Day 1

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It was an original day for the Inanimate Insanity Middle schoolers. A field trip to Odd World was going to be a trip to remember. Buzzing around the bus was what they did. Fun rides, food, drinks, laser tag. All they could think of was there. The excitement quiet down though, as they went through a dark path. The next thing you know....




Pitch black darkness......

TW: blood, gore, death

"What! Where are we! This isn't Odd World!" Nickel exclaimed.
"Omg! What is this place!" Microphone exclaimed.
"We blacked out and now we are here. I'm so confused." Test Tube says. Everyone else was panicking. So many questions! Where were they? Who took them here? Were they going to die?! Suitcase breathed heavily. She was hyperventilating.
"Shhhh, calm down Suitcase. It's okay. We'll figure this out." Baseball says, comforting both her and Balloon. Then, a speaker in the corner turned on and spooked everybody.
"Welcome..." the voice spoke.
"WHERE ARE WE!! WHO ARE YOU!!!" OJ exclaimed, yelling at the speaker.
"I need your help. The more you help, the sooner you can leave." The voice says, the voice was deep and broody. They didn't like it.
"Oki then. We should probably have an introduction eh! Eh yoooo, I'm Lightbulb!" Lightbulb began to says.
"Enough you ignoramus!" The speaker yelled. Lightbulb went quiet.
"Not the time for games Lightbulb. Just do what the thing says." Paintbrush explained to their clueless friend. Then, they could hear something in the distance tumble.
"My blocks fell over...."
"Okay so! Let us out!"
"All you have to do is find them, and put them back. Then you're free to go. Good luck." The voice says. Then, curtains open and they are free to go and search. Everyone was still panicking and confused. Bickering filled the atmosphere.
"EVERYONE! Just get into groups and find the blocks! It's not that hard! Then we can leave... wait.... where did YinYang go?!" OJ exclaimed.
"It doesn't matter. Let's just go." Nickel says. Everyone scattered. They just want to escape, not thinking about the things that could be out there.
Test Tube and Fan decided to stick together.
"UGH! My phone isn't working... hey! My camera works!" Fan says.
"Oh great! Can you go live?" Test Tube asks.
"Mmmm, kinda. Only with the people who share this Wi-Fi." Fan says. Test Tube had an idea. She called up everyone.
"Here's the plan. Everyone, give me you your phones!" Test Tube starts to explain. Everyone gives her their phones.
"The phones can be like cameras! You know, so we can see if anything suspicious happens while we get things. My phone can be the spectator phone. Do you understand?" Test Tube says. They kind of did.
"Okay, so say I have fans phone in the corner watching what happens. I can check my phone to see if anything suspicious is going on." She says. Everyone understood and just listened to her.

Meanwhile, YinYang is wondering around.
"GOOD JOB! We already have 5 blocks! I told you if we just went on without those losers we would get out of here faster Yin" Yang exclaims to his brother. Yum doesn't reply. Then, they pause in their tracks. They here a noise. They didn't know how to describe it though. Then... there it was. A mysterious creepy figure in the darkness of the theater curtains.
"WHAT IS THAT!" Yin exclaims. The monster starts running towards them! Without another word, YinYang raced under a box they had found and hid under it. As soon as they go under, they were out of breathe. Blue stops running after them and just stands there. Existing. Breathing.


Blue walks the opposite way of where YinYang was. Then, it was gone.
Yin and Yang just jumped out the box, stacked the blocks, and went to warn OJ and the others.

A Trip to Remember| An Inanimate Insanity Rainbow Friends AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt