The truth

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A/N: after 3 weeks since the incident, Shellington has been given physical therapy, he hates the pain, CB has told the high ups about what happened to Shellington and told him how long his recovery was, Shellington knee recovery is 6 to 8 months, and Shellington is told by CB and the higher up not to work,

Shellington was really against the idea but he had no choice but listen to their orders,
Shellington has to use crutches 🩼 or a wheelchair 🦽 to get around,
Shellington:"I hate this!" Paani:"I know you do, but you are stubborn when it comes down to sickness or injuries you refuse to recover"

Shellington:"I can't help it" Paani:"are you going to tell them?" Shellington:"let's get this over with" -after Paani calls everyone minus Cookie and Mimi- CB:"Shellington Paani told us you wanted to tell us something"

Shellington was very hesitant, Shellington mind ran wild every memory of him being abused by his grandparents, his body started shaking, it was a seizure, Peso:"WE NEED TO STABILIZE HIM NOW!!!" Everyone helping Peso to keep Shellington still,

Shellington's eyes roll backwards, foam coming out of his mouth, his body shaking violently,
-40 minutes later- Shellington now stabilized Dashi crying worried about her son CB comforting her CB;"our boy will be alright" he said, Shellington suddenly shot upward and threw a knife across the room which hits the wall,

Feeling tense and scared, he finally said something,Shellington:"five weeks ago I got from Kyle and he told me...*crying* that my grandparents escaped from jail....I'm so scared if they find me and end me..."

Panni then explained what happened five weeks ago after getting the call, no one could blame them for this secret to themselves because one Paani respects Shellington personal privacy, and two Shellington was scared to say anything,

-Meanwhile with Cookie and Mimi-

 Mimi:"what do think everyone is doing?"  Cookie:"I'm not sure" Mimi is started to act more comfortable around Cookie, since Cookie is the only one who she can trust, Cookie starts to act differently when Mimi is around, her heart starts racing, s...

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Mimi:"what do think everyone is doing?"
Cookie:"I'm not sure" Mimi is started to act more comfortable around Cookie, since Cookie is the only one who she can trust, Cookie starts to act differently when Mimi is around, her heart starts racing, she to feel an emotion that she has never experienced before,

*why do I so fuzzy, warm, nervous, butterflies in my stomach and stutter* she thought, Mimi is now sleeping on the top bunk bed, why does she feel different around Mimi, can you guess why, next chapter is about Shellington and Cooke.

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