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dasom tossed and turned in her makeshift bed. she sighs and pulls the covers from her body, giving up on trying to get a few extra minutes of sleep. she had no idea what time it was since she gave up checking the time in this apocalypse.

she stretches before getting up and making up her "bed" the best she could. in other words, rolling everything up neatly next to her backpack and took out some things she, thankfully, had grabbed from her apartment last time she was there.

picking up her toothbrush and toothpaste, she lazily walks to the community bathroom. if you didn't know there was a monster apocalypse happening outside the first floor, you would've thought this was any other morning. people chatting in their small groups and passing by each other with little waves, yeongsu and suyeong playing inside the daycare, everyone going to their respective group jobs. it almost disoriented her.

she trudged to the bathroom, only letting out a startled gasp as she sees eunyu sitting on the bathroom floor smoking her cigarette.

she places a hand on her chest, "jesus, eunyu!" she uses her other hand to lean against the sink as eunyu chuckled mischievously.

"didn't think you got easily scared with your attitude." she smirked, puffing out a cloud of smoke towards dasom.

"i don't think you've noticed the monsters running around or anything, but i'm a little on edge because of that. so, yes! that did scare me!" dasom grumbles, applying the minty paste to her toothbrush before quickly brushing her teeth.

"i knew you were all bark and no bite, just wanting to act tough to put on a show. everyone can see right through you, y'know?" it was obvious eunyu was trying to get under her skin as she leaned against the sink and blew another puff of smoke in dasom's face.

she scoffed. if eunyu wants to play the "know-it-all" game, we will. dasom finished brushing her teeth before calmly turning to face eunyu, "that's funny you say that, eunhyuk told me that last night too." she smirked, lying straight through her teeth "matter of fact, you two have a similar mindset. it's a shame people like him more than you, especially with all his stupid rules. that must be really embarrassing, living in your brothers shadow."

that seemed to strike a small nerve in her ego, causing dasom to give her a smile, "don't dish what you can't take. i'm not the only one here who's all bark and no bite."

she picks up her stuff and exits the bathroom, not before hearing eunyu call her a "lying bitch". she heads over to her backpack and places her toiletries back into one of the pockets.

"dasom." the same monotone voice she knew too well called out to her. she peeked over her shoulder to see eunhyuk standing behind her, "you said you wanted to help, right?"

she had her full attention on him now as she rises to her feet, "you're going to send me upstairs?"

"my answer still stands firm on "no", but i need your help with something else." he pushes his frames up before stuffing his hands into his pockets.

she sighed in disappointment, "with what, then?"

"the speakers and alarms haven't been working for a few days, you seem like you know enough technology stuff to help." it seemed he was making up work. she hadn't been down here long, but she knew he was more than capable to do that on his own.

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