- ShuaSoon - Scream -

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- Top Joshua -

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- Top Joshua -

- They're so adorable ~ -


Soonyoung is in bed, holding back a scream of fear, he's just had a nightmare and he knows he won't be able to get back to sleep, he looks at the time on his mobile, it's only two in the morning, the young man starts to scream and he takes one of his stuffed toys to muffle a scream in it and start to scream softly. He's fed up with crying and thinking about this event, which happened a few years ago, and it's an unbearable situation: he can't sleep since then, and it's making him feel bad.

The black-haired man decides to get out of bed and get some fresh air, and as he leaves his room he comes across Chan and Seungcheol, who seem to be debating a topic. The leader dancer approaches them, yawning slightly.

" Hyung. Did we wake you ? We're so sorry. " Say Chan slowly.

" No, don't worry Chan you don't wake me up, on the other hand don't stay up too late, you're going to be tired tomorrow for training. "

" You're right Hyung ! Good night Soon hyungie."

" Good night guys."

Soonyoung come to embrace Seungcheol and Chan obviously the two boys returns the embrace to Soonyoung, they soothe themselves and after this sweet moment the Seungcheol and Chan let go of Soonyoung and go to bed together. The black-haired boy decides to do the same - he knows he's not going to sleep, but he's going to stay in bed all the same.

He makes himself comfortable in his bed and takes his stuffed toy in his arms, scream a second time into his stuffed toy and scream once more, staying like this until all his tears have run out, when the dancer calms down it's around six in the morning, he hears the members waking up and making noise in the corridor, he decides to stay a little longer in his bed, his head in his stuffed toy.

He stays like that until he hears his bedroom door open, the black-haired boy slowly raises his head and sees Joshua, his best friend, arrive at his side. The older boy settles himself on the edge of the bed and strokes his younger hair.

" Show me your pretty eyes, Soonie. "

Soonyoung slowly looks up at his eldest, who sighs when he sees his boyfriend's tired, tear-filled eyes. Joshua's heart hurts, so he takes Soonyoung in his arms to make him feel better. The hugs they exchange are always the most satisfying.

The dancer positions his head against the American's shoulder and lets his body relax, Joshua slowly cradles his youngest and looks at the cuddly toy beside them. A gentle smile takes possession of Joshua's lips.

" Do you always keep my stuffed toy with you Soonie ? "

" Yes, it helps me calm down when..."

Soonyoung stops talking, he was really close to saying that he sleeps badly, to his eldest he absolutely mustn't say that to his members they'll worry and Soonyoung clearly doesn't want his eldest to worry about him for so little.

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