Ch. 6: At the Dinner Table

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I walked into the Great Hall and was automatically spotted by Hermione. She got up from the table and ran to me.

"Oh my gosh, where have you been? I've been looking and asking around but nobody knew.  I asked Fred and George, but George just turned and walked away. It's there something going on?" She rambled.

"Well, I was crying my eyes out in Myrtle's bathroom, met her, and yes. George is a total git." I replied walking toward the table.

I met George's eyes from where I stood and wished I wouldn't have. He got up and approached us.

"Don't freak out. Don't tell or smack him. Just stay calm." I thought to myself.

"Hey Mels, listen I'm sorry for being a total git, I really am, I just wanted to make you feel better." He said. "Well you didn't." I replied. "I'm sorry Mels, I really am." He said again. I could tell he really was.

I sighed. "Fine I forgive you...I guess, "I smiled "Now let's eat, I'm hungry."

He smiled too. "Right this way m'lady." He said linking our arms. "You're so weird." I giggled. "I know." He replied as we arrived at the table started eating.

I looked up to the Professor's table and met Dumbledore's eyes. He gave me a small smile and a wink.

I smiled back even though I was bloody confused.

"Has Dumbledore talked to you about me?" I asked Hermione. "No, why" she responded. "Just wondering." I lied.

After we finished, we headed up to our Common Rooms. As soon as my head hit my pillow I was pulled under by the darkness of my dreamers slumber.

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