5. New Place

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I open my eyes slowly, adjusting to the light as I sit up on the bed. God, my headache! I look around but realize that this isn't my room. Then the memories suddenly flash back and I remember last night, my mom and my dad..

I tried to hold back the tears that tried to escape my eyes, I'm about to get up when I notice that my feet are tied down on the bed, my clothes are different too. I'm wearing a white dress that fell to mid thigh, someone changed me and it was probably the man who took me.

My eyes widen as I watch the door open and the person with a black hoodie walks in, this time he's holding a knife instead of a gun. I stare at him hopelessly as he stands in front of me. I wonder why he didn't kill me yet?

"Who are you?" I ask, trying to sound confident, trying yo show that I'm not afraid of him though we both know that would be a lie.

"Lisa, you've grown up, a lot." He speaks in a raspy voice. I stare at him, trying to see what his face looks like under the hoodie.

"How do you know my name?" I dared to ask, the person slowly walks toward me and presses the knife against my chest. My eyes are getting hotter and I just want to cry, to scream at him to not touch me but I do nothing, I just sit there and stare at his green eyes.

"I know everything about you." His words send chills throughout my body, has he been watching me this whole time? Is he the person that tried to break my bathroom door? I let a hot tear fall down my face as I let out a sob and to my surprise, the killer wipes it away.

"Don't cry now Lisa, shouldn't you be happy you get to see me again? Have you forgotten me that quickly?"

What? My heart is beating faster against my chest and I try to steady my breaths.

"Who are you? I don't know you!" I scream in his face as more tears come out.

Slowly, he moves the knife away from me and brings his hand up to take off the hoodie. I'm holding my breathe as I watch him, I don't know him... His brown curly hair starts to cover his face and he soon brings his hand up to move it back, his pink lips curve into a smirk as he watches me.

"I know you know me, Lisa." I suddenly gasp and my hands start to shake, my eyes are watery again and my heart is beating harder and harder as I remember him.


"It's me, Lisa." He smiles. How can this happen? What does he want from me? My breathe hitches as I look at him with fear in my eyes, the thought of it makes me disgusted with him. He killed Mom and Dad.

"You killed my parents!" I yell and try to stand up but fail as I feel the rope holding my feet back.

"You're a monster!" How can he do this to me? He's my family... No, used to be my family. He's not the Harry that I used to know. 

This can't be happening, it has to be a nightmare and I need to wake up.

"Let me go!" I yell and try to reach my foot to untie it but Harry walks over to me and grabs my face, forcing me to look at him.

"Lisa, they're not your parents." His face is an inch from mine, I can feel his breathe on my face. They're my parents no matter what, even if we don't share the same blood.

"Yes, they are. You killed them." I let out a gasp as his big hand grips my face even tighter as he glares at me angrily.

"They're not your parents, they stole you from me, and I didn't kill them, I gave them my forgiveness." He's crazy, how can he say that he forgave my parents when he killed them? And how did they steal me from him? God, he's a psycho.

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