Ch. 7: What Now?

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I woke up twenty minutes early and couldn't fall back asleep. So, I had enough time to shower, get dressed, do both my hair and make- up, and brush my teeth. With extra time to continue ready my book:

Hogwarts: A History

"Really Mel?" I heard from behind me. I turned around to see Fred. "What?" I asked. "You're being boring!" He whined. "Yeah? Well you're being a baby." I laughed. "Hmph." He pouted walking out of the portrait hole. "Oh, Mel by the way," he paused "George wouldn't shut up about you."

"What? Wait, when?" I questioned. "Let's see, last night, the day before, the day before...." He said. "Okay, okay I get it. So basically he won't shut up about me? I wonder why." I thought out loud.

"Oh yeah, I wonder why." He said sarcastically. I glared at him.

"Hey guys. What cha talking about?" I heard the other "Fred" say. My hair went pink. "Nothing." I said a little too quickly, right as Fred said. "You."

I gasped. I turned to look at Fred but he was gone. "You were talking about me?" George asked, obviously flattered. "Well, more or less." I said returning to my book.

"Oh come on Mels, you can't just say 'More or less' and end the conversation." He said sitting next to me. "Well I can, and I did." I stuck my tounge out at him.

'What did he say?" He asked. Not thinking twice I said "Apparently you won't shut up about me." I laughed, then realized what I said, making my hair darker.

"Oh, okay so he didn't lie about anything. So that's a relief." He said. "That's true," I asked "you won't shut up about me?" "Well you are one of my best friends." He smiled.

Ouch! I just got friend zoned.  I wonder if it felt like this when I did it to him.

"Thanks George, that means a lot. " I said going back to my book... again.

He took my book out of my hands and walked over to the fire place. "If you don't stop reading, I will drop this book in the flames." He threatened. "No!" I shouted "please don't George, you know how much I love reading." I whined.

He gave me my book back, "go put it away, and come eat." He said. "Jeez, yes father!" I shouted running up the stairs to the girls' forms.

When I came back down stairs George was nowhere to be found. Neville was on the couch so I asked him.

"Have you seem George around?" I asked him. "No, sorry." He replied shyly. "That's okay, thanks though." I said smiling.

Just as I went to step out of the portrait, I felt someone'sb arms wrap around me.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed. I heard laughing behind me and turned to face the person.

"George!" I shrieked "what the bloody hell?" I asked becoming mad. "Oh, well you ran upstairs I took the chance to hide so I could scare you," he said "you can't honestly be mad at me for having a little fun."

"No, I'm mad because you scared the bloody daylights out of me." I retorted. "Boo- hoo get used to my pranks you big baby. " he joked. "Ha- ha funny, just you wait Weasley, just you wait." I warned.

"What are you gonna do, lock me in a room with a bunch of books? Make me listen to you give a super long educated speech?" He mocked. "No and no, but nice word," I smiled "I didn't know you knew big words like 'Educated'." I said.

"Oh shut it." He said as we entered the Great Hall.

I glanced at the Slytherin table to see a sight I never thought I'd see....Draco Malloy beaming at his big brother Jax.

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