Ch.1:My Story

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My name is Melodey Elizabeth Black, and yes ,before you ask, my dad is Sirius Black. You know that "insane" wizard who supposidly murdered muggles, used unforgiveale curses, and used magic in the presence of muggles.

My mother was Merideth Marie Black, but she died giving birth to me so I never actually met her. I barley knew my dad where as he went to Askaban when I was three. I was raised by my Aunt Nymphadora Tonks and Uncle Remus Lupin. I'm not actually allowed to tell people but my uncle's a werewolf. My Aunt Tonks is an Andamungus, which means she can turn into animals. Her hair also turns colors depending on her mood. Mine does that too, but my natural hair color is black and it's curly. My yes are green. Walking down the streets as a kid people would always come up to me and pinh my cheecks telling me how cute I was. Some people still do that now. My aunt and uncle tell me that too. How pretty I've turned out to be or how smart I am or even as much as how proud they are of me they are and how proud my father would be too.

I really don't remember or know most if my family. I do, however, remember my, I think, second cousin Bellitrix Lastrange, she's a deatg eater. That means she works for the dark Lord Voldemort.

As I grew up my aunt & uncle told me everything and anything about the wizarding world. Fir example, they told me about Hogwart:rhe school of witchcraft wizardry, Gringotts: the wizarding bank, the ministry of magic, and all a few minor spells. My life was amazing growing up, and it got even better when I got my Hogwarts letter at age eleven.

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