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I sat in my chamber, watching the darkness of shadows across the stone walls. The sound of footsteps approached, and it was no other than Warin.

"What do you have for me?"

"We've located them, my lord, at Maya's home. We were ready to strike, but something unexpected occurred."

I turned my chair to face him, noticing Dagon lurking in the background with a tense expression.

I raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue.  "They were at Maya's home, you say. Go on."

Warin stepped forward.  "We were about to ambush them when they suddenly dashed towards the forest. We held back, uncertain of their awareness of our presence. Suddenly, a portal—a ring of gold and white—opened before them. They entered it, and before we could follow, it snapped shut."

I clenched my fists. These idiots let them get away again. I was ready to strike them both until a thought occurred. "A portal, hmmm interesting? They've accessed a gateway to another realm, then."

Dagon shifted uncomfortably, his frustration evident.

"What else?" I asked curtly.

"That's all we saw, my lord. The portal closed too swiftly for us to examine further," Dagon spoke.

My mind raced with the implications. A portal meant new possibilities, new realms to conquer or it could be a threat to my rule or power. "I want everything you can find about this portal. Where it leads, how to open it, everything."

Warin nodded, "At once, my lord."

As Warin and Dagon bowed and retreated, I called out to another of my servants. "Soran!"

Moments later, Soran appeared, a look of anticipation on his face. the former human was almost a natural at being a vampire.  "Gather the vampires we've turned and secure the prisoners. It seems our plans might just become even more... intriguing."

Soran nodded, his eyes gleaming with understanding. "Yes, my lord."

As Soran departed, I returned to my contemplation. The thought of accessing another realm filled me with a dark excitement. Maya's newfound abilities and her mysterious escape could no longer be underestimated. I needed to move quickly, harnessing whatever powers lay beyond that portal to cement my rule over Ivy Court. "The game changes, but the player remains. Let's see how far this new path will take us."

With a sinister smile, I gazed out into the night, my mind weaving through plots and strategies.



The next morning, I woke up with a smile on my face. It's been so long since I've slept well, dreams not haunted by secrets or fears. The room was brightly lit as the sun peaked in through the curtains for a moment, I forgot that we were not in Ivy Court. I climbed out of bed and got myself ready for the day. I dressed quickly, choosing one of the new outfits Aurora's friend, Elara had slipped into the closet when I was asleep. There was a note on the nightstand, a simple message from Aurora that the clothes were mine to keep and an invitation to breakfast. I quickly emerged downstairs into the brightly lit dining room where a long table covered with delicious smelling food was neatly placed. Aurora sat at the head of the table as Elara sat at right side. The name placements were a subtle reminder of the semblance of order, mine ironically between Trey's and Lila's.  I could feel the tension in the room the moment I sat down. Shortly after, Trey and Lila appeared and sat in their seats. Aurora cleared her throat. "I hope you all slept well."

"We did," I answered for all of us. "Thank you for your hospitality." I smiled.

"Of course! As we discussed last night, I will help you with restoring Ivy Court. I know it is your home, but," she took a deep breath before continuing. "There are truths that have been kept from you, Maya, to protect you, but it's time you knew."

I frowned. "Truths about what?"

"About who you really are. You see, there's more to you than just being a royal vampire."

"Okayyyy," my face contorted with confusion.

"The truth is..You are not just a vampire; you are a hybrid, part fairy and part vampire. And I... I am your aunt."

Shock and confusion were evident in my eyes as they darted between Aurora and the others as I processed Aurora's revelation. ""An aunt? A hybrid? How is any of this possible? My parents...They...they lied to me!"

"We all did what I thought was best. Your mother was my sister, a fairy, who fell in love with a vampire. Their union was a scandal, forbidden and dangerous. in order for her to coexist in Ivy Court, your father turned her."

I wasn't sure how to feel. So many emotions ran through me. I kept my head down.

"Trey cleared his throat, interjecting, trying to ease the tension. "Maya, this doesn't change who you are. You're still the same person I've come to trust and care for." I knew his heart was in the right place, but it didn't top the anger and confusion that rose within me. I whirled on Trey, my anger flaring as I felt the weight of my shattered past.

"Doesn't change who I am? Trey, everything I knew about myself is a lie! How can I trust anyone if my whole life has been built on deception?"

It was Lila's gentle smile and soft but firm voice trying to provide some comfort. " I know this is all confusing for you, but you don't have to understand everything right now and we won't turn away from you—not because of this. As Trey stated, this changes nothing." but it changes everything for me. Maybe that's why Caedmon was after me. Maybe it's why this war started, and Malcolm died so easily. explains these new surges of power I've had recently.

"How can I be part of two species that was once forbidden? A fairy and a vampire... It sounds like a fucking joke!" I remember the stories back then where vampires and other species were forbidden to mate.

Aurora gave me that motherly knowing look, "It is your strength, Maya.  I've kept this from you to protect you from those who would see you as a threat."

I stood up, no longer wanting to eat my breakfast. My thoughts were racing, my sense of betrayal palpable. "Protect me? Or protect your secrets, Aunt Aurora? What else haven't you told me?"

The room fell silent, the weight of my questions hanging in the air. Aurora looked at me, regret and sorrow etched deeply in her features.

"There is more to tell, but for now, let us find a way to move forward together. Your heritage is a gift, not a curse, though it may not seem that way now."

I glared at her, my anger subsiding into a cautious acceptance. I wanted to hate her for telling me this secret. My parents... I was so angry at them. If they were alive, I- they are not alive to explain themselves.

"I need time. Time to understand all of this and what it means for me."

Trey nodded, offering a supportive smile. "Take all the time you need. We're not going anywhere, Maya."

I nodded slowly, the initial shock giving way to a reluctant curiosity about my true nature and the possibilities it may hold as I stormed out of the dining room.

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