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TW: gore

"Everyone. Put your party ticket into the machine and you will get a party hat!" The voice exclaimed.
Test tube gave a look of disbelief.


"GRAB THE HAT OR ELSE!" The voice exclaims. Test Tube jumps up and reaches to grab the hat, almost dropping it in her surprise.
"Good! Now go have some fun :)" the voice says suspiciously. Test Tube didn't know what to do, so she just went along with it. Pepper patted her back.
"Don't worry, I'm with you. He does sound like professor Airy." She says. "Hasn't he trapped all of his students before?" Pepper asks.
"Yeah... I remember that, but that was years ago! They are still missing now! This could be telling us something. Maybe, THE STUDENTS WERE SENT HERE AS WELL!" Test Tube shouts in a whisper. Pepper nods quickly in agreement. They enter a room full of balloons.
"This reminds me of Balloon." Baseball states. Paintbrush nods. They hold Lightbulbs hand to make sure she doesn't run off.
"ALL I WANNA DO, IS GO TO A PARTY!"Fan sings. Test Tube quickly covered the boys mouth. She shushed him and pointed to the big blue monster on the stage. Blue was sleeping soundly.
"Shhhhh! Don't pop any balloons! Ok?" She says. They all nod. They all cross very easily. They were on their guard, ready for any surprises in this mysterious party. They go up a ramp to see a cake and a balloon on a string. In front of them were two big doors. Baseball tries to knock down the door with his foot.
"...well... now what?" Pepper asks. At that moment, a balloon pops. The sound of the balloon scares the group. They all jump with a gasp. They all turned to see Blue walking up and running for them.
"get the door... GET THE DOOR!! WE NEED TO GET THE H*LL OUT OF HERE! GO!" Paintbrush screams. Pepper had had enough. She had ruined her lulu lemon leggings, lost her best friend in the entire word, made someone sacrifice their life for her, and she's been trapped in who knows where with a creepy man who could be a creepy teacher! Her hands turned into fists. Her eyes filled with tears of rage. She wanted to hit something. Punch something. Her anger rushed inside of her. She stormed towards the big doors, her determination overriding the fear and confusion around her. She grew out of control. She couldn't hold in her screams in her head. And aloud as well.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" She screams. Then she stops in her tracks. The doors creaked open slowly, revealing a blinding light that made her squint. They all looked inside to see large blocks.
"Welp... thanks?" Fan says. They all run to stack the blocks to a tunnel way. The light from the tunnel way was faint, but it offered a glimmer of hope.
"COME ON!!! BLUE IS COMING!" Paintbrush shrieks. Blue busted the doors open and started running towards them!

 Blue busted the doors open and started running towards them!

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"Go! GO!" Test Tube exclaimed. They all ran up the blocks with Test Tube making sure everyone got up. At last, when Fan climbed up the last block, Test Tube followed right be hind with Blue behind her. Then, faster than a blink, Blue knocks down all the blocks and Test Tube tumbles down, catching the end of the tunnel entry just in time. She tried to keep a grip, but she couldn't! Blue was right underneath her, trying to grab her. Blue seized her foot and started to pull her down.
"Gah! AAAAAAAH!!! SOMEONE!!! HELP!!! EEEEEEK!!!" Test Tube screams at the top of her lungs. Fan hears this and turns around like the light of speed. He races back toward Test Tube, adrenaline pumping through her veins.
"EEEEEEK!" She shrieks. Fan tries to think of how to save her. Then, he remembered what she had said to him.

Flashback 6 years ago
Fan and Test Tube are 8 years old
"Don't worry Fan! Those bullies don't know what they're taking about! I'll be your brave warrior! I'll protect you from anything that comes our way!"

Flashback to 4 years ago
Fan and Test Tube are 10
"Fan! I'm not letting anybody hurt you! You're my best friend! I'll never let anything bad happen to you."

Flashback to the day before

"Hey Testy, what if I'm next?" Fan begins to say, but she stops him.
"I won't let that happen Fan. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me and I'd never forgive myself if that happened." She says all at once, not looking down from the bag off food she had found on the ground. She sounded very serious. Like she knew she had to be strong for him. Fan nodded, touched by her determination but also feeling the weight of fear. She turns around quickly and puts her hands on his shoulders. This made his face turn bright pink.
"I am NOT, letting anything happen, to MY Fan. Do you understand me!?" She exclaims seriously almost in a whisper.

Present time
Fan noticed that all this time, his girlfriend, HIS BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WORLD, has always protected him and provided him with the friendship he deserves. He did nothing but be by her side. She fought off bullies and helped him when he needed it most, but him? He thought he couldn't do anything, but he was about to prove himself wrong. After all these years of unwavering support, Fan knew it was time to step up and show his girlfriend just how much she meant to him. Fan jumped down from out of the tunnel and pulled the girls legs up so that she could climb up to the top.
"Wha- FAN NO!" Test Tube screams.
"I'm proving to you that I'm a better boyfriend than you think I am. Test Tube, I love you more than o love my phone- AH! GAH! AAAAAAAH! HOLY SH*T HE'S GOT MY ARM! AAAAAAaaaaah!" Fan screams at the top of his lungs as the hideous beast grabs him and begins to eat him alive. All Fan could say was, "I LOVE YO-" then, Blue rips apart every single body part from the boy. Gushy blood splattered everywhere. Organs from his insides splattered across the floor.

And just like that...

He was gone.

Test Tube had broken hee promises of keeping him safe. She had no words... she couldn't seem to snap back to reality. She didn't even realize Pepper dragging her through the maze tunnel. She had to make many turns to escape Blue, but eventually, they made it to the clearing were the was a fence. The fence had a tiny opening where the two girls crawled under to escape through the woods. As they ran through the woods, Test Tune finally was back to reality.
"Fan?" She says.
"I know it's hard to loose someone you love, trust me I know, but it's not the right time for this! Run this way, this is where the others are waiting!" She shouts. Test Tube obeys her commands.
Finally, the two girls made it safely to where the others were sitting. It was on a random log they had found lying on the ground.
"Where's Fanster?" Lightbulb asks, looking for the red haired boy.
"Dead." Pepper says sharply and quick.
"... oh." She says slowly with melancholy. Test Tube begins to sob. Paintbrush bats her on the back, along with Baseball. After crying for a while, Pepper finally speaks up.
"All right everyone. We need to find our way to Odd World so we can find the others. How long has it been since the field trip?"
"Four I believe." Baseball answers.
"Oh, great! They should still be there. It was supposed to be a week trip." Pepper says. "Now onward!" She announces. The group follows her towards who know where. The sun started to set as they journeyed deeper into the woods, casting long shadows that stretched out in front of them. Then, they got to a point they heard some ruffling noises in the bushes.
"What's that!?" The noice gets louder. The group huddled, together.
"Don't worry, I got this!" Pepper says, she pulled out some pepper spray and was prepared to shoot. As soon as the figure popped out of the bush, the whole group screamed and Pepper sprayed the spray like crazy. As for the figure, well.....

You'll find out in the sequel 😉

Tysm for reading through Chapter 1 of the Inanimate Insanity Rainbow Friends AU!🤗 I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and I will post the second chapter asap👍🏽

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