Mimi's nightlight and reason why

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A/N: two weeks have passed and it the weekend, Mimi wanted to have a sleep over with Cookie and her new friends, their parents said yes and Cookie didn't mind the idea of having a sleepover, Kyle is in charge or making food, snacks and beverages,

Cookie was able to see their parents again, and they were happy to see her again, the parents also met Kyle, he told tells the parents in a private conversation that he is an undercover agent to protect Cookie from people that are after her and told them to not tell their kids about this, the parents agreed,

and he told them if anything happened to their children he is full responsible, and will do anything for repay them in case they got hurt, he will do anything to protect them, the parents will not blame him if their children got hurt or killed they know that he did his best at protecting them, -with Cookie and friends-

Emma:"so what's it like to be an octo-agent?"
Cookie:"we'll it's can be troublesome sometimes it's very interesting and fun"
Mimi:"I'm glad Shellington and Paani are now together" Emma:"their dating?!" Cookie;"yeah, I mean they've known each other for a long while" -11:30pm-

Everyone was sleeping, all except for Mimi,
They were all sleeping in the living room, the dark room alway made Mimi feel uncomfortable and feeling unsafe, she hides under her blanket, and starts to cry, everyone wakes up,

Kyle was in the other bedroom, his wolf ears were up and moving, Kyle:"who crying?"
Cookie:"hey what's wrong" Kyle:"alright what's going on?"

Joey:"we don't know", Mark:"she just started crying and we don't know why"
George:"we're trying to calm her down but"
Zack:"nothing is working" Cleo:"do you have a night light?" Juliet;"why a night light?"
Mallory:"maybe Mimi is scared of the dark"
Kate: "you could be right" Nattily:"isn't that just a phase that we're supposed be more mature"

Emma: "Nyctophobia it's common it is much more common in children than adults, but people of all ages can be afraid of the dark. Children and adults who had a traumatic or troubling experience in the dark are more likely to develop this type of phobia, especially if the event happened in the dark."

Cookie:"maybe something happened to her in the dark in her childhood and that's why she's always been afraid of the dark" Kyle bring in a night light, he turns it on and put it next to the living room lamp that is on a coffee table,

 Cookie:"maybe something happened to her in the dark in her childhood and that's why she's always been afraid of the dark" Kyle bring in a night light, he turns it on and put it next to the living room lamp that is on a coffee table,

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A/N: check out the Jellyfish 🪼 nightlight on this website: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Jellyfish-Lava-Lamp-17-Color-Changing-Electric-Jellyfish-Table-Lamp-Jellyfish-Aquarium-Tank-Night-Light/588947327

Cookie:"is this yours?" Kyle:"it's Shellington's"
Emma:"hold on Professor Shellington, used a nigh light?" Kyle:"yeah...it was the only way to get him to stop crying and sleep" Joey:"how come"

Kyle:"let's just say Shellington had an abusive life while living with his grandparents, and of course they were put in jail, Me and our sensei got full custody of him, and every single night he would have nightmares about his abusive grandparents, he would cry his eyes and heart out

Hearing him cry so much every night broke me , it shattered my heart and soul into a million pieces, So I bought him that night light to help him sleep and stop having nightmares, and it worked, he still uses it when he comes visit me and our sensei for the holidays or on his days off, he has another night light back at the octopod"

Everyone was silent, Mimi is completely zoned out, she just stared at the Jellyfish 🪼 night light, Cookie:"ok Mimi time to sleep"
Mimi:"can you sleep with me?" the way she said was to adorable and to cute, Cookie could help but blush a little bit, Cookie:"I guess it's fine" everyone's mind:🥺🥹😊😏🤩

-next morning-

Everyone else woke up, Cookies friends saw this⬇️

They took some pictures, Kyle saw this and he too took a picture of them sleeping together, Kyle made breakfast, the smell of pancakes woke Mimi and Cookie up, they blushed knowing that they slept together last night,

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They took some pictures, Kyle saw this and he too took a picture of them sleeping together, Kyle made breakfast, the smell of pancakes woke Mimi and Cookie up, they blushed knowing that they slept together last night,

-after breakfast- they did makeovers, went some shopping at the mall, bought snacks, watched a few movies, gossiping about anyone about anything at school, everything was fine until some one asked a question,

George:"hey Mimi I there a reason why you still use a night light?" Mimi:"😟➡️😔....this was before my sister became an octo-agent, my family and I were poor in a way, we lived in an apartment that was somewhat manageable, where we lived was a shady neighborhood
Some of the neighborhoods were friendly some others were very uneasy to deal with, we lived in Phoenix Arizona,

my parents were working two jobs, my mom worked as a cashier for a small food market and a waitress at a restaurant, my dad worked for a company janitor and he also worked as the assistant manager of a food truck that was always in the park....we were doing fine until that one night two days away from Halloween,

We decorated the apartment door to make it look nice and cool, we also decorated the inside, we had our costumes ready, three bags of Candy, snacks, sodas, classic Halloween movies to watch and food to eat, everything was fine, after me and my sister went to bed,
Later that night that when things got scary and traumatizing for me and a memory that will never be forgotten

It was late at night 2:30am I think and this event happened when I was 7 years old and my sister Min was older than me by six years, I got up to get a drink of water, little did I know I was being watched by an unknown person,

It was completely dark, we had a blackout the entire apartment building was black, I was bout to head to my room for bedtime again, but someone put there hand over my mouth, it felt weird and uncomfortable, I was trembling in fear, he told me to stay quiet or else I'll get a beating out of him, he reeked of alcohol and cigarettes, we went to the living room and he....

Started to touch me in places he shouldn't, he kissed me and licked me, *crying* I started to cry, the fact I had to deal with it i the dark with no electricity unable to see him, was very scary and traumatic, I couldn't hold back my scream no more (what her scream sounds like⬇️)

My scream woke up the rest of my family and the apartment neighbors, next thing I knew my dad tackled him to the ground, once the power came back on, I saw his face, the police came in no arrested the man on the spot, then court stuff, he was put behind bars for life without bail and without parole, ever since then I've used nightlights and a flashlight"

Everyone else:😰😨🫢😓😥,

Cookie hugs her, "it's ok I'm here for you" Mimi hugs her tightly, -moments later-
Everyone is asleep, Cookie holding Mimi close to her chest, *I won't let anything happen to her* she thought, now let's see what's happening to Shellington in the next chapter.

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