- WonHui - Teacher -

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- Jun top -

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- Jun top -


Wonwoo has been a single dad for a few years now, three to be exact. Today, like every morning, the father of the family sends his little child off to school, arriving at which he places a quick kiss on his son's forehead and lets him go off to play with his friends.

He's happy to see that his little boy isn't affected all that much by his mother's departure. At the age of six, little Jaemin seems quite happy to have only his father, and no mother.

" Excuse me, you're Jaemin's father, aren't you ? "

" Hello ? Yes, that's me, is there a problem ? "

" I'm Jun, your child's teacher, may I have a little chat with you ? "

Wonwoo doesn't really understand, since his son isn't the type to let himself be bullied, and Jaemin is too busy playing with his friends to bother another child.

Even though the young father doesn't know what's going on, he accepts and follows the teacher to a small, secluded classroom, where the two of them find themselves locked in.

" Well, if I wanted to talk to you today, it's to ask you if Jaemin has a mother. It's a personal question, I know, but yesterday's activity got me wondering. You don't have to answer me, of course."

" Jaemin does have a mom, but she left our lives a few years ago now."

" I'm sorry for your loss. "

" Ah no she didn't pass away she just disappeared from our lives overnight. Jaemin doesn't seem affected by it though."

" I had a little chat with him yesterday, I asked my students to create something and let their imaginations run wild, your son decided to draw a family portrait. He drew you and him and me."

" You ? "

" I didn't understand n'ont plus at first, but when I asked him he asked me to become the missing element in your family."

" I'm sorry he asked you that. I didn't think he'd ask for someone to replace that woman."

" It didn't bother me I just wanted to understand. Now that I've understood the situation, how about we get to know each other in more detail ? So that maybe we can propose to Jaemin."

The young father starts to blush, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't interested in his son's teacher, it's true that the man is really attractive and gentle, he knows he'll be able to count on him if ever there's a problem and he's keen to give love another chance so why not.

-> A few months later

Jun ends up at Wonwoo's, the two men have grown very close and both know they no longer feel friendly towards each other. Little Jaemin understands this and is very happy about it.

That evening, Jaemin sleeps at his friend Changhun's and so Wonwoo invites Jun to come and have a drink at his place, the teacher obviously accepting, always happy to spend time with the younger man.

At this moment, the two men are sitting on the younger man's sofa, drinking lemonade and eating a delicious meal prepared by Wonwoo.

" Wonwoo, I've been doing a lot of thinking, but I think that since we've known each other until today my feelings towards you have changed."

" What's that supposed to mean ? "

" Look, at first I had a visual attraction to you, right now it's a simple attraction. Your character, the way you act, your gentleness and understanding, your listening, your wisdom your kindness. Everything about you attracts me. I don't know if it's mutual. "

" It's totally mutual Jun."

The older boy smiles wryly, turns his head towards the younger and the younger does the same, the two boys' gazes catch and their faces move closer together, then it's the turn of their lips to meet.

There's nothing gentle about the kiss, it's immediately passionate and aggressive, Wonwoo's back quickly joins the sofa and Jun finds himself easily on top of him, the elder starts to move his pelvis while continuing to devour the younger boy's mouth.

Wonwoo begins to moan softly, his sounds camouflaged by Jun's lips, the heat in the room suddenly increases, one of Jun's hands naturally coming to rest on the younger man's crotch.

The younger man pushes Jun away slightly, and the two boys take the opportunity to catch their breaths.

" I don't want to make love on the first night, Jun. The younger boy's breath is taken away and his cheeks are flushed, but he's sure of what he wants and what he doesn't want.

" Alright, we're not going to do anything, though if you want I can still help you get that erection out of you, it's got to hurt a bit right ? "

Wonwoo hesitates, but finally nods, with this little movement confirming to his elder that it's hurting and that he'd like a little help to stop it hurting.

Jun smiles wryly, and gently removes the waistband from the boy's pants, then pulls down both the boy's garment and the young man's underwear to take hold of the boy's swollen crotch more freely.

" Wonwoo ~ can I mark you ? "

" Ah ~ if you want.."

Jun's smirk deepens, he begins to move back and forth over Wonwoo's crotch and places his mouth on the younger man's neck to mark him as he pleases, the younger man's whole body trembling with pleasure, his moans that were barely audible until now becoming extremely loud now.

Jun accelerates his movements and Wonwoo comes in the older man's hand with a long, drawn-out moan of pleasure, Jun also stops sucking and marking Wonwoo's skin to go and wash his hand in the bathroom.

While Jun is away, Wonwoo takes the opportunity to put his clothes back on, quickly finishes his drink and tries to calm the frantic rhythm of his poor heart, his cheekbones on fire and his emotions mixed.

Jun exits the bathroom and returns to Wonwoo's side in the living room.

" Jun, I want you to be more than just my son's teacher."

" I do want you to be my boyfriend Wonwoo what do you think ? "

" I think I'd like to be your boyfriend with great pleasure. "

" We'll change roles though, I'm Jaemin's dad and you're the mom."

Wonwoo blushes even more and Jun laughs, the little family is now complete and Jaemin's desire to have Jun as the missing piece of the family is now perfectly fulfilled.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

seven_carat455147 Here your request sweetiz I hope you like it, I didn't put any smut but I think it's great like this.

seven_carat455147 Here your request sweetiz I hope you like it, I didn't put any smut but I think it's great like this

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Happy Jaemin day !! I love him so much, precious dancer and singer of NTX !! ❤️🤍

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