Ch.2: The Train

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When my uncle, aunt, and myself got onto platform 9 3/4, I was super confused. Mostly, because we had to run into a wall. Literally! Run head on into an ivisable barrier "on" or "in" the wall. When we got on the platform itself I had ro find a compartment to sit in for the ride. I chose a nice empty and quiet one. Then went to say goodbye to my "parents".

"I'm going to miss you guys soooo much" I said hugging them. "We'll miss you too sweetie, write to us all the time." Tonks cooed back.

"At least three times a week." Remus added. "Oh, I promise I will. I love you guys soo much." I teared up.

"Don't cry, you'll be home before you know it." They hugged and kissed me one last time before I had to get on the train. Even then I ran to my compartment and waved to them until they were completly out of sight.

A little while later...

I had been reading when I heard the door slide open. I looked up to see twored- headed boys sit across from me.

"Hi there." They said in complete unison, which I thought was kind of cute. "Hello." I simply replied smiling.

"I'm Fred Weasley and this is my got of a twin George." The one named Fred introduced. "I'm Melodey Black." I giggled. I decided that I should probably put my book away before they thought I was going to ignore them and continue reading.

"Hey! I'm not a git!" George said, a little late. Even though I had just met them, I could already tell them apart. Fred was a little bit shorter than his brother, and George's hair was just a tad bit darker than his brother's.

"Why is your hair pink?" Fred asked. I grabbed a strand of my hair, and sure enough it was bright pink. Great, I'm blushing.

"Umm, it just does that sometimes I guess." I trailed. I met George's eyes, who obviously didn't believe my tiny white lie.

"You know, it keeps getting darker." George pointed out. "Okay listen, my hair changes color depending on my mood." I snuck a quick glance at the boys, and they were smiling.

"That's awesome!" They, once again, said together. I smiled too. I thought they would have thought it was strange, even for a wizard.

"Well what does pink mean?" Fred asked. "It's a secret." I said mysteriously. "I mean I can warn you about all the other colors if you'd like."

"Alright what are the other colors?" Fred asked. "Well yellow is happy, blue is sad, red is mad, grey is scared, and black is depressed. I mean there is purple too, but I'm going to keep it a secret too."

"Why are they secrets?" George asked. "Well because I don't really want to say."

"Why not?" They whined. "Because it's a secret." I smiled.

We sat there talking for a good half an hour when the door slid open.

"Have you seen a road? A boy named Neville has lost one." A medium heights girl with brown curly hair said.

"No, can't say we have." Replied Fred. "Well alright then. I'm going to go change into my robes. I expect we'll be arriving soon. I suggest you do the same." She responded.

I got up and grabbed the bag I had put my robes in and followed her out.

"Oh, by the way I'm Hermione Granger." She said once we were walking down the aslie.

"I'm-" She cut me off. "Melodey Black?" "Yeah, how'd you know?" I asked

"I had an idea the first time I laid my eyes on you." She looked at me. "What?" I asked confused. "Well I heard a rumor that the Melodey Black would be joining Hogwarts this year." She simply said.

"What do you mean by the?" I asked. "Oh nothing, we'll see though." She replied.

When we arrived at Hogwarts I got off the train, said bye to Fred and George, then followed Hagrid, the grounds keeper, up to the school.

A lady named Professor McGonagall led us first years down the middle aisle of the Great Hall. I looked around and found the twins sitting at the second table. They waved at me when they saw me.

"Now we will sort you into your houses." McGonagall said. I stood with Hermione the whole time.

After the Sorting Hat sang it's song McGonagall started calling students up. When she called my name Hermione gave my hand a tight squeeze before I sat up on the tall stool. McGonagall place the Hat on my head.

"You're smart like Ravenclaw, brave like Griffindor, honest like the Hufflepuff, and cunning like the Slytherin. All traits from all houses. Very few have this...situation. Now, where to put you?" The Hat's rusty voice rang in my head.

"Not Slytherin for sure." I thought to myself.

"Not Slytherin, aye?" The hat paused "Okay then. GRIFFINDOR!" The Hat shouted.

The whole hall erupted with cheers as I hopped off the stool, have Hermione a high- five and went to my table.

As soon as I sat down, George moved to my side, and Fred across from me.

"Congadulations you were sorted into the best house ever!" Fred said. "Agreed!" George nodded.

Long story short, Hermione, the Harry Potter, and the youngest Weasley, Ron, were all sorted into Griffindor. While a rotten looking boy named Draco Malfoy was sorted into Slytherin.

I could tell this was going to be a great year.

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