although my excitement tempered by the wisdom of Trey's words. "You're right. We should be cautious and make sure we're prepared before we attempt to visit the fairy realm."

The next two days we rested and prepped to go to Korynthia. I was excited, yet nervous, because I didn't know what was on the other side. Today was the day. I gathered my backpack and tucked the journal inside of it before we left. Caedmon's men were not around so we quickly made our way into the forest.  It took a while, but we found the exact spot where the portal would open up. We waited for almost an hour before the ring formed, spreading wider and wider. We stepped inside just to end up in another forest. We looked around, basking in the beauty of its nature before we proceeded to walk. A sudden rustling in the trees caused us to freeze in our tracks. Before we could react, a group of fairy-like guardians emerged from the shadows, their faces shrouded in darkness.

"Who are you?" Trey demanded, his voice laced with authority as he stepped forward to confront the intruders.

As we were about to fight whoever disrupted  us, a voice rang out from the darkness, silencing the guards. "Stand down," the voice commanded, its tone both powerful and serene. And then, emerging from the shadows, came a figure bathed in a soft, ethereal light. She was beyond beautiful. Her melanin glowing skin matched similar to my own. Her eyes were familiar. She guided us back to their kingdom.  It was Aurora and her presence radiating with an otherworldly grace. Aurora dismissed her guards and guided Maya, Trey, and Lila to a private chamber, where they could speak in peace.

"You must be Maya," she directly at me. 

I frowned at her. "How do you know my name?"

With a gentle smile, she said, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."  

"Now, tell me," Aurora said, her voice gentle but firm. "Who are your friends?"

"This is Lila, my cousin. And this is Trey, my-"

"Mate?" she asked, although it sounded more like a statement.

 "Friend," I answered her anyway. 

"Ahhh, I see," she cleared her throat. "I'm assuming you read the journal."


"Okay. What made you come here?" I took a deep breath, my heart pounding in my chest as I recounted the events that had led us to this moment. I told Aurora of the war with humans and vampires, of the dangers of my own kind that now threatened Ivy Court. I could feel Aurora's gaze upon me, but I couldn't tell what she was thinking. When I had finished speaking, Aurora nodded thoughtfully, her expression grave.

 "I see," she said, her voice tinged with sadness. "You have come seeking refuge from the dangers that plague your world. But know this..., you all are safe here in Korynthia. You have my protection. Now let me show you around." 

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