1. Orphanage

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That was one of the nights that I couldn't sleep and kept thinking about things, thinking about how to think as I looked out the window, watching as a small drop of water appeared, then another and another... soon it was raining heavily.

The sound of the rain hitting the roof was so loud, it might of been annoying to others but to me, it felt like music to my ears. I love rain.

Every other kid was sleeping while I stared out the window. Looking for something, some one out there and hoping they're looking for me too. It's been so long and they haven't found a home for me yet. I wonder who my parents are and why they left me here.

"Why're you not sleeping yet?" The boy who lies next to me asks, he's a new kid and has only been here for a few weeks.

His curly hair fell over his face as he sat up, his eyes glistening like a thousand stars under the light of the full moon. I wonder what his name is.

"What's your name?"

"What's your name?" He answers by asking me back. I look at him and he smiles at me, he looks much older than me.

"But I asked you first." I say half smiling at him, if Hellen knew that we were still awake, I'm sure she would have us punished tomorrow.

"You tell me first." The boy said, still not wanting to tell me his name. Why is he being so difficult?

"Alright, my name is Lisa. Now your turn." I wait for him to answer but he's only staring at his feet as a frown appears on his face.

"What's wrong?" I ask, curious and wanting to know his name.

"I... I don't remember."

"You don't remember your name?" He doesn't say anything but instead nods his head, sighs, and then looks out the window.

"Well, let's name you then." I almost sound excited as I tell him the idea and he seems to accept it.

"Alright then."

"Let's see. How about... Tom?" I look at him but he shook his head 'no' letting me know he doesn't like that name.

"Cory then?"

"Erm... No."

I look around the room and try to think of a name that will fit him but none come to mind. When I stare at him trying to describe his looks, a name pops in my head and I say it out loud enough for him to hear.

"How about Harry?" I hope he likes it, that name is classic and what some royals were called, which fits him best.

"You can call me that if you want." He shrugs. Why doesn't he like it? I mean why doesn't he want a name? He said he doesn't remember it so I wonder why? So many questions about him run through my head but I decide to lock them there and maybe ask him another time. It's not the right time tonight.

"Harry then." I'll still call him Harry because it's a beautiful name, I just won't throw it away. He's Harry.

We stay silent and listen as the rain pours.

"Harry?" I ask to make sure he's still awake so I can ask him the question that I need to know.

"Yeah?" He looks over to me and stares at my lips, waiting for me to speak again.

"How old are you?"

"I'm eleven." Wow, eleven. he's five years older than me.

"Really? I'm only six." He smiles then lies down. He's eleven. Most kids around here are so young when they're brought here—the charity school. I don't know what the name is because I can't read yet but all I care about is that this place contains lost children including me and him. My mind led me to Harry, how he got here and why? I didn't know yet.

I look over at him to see he's sleeping. I realize that I'm pretty tired too so I just lie down next to him and slowly drift to sleep with the sound of the rain mixed with his steady breaths.

• • •

It's been 3 weeks since they moved Harry somewhere else. They say Harry is a psycho but I don't believe it. I knew him long enough to know that he didn't kill Hellen. We've been with each other for 5 years but that day on his 16th birthday, they found Hellen's body in the kitchen and they blamed him for her death just because someone said they saw Harry in the kitchen with Hellen before she died.

They brought him to the doctor and they said that he had some signs of psychotic behavior so they moved him to the hospital.

No goodbye, no talking, they just took him away from me.

I'm sitting at the same window, the same bed and the same place that we used to be together. I stare at the rain and think about him. Harry and I were so close the last 5 years, since that night, we only talked to each other, we cared and shared everything together. He's the only one who was there for me when I needed someone and the only family that I had. Now he's gone. And I feel so lonely. Tears start to stream down my cheeks as I remember his face, the way his head fell back when he laughs and how he talks to me with so much care.

But he left me.

• • •

"Lisa, are you done yet?" Mother Maria calls for me from the door, I quickly put the last shirt in my bag along with my notebook and open the door.

"Are they here yet?" I ask, excitement in my voice, I'm getting adopted today by the Edward family and I heard that they're very kind. I'm so happy that I can finally have a family... again.

"Yes, they are, now hurry." Maria swiftly walks me out the door while other kids and adults say goodbye to me. I'll miss this place. I hug Mother Maria one last time before heading toward a couple who smiles at me as they stand near a car.

"Hello sweetheart. I'm Kristina and this my husband Robin." The woman says sweetly, she's so beautiful.

"Hi Mrs. and Mr. Edward. I'm Lisa." I say politely with a smile.

"Oh honey, you can call us 'Mom' and 'Dad' now." Robin says while picking up my bags and putting it in the back of their truck.

"That's right and now you're Lisa Edward. Welcome to our family." I smile brightly as I hug them both and get in the car, driving away. Not wanting to look back anymore.

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