Ch. 5: I'm Ready for Better

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It's been three days since I ran into George. I haven't talked to him at all. Actually, I've been completely avoiding him...until now of course.

"Mel, Mel's. Wait!" George called. I whirled around to look at him. "What?" I asked flatly. "Ouch. Why haven't you talked to me lately?" He asked.

"Well I've had nothing to say." I replied. "Not even a 'Hey' or 'Hi'?" George questioned. "Look George you're one of my best friends, but why would you want this?" I asked. My hair developed streaks of blue and red.

"Why are you so upset?" He asked. "Oh I'm not I'm just peachy." I said sarcastically as a year skipped from my eye and I turned and ran to the girls' bathroom.

I walked to the sink and looked in the mirror. My hair was all blue with streaks of red.

"Why is your hair blue?" A voice asked from behind me. I looked to see a girl with circular glasses and pigtails floating in the air. "You must be Myrtle." I said with a small smile.

"How do you know my name?" She asked with her head tilted to the side. "My aunt and uncle told me about tou." I replied as more years formed in my eyes and ran down my cheeks.

"Why are you crying?" As she floated down and say next to me. "Stupid boys, that's all." I said looking at her. "What boy?" She questioned.

"His name is George Weasley," I sighed "I think that I thought I liked him, like like him, but I dont know."

"So why is your hair blue and red?" She repeated. "It means I'm sad and mad." I replied. "Oh, does your hair do that for everything you feel?" She pushed. "Yes. If you don't mind me asking, why are you so interested in me? I mean, I don't want to be rude, I'm just wondering."

"Well you seem really nice, and I don't like seeing people upset, but every time I try to help they scream and run." Myrtle started crying too. "Oh, Myrtle, it's okay I didn't, I wouldn't, and I won't." I comforted her. She smiled at me, "really?"

"Really really." I assured her.

The bell rang which meant it was time for dinner.

"Sorry Myrtle, I gotta go, but I'll come back so we can talk more, I promise." I told her. "Okay, bye Melodey!" She floated off.

Well there's a plus, I made another friend. But how did she know my name?

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