Cookies new emotion

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A/N: as Shellington was getting ready to practice on the walking path in the physical therapy room

He is by himself with no one to look after him, he drops his crutches 🩼 on the floor, he grab hold on the rails and slowly walks, the pain, the tension, the pressure, the weight of it all in one knee is extremely painful, "come on! I can do it!" ...

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He is by himself with no one to look after him, he drops his crutches 🩼 on the floor, he grab hold on the rails and slowly walks, the pain, the tension, the pressure, the weight of it all in one knee is extremely painful, "come on! I can do it!" He says to himself, as he's trying his best not to fall, he only 3/4 feet away from the other side,

Cookie comes inside quietly, the poor girl crying, Shellington's ears twitching, he turns his head around, "Cookie? something wrong?" His leg eventually gave out, he falls to the floor hard,"fuck!" He said quietly, Cookie runs to help him up, Shellington is placed on a bed,

He puts one arm over his face, it's only been a couple months since the incident, Cookie:"they told me wha happened" her eyes were pink-red from crying, Shellington(mind): *I told them not to tell her💢* Cookie:"can I ask you something" Shellington:"sure"

Cookie: "I get this warm feeling when I'm around Mimi, I tend to stutter sometimes, do you know what this feeling is? And what it means?" Shellington is crying and smiling,
Cookie is confused, Shellington:"Cookie sweetheart your in love, this is an entire new emotion your experiencing love at first sight"

Cookie:"😳.....EEEEEHHHHH?!?!?!...whoa! Hold a second!...your saying..that I...have a crush...on her?!" Shellington to happy that Cookie is experiencing a new emotion and he hugs her "finally a new emotion I'm so happy for you kiddo" he cries

Shellington wiped his tears away, he smiled at her, Shellington:"your a great kid Cookie, I'm pretty sure she feels the same way,
one day you and her will express your feelings about each other soon right now it's just a start on your love life, take it one step at a time"

-with Mimi-

Mimi is with her sister and talking to her parents on face time in her laptop 💻,
Mimi:"😭...what am I supposed to do, what if she's not into girls, I can't help but to feel embarrassed, shy and bubbly around her"

Mimi&Mins-mom(laptop screen):"it's ok sweetie this is just a start of your love journey"
Mimi&Mins-dad(laptop screen):"take your time, don't rush yourself, and if she is into girls maybe you might have a chance" Min;"It's ok sis things will turn out fine, I know it"

Mimi just smiles at her family that supports her for being lesbian, her family didn't care what sexuality she was, as long it made her happier, her dad is just worried about that 'someone' would break her heart and would never apologize about it, right now he just to happy and sad that his youngest daughter is growing up

Zan(dad-laptop screen): "😭my baby is growing up so fast🥺"
Lihua(mom-laptop screen): "😊, mind your dad girls anyways it getting late so we will talk another time bye" Min and Mimi: "zài jiàn/translation/bye" Mimi closes her laptop, and falls asleep Min sleeps as well, both sisters sleeping together on one bed, sharing a room.

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