Ch. 8: How Forgetful

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During lunch I caught Hermione up on my latest gossip.

"He sooo likes you." She cooed. Bad timing. "Who sooo likes you?" George asked sitting at the table, and my hair went pink. "Your hair turns pink a lot." Fred observed. "No really?" I asked.

"Anyways, Melodey we have to go to the library for new books." She looked at me like I was supposed to know this already. "Oh, right, I almost forgot." I went with it knowing there was a plan. We stood up to leave.

George grabbed my wrist, making me look at him.

"No stay. I- I mean we never see you and we need your opinion on a prank." He said. I looked at Hemione who was smirking. "Told you," she said "you can stay by the way, I'll see you later." She walked off.

I sat back down. "So what's up?" I said. I got this unnatural feeling that someone was staring at me. I glanced at the Slytherin table to see Jax looking at me. As soon as I looked at him he got up and walked out the door.

"Hey guys?" I looked back at the twins. "Yeah?" They asked. "Do you mind if I step out for a second?" I asked. "Are you coming back?" They asked worried. "Yes I promise." I assured them. "Okay then." They said.

I got up and left the Great Hall. When I turned the corner I found Jax waiting. "Do you wanna talk?" I asked "Cuz if so you could be at least a little normal and come up to me and ask."

"Well sorry I didn't want to interrupt you and your boyfriend." He said. "He's not my boyfriend. I replied. "Whatever." He said. "Okay, did you want to talk or be a git?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah, right. Sorry," he said "we haven't talked in a while." He said. "I know, not since the first day of classes." I nodded. "You have a great memory." He smiled.

"Hey Jax who are you- oh hey Mel." Draco said approaching us. "Is this how it's going to be every time we talk?" I asked Jax. "I hope not." He glared at Draco.

Before he had the chance to say anything I said "I have to get back to my friends, I'll see you around. I turned to walk away.

"Melodey wait!" He shouted. "What Jax please I need to get back, I promised, and if you know anything about me you know I never ever break my promises." I looked at him.

"I know, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. Sorry for being a git, sorry for not being there for you, sorry for being the worst best friend." Her replied.

"You're not the worst best friend, not even close. I just wish we talked more." I laughed. "Me too." He agreed.

"Jax let's go, we have stuff to do." Draco yelled from behind us.

I rolled my eyes. "See you around." I said.

When I say sat back down at the table both of the twins gave me dirty looks.

"What took you so long?" Fred snapped. "Seriously you've been gone for ten minutes and lunch is over. Why did you even bother coming back?" George sneered.

I was shocked by their hostility. "I promised you guys. I never break my promises." I replied. "Well maybe next time you shouldn't spend ten minutes talking to bloody Slytherin gits. Malfoys if that." Fred retorted.

I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. "Yeah, now I know better then to come back, let alone stay with you two." I mumbled. "Then it would teach those Slytherins not to mess with us Griffindors." Fred said.

"He's different." I whispered, but they were already gone.

I put my head in my arms and cried. I cried because my best friend doesn't have time for me, and because I just lost my other two best friends, and now I really don't want to be here. I want to go home.

I felt like throwing up. I got up from the tabke, which was now empty. I grabbed my books and walked out into the crowded hallway. I made my way past the twins, past Jax who have gave me worried looks, past all the happiness I once felt, and up to the Hospital Wing.

Madam Pomfrey was there to greet me. "Hello dear, what can I do for you?" She asked in a sweet voice. "I- I don't feel well," I stumbled "I-" Everything went black.

"Mel wake up, oh please Mels wake up." I heard a voice say. I wanted to tell them I would be awake in a minute, but I couldn't speak, and I couldn't move.

There was a bright light coming from somewhere an I followed it. I kept on following it until I opened my eyes to stare at a flat beige ceiling.

"You're awake!" Someone beside me squealed. I looked toward the voice. It was Hermione's tear streaked and puffy face that I found.

"Hey Mione," I said with a small smile "wait how long have I been here?" I asked worried. "There's no need to fret, you've only been out for two days." Said a different voice. It was Ron.

Right beside him stood Harry, Fred, and George. I looked back at Hermione, right next to her was Jax.

"Jax!" I said astonished. ""Of course, why wouldn't your best friend be here waiting for you to come back from the dead?" He asked jokingly. "Oh ha- ha I didn't die. I'm the outside at least." I said.

"Wai, what?" Asked Hermione. "Nothing," I looked at the twins "why are you here?" I asked coldly. "We want to make it up to you somehow." Fred replied sadly. "Ha. Yeah right." I said sarcastically.

"Please Mel, we're really sorry," George pleaded "but especially me." He added in a whisper. I rolled my eyes trying not to smile.

Madam Pomfrey came into the "hall" from her office.

"All out now." She commanded. Everyone left, with some protest, leaving me and Madam Pomfrey all alone.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" She asked. "Well that's debatable." I said with a weak smile. "What do you mean dear?" She asked pouring a strange purple- ish potion into a cup.

"Well my heart was broken by the read heads..." I trailed as I "watched" the memories flash through my head.

"Oh well when they found out you were here they seemed very worried," she replied "here drink this you'll feel better."

I drank the potion even though it tasted like a mix of cough syrup and gummy bears, not a good mix.

Making my way down to the Great Hall was, for some strange reason, super nerve racking. The corridors were very quiet since everybody was at dinner.

When I stepped into the Great Hall I automatically spotted Hermione. She spotted me too. She got up and ran to me, and when she reached me she pulled me into a huge hug.

"I was so worried!" She started crying again. "Oh, Mione don't cry, I'm okay." I said patting her back. "Well come eat." She pulled my arm. "No complaints there." I replied running after her.

After dinner, Hermione and I stayed up until 1:30 in the morning studying for a test the next day. By the time I wanted to sleep, I didn't even have to try. As soon as I laid down, I was asleep within two seconds. I was exhausted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2017 ⏰

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