Two Worlds Alike

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This place was something I've never seen before. The structure of this castle seemed to have emerged from the dreams of poets and artists. Its stairs reached toward the heavens, adorned with intricate carvings that depict tales of legendary creatures. The castle's walls were crafted from enchanted stones that seem to change color with the shifting light, casting a kaleidoscope of hues upon the surrounding landscape. I should've known that there were more species besides humans and vampires. It made me wonder about Maya's connection to Korynthia.

As guardians of this mystical realm, ethereal beings known as the Sentinels, as Aurora told us, stood watch over Korynthia and its castle. These guardians are beings of pure light and energy, their forms ever-changing and luminous. Their wings shimmering with iridescence as they fly across meadows of eternal spring. Others resemble graceful phoenixes, their fiery plumage trailing behind them like a comet's tail as they soar through the endless skies. Phoenixes and fairies...If someone told me that they visited a place like this, I would've laughed in their face.

"Yet, the most enigmatic of all the guardians are the Whispering Trees, ancient sentinels that have stood since the dawn of time. Their branches sway gently in the breeze, murmuring secrets of the past and future to those who possess the gift to hear them. Each tree is a living archive of Korynthia's history, its roots intertwined with the very essence of the land itself, " Aurora explained, breaking me from my thoughts as we finished the tour.

"This place is so beautiful," Maya said in awe. It was indeed beautiful, but something different was hiding under all of this magic. I couldn't exactly put my finger on it. Aurora smiled and guided us back inside of the castle.

"You all can stay tonight and then tomorrow, we will talk about rebuilding your kingdom."

We all sat in the grand dining room eating dinner. Its been a long time since I've comfortably ate a great dinner. For a moment, it seemed like there was a glimpse of normalcy. I guess that's the power of magic. It could create illusions. This realm was different from Ivy Court, bright where Ivy Court was now dark. I wondered what made it so special that a portal opens up once every hundred years. The thought made me frown and wonder if we had to wait another hundred years just to return.

"Is there something on your mind, Trey?" Aurora asked, her expression was unreadable.

"My apologies. I was just thinking on how we were going to get back to Ivy Court. We wouldn't have to wait another hundred years right?"

Aurora chuckled, "You'll be long gone by that time if you do. I can open the portal back. The reason I made it this way was to keep our kingdom safe. Many years ago, we were ambushed." Aurora's voice carried a weight of sorrow as she began to recount the harrowing tale of the ambush that befell Korynthia. We all listened in somber silence and my heart was heavy with empathy for them. It brought up flashbacks of that moment in the military where innocent people were in the crossfires of a war they had nothing to do with. I quickly shook those thoughts away, fighting the traumatic stress that was threatening to rise.

"No one expected it," Aurora began, her voice tinged with sadness. "But without warning, we were attacked by other species." Aurora paused, her gaze distant as she recalled the chaos and devastation that followed. "Our kingdom was unprepared, caught off guard by the suddenness of the attack. The portal to the fairy realm, once open and easily accessible, had become a gateway for our enemies to enter and lay waste to our home."

Tears glistened in Aurora's eyes as she spoke of the brave fairies who had fought valiantly to defend their kingdom. "Many lives were lost that day," she continued, her voice trembling with emotion. "So many of my people, my friends... They gave their lives to protect Korynthia, to ensure that the darkness did not consume us entirely."

I looked over at Lila and then at Maya, who's eyes was also glistening and I laced our fingers together, hoping to give her the strength to keep listening. She looked at me, slightly nodding her thanks. Our hearts were heavy with the weight of Aurora's words. I could scarcely imagine the horror and loss that this kingdom had endured, the pain of seeing her kingdom ravaged by unknown enemies.

"But Korynthia survived," Aurora said, her voice filled with determination. "And for a long time, I felt like I failed my kingdom. This place has been home since I was a little fae. I knew the ins and outs of it. So, getting ambushed was not noted to me in order to prepare my guardians."

As Aurora fell silent, Maya reached out a hand to comfort her, her eyes filled with compassion. "I understand why you felt that way. I also feel like I failed my kingdom. For a while, I had no support, until I met Trey and then Lila. Everyone I've loved had died. My parents, the butlers and maids in our castle, and my......, brother."

"And now you want to rebuild Ivy Court," Aurora confirmed.

"Yes, but the problem is that many humans were killed or taken prisoner by a pureblood named Caedmon. I need help rescuing them and bringing them into a safe place until Ivy Court is restored again and they can return to their homes," Maya responded.

"I see. Okay, I think I may be able to help you. Tomorrow meet me down here for breakfast and then we will talk. Right now, I want to finish this meal before heading to my chambers."

We finished our meal and then Aurora had a fairy named Elara guided to our rooms. My room wasn't exactly next to Maya, but it was enough distance to pay her a visit. We needed to talk about that kiss.



I paced back and forth in my room as I contemplated on the secret that's been in the forefront of my mind since Maya's arrival. While I've been waiting on Maya to discover the portal, it almost seemed impossible. Now that she's actually here, I didn't know how to tell her the secret that was going to change her life. I wondered so many things. but before I could think deeper into it, a light knock on my door broke me out of my indecisive thoughts. "You may enter," I hollered.

Elara flew in closing the door behind her. "They are all settled in and I made sure they had everything they needed."

"Thank you," I smiled.

"Of course, your majesty. So, are you going to tell Maya?" Elara inquired. I puffed out a breath. I wasn't sure if I should or if I should let her find out on her own.

"I don't know. She deserves to know, but then that changes things for her."

"But Aurora, you cannot keep this from Maya any longer," Elara urged gently, her gaze unwavering as she met my troubled eyes. She was my best friend and was the only person allowed to call me Aurora in private. Elara sat on the end of my bed. "She deserves to know the truth about her lineage, about who she truly is."

I sighed, my brow furrowed with concern. "But Elara, if Maya learns the truth... If she discovers the extent of her vampire and fairy lineage, it could shatter her world." My voice was heavy with worry. "She has already faced so much hardship, so much pain. I fear what this revelation could do to her."

Elara reached out a comforting hand, her touch gentle and reassuring. "I understand your concern, but just like you, Maya is a now queen and she's strong," Elara smiled. "And besides, she deserves to know the truth about her heritage, about the magic that courses through her veins."

I hesitated, torn between my desire to protect Maya and my duty to reveal the truth. "But what if she cannot handle the truth? What if it drives her away from us, from her home in Ivy Court?" I asked, my voice trembling with uncertainty.

Elara shook her head, her expression resolute. "Maya is your family, Aurora. She deserves to know the truth, no matter the consequences. You are her aunt and now that she's found you, it is your duty to guide her, to help her navigate the challenges that lie ahead. It's what your sister would want."

I frowned at my best friend, my heart heavy with indecision, but I knew she was right. My sister and I were very close, even after she moved to Ivy Court. When she died, I was distraught. "Very well, Elara. I will tell Maya the truth," I conceded, my voice filled with resignation. "But I fear what the future holds, for Maya and for us all."

"Let's get through one thing at a time."

I smiled at her hug before pulling her in for a hug. "Thank you."


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