2. It's Started

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5 Years Later

"Make a wish!" My mom claps loudly as she smiles brightly. I hold my hands together then close my eyes. What should I wish for? I've got everything that I want right here, right now. My loving parents, my best friends Liam and Nina, my lovely boyfriend Logan, so what am I missing? Well, not actually everything...

I open my eyes and then blow the candles out. everyone claps and hugs me as they give me their best wishes.

"I can't believe our daughter is sixteen already! It feels like just yesterday she was twelve years old." My mom softly speaks as she hugs me.

"Time flies Mom." I hug her back and everyone cheers then begins to eat the birthday cake.

After 2 hours of my little birthday party, Liam, Nina, and Logan say their goodbyes and head home. I've had a wonderful time tonight. Everything is just perfect right now.

I clean the house and say goodnight to my parents before heading upstairs and bringing along the presents.

I open them one by one and carefully place them on my desk. The gifts are amazing! Mom and Dad got me a car which is too expensive but they said wanted me to have it anyways. Nina bought me high heels but they seemed way too high. Liam gave me a high-five and told me he's sorry because he forgot to buy me a gift and finally Logan. He bought me a dress which would "look good on me".

I text them to say thank you and soon receive a text saying 'you're welcome' from them all. I texted Logan for about an hour before we both decided we were tired and said goodnight. I turned off the light and drifted into a deep sleep immediately.

The next day I woke up from my alarm clock going off so I shut it off. I'm  surprised when I see a small box along with a note saying 'Happy Birthday' on my bed side table. Who put that there? It must be Liam since he forgot to give his present last night.

I open the box slowly and a smile creeps onto my face. What is this Liam?! A pen? Why did he buy me a pen? Might as well put it to use to write in my journal.

I get up and wash my face, getting dressed and then walking downstairs.

"Morning Mom, morning Dad." I say walking towards the kitchen and grab an apple, taking a bite.

"Morning, honey." They both say as my dad grabs a cup of coffee along with some magazine and heads to the living room, sitting on the couch.

"Mom, did Liam come back last night?"

"No he didn't."

"Well, that's weird because I woke up this morning and had a present on my desk so I thought it would be Liam because he forgot to bring me a birthday present yesterday."

"Oh, what did he get you?"

"You won't believe this mom but he got me a pen."

"A pen?"

"Yes, I was surprised too." I say while laughing. I don't know if Liam is that sweet, he's not the type that would buy a pen as a present for friends but I guess he is now.

"Oh god!" My dad suddenly says and we both look at him.

"What is it Dad?" He walks towards us with a frown on his face that makes me worried.

"Read this." He put the magazine down on the dining table and I slowly read the title: "Orphanage in Southern London Burned Down." My eyes widen at the picture of the orphanage burning, I used to lived there. This is so terrible!

"Oh god." I whisper looking at the article, my mom seemed to be horrified too.

'At 4 a.m, an orphanage in Southern London was burned down by an anonymous person. Unfortunately there were no survivors...' I can't read this anymore. Whoever did this should be burning in hell!

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