- SeokCheol - Impossible -

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- Seungcheol top -

( For the person who wanted this ship )


It's past eleven o'clock in the evening when Seungcheol prepares his horse in his royal stable, he's asked his best friend and faithful ally Jeonghan to cover him and this is what he does while talking to the castle guards, the prince wants to leave without anyone knowing for the only good reason that the one he loves is in a neighboring palace but their families don't like each other, Seokmin's parents don't like Seungcheol's parents and vice-versa.

So if the two boys want to see each other, well, it's during the night; if not, it's never, and in front of their families they pretend not to like each other.

Once his horse is ready, the prince leaves the stable, mounts his horse and rides away from the palace to a secluded spot in the forest. Seokmin is already there, waiting for him with his feet in the water.

Seungcheol climbs down from his horse with a smile on his lips, leaving his animal free and untied, and comes to stand directly behind his lover. He wraps his arms around the younger waist and places many butterfly kisses on the nape of his beloved's neck.

" It's horrible that we have to do this every time, we're not even allowed to love each other freely."

" Hyung you know that our two families hate each other, they've been rivals for a long time. Our love is impossible, at least normally. "

" I'm sorry but our impossible love isn't impossible love. Living without you is just not possible. "

" It's impossible for me to live without you too but if one day our families find for us we're dead. I get killed by your parents and you get killed by mine."

" Or my parents kill me and your parents kill you."

" Either way we'll die Hyung. Our impossible love really is. "

Seungcheol sighs, Seokmin senses his lover is sad so he removes his feet from the cold water, and turns to face his lover. He takes the face of the one he loves between his hands and places a kiss on his beloved's lips, Seungcheol's hands immediately come to rest on the younger back and the gentle exchange, turns into one of envy and desire. Seungcheol always wants more, which is why he sucks Seokmin's lower lip to open it, the younger man understands and slowly opens his mouth to let his lover's tongue meet his own.

This contact between their two pink muscles makes him shudder with pleasure, a slight moan escapes from Seokmin's mouth but this noise is masked by Seungcheol's lips.

Slowly Seungcheol lays Seokmin down on the floor, he comes and stands over him, he skilfully removes the younger man's clothes and takes off his own as well, he places lots of kisses all over his boyfriend's body and he starts to move his pelvis against his boyfriend's, the latter moans with happiness and he also strokes his pelvis when the desire becomes too intense, Seungcheol grunts with pleasure and then after a few minutes the two lovers end up coming together.

They slowly pull away from each other, go into the water for a while to clean up and have a little water fight, then when the sun rises they go home separately.

-> A few hours later

Seungcheol wakes up in his bed, having spent a wonderful night with his lover and returned to sleep. The young man wakes up and goes to the living room to say hello to his parents. He's surprised to see that Seokmin is there, on the verge of tears with his parents.

" What have you done to my son ? Why does he love you uh ?"

" It was your son who made him gay."

" My son would never do that."

" Hyung I told you our impossible love is really impossible. "

" Love..."

Seungcheol gently approaches his lover but his mother holds him back, Seokmin receives a huge slap from his mother on his cheek, the blow is so violent that he falls to the floor, the blond breaks free from his mother's hold and joins his lover on the floor, he wipes the tears that run down his beloved's face and takes him in his arms afterwards.

" Who told you about that ? "

" It's not important, Seungcheol. I'm deeply disappointed in you."

" I'm disappointed in you too, Mom, disappointed that you don't try to understand. You love Dad, don't you ? Then let me love Seokmin."

" It's not the same thing Seungcheol. "

" Why isn't it ? Just because you don't like Seokmin's parents, I'm supposed to dislike him ? That's ridiculous, the rivalry is between you, I don't see why it should affect us too."

" Because..."

" I don't want to hear your voice mom, I love him whether you agree with it or not, I wouldn't change my mind, my heart belongs to him and it won't belong to anyone else. I won't go back on my decision."

To seal his sentence, Seungcheol comes and kisses his boyfriend on the lips, in front of his parents, Seokmin doesn't really know how to react but he tells himself that for this love they must fight together so he kisses his lover back, he even deepens the exchange by sliding his tongue into his lover's mouth on his own. Seungcheol is surprised, since he's always the one to do this, but he says nothing and lets himself do it for the first time. Eventually, Seokmin pulls back and turns to his mother, his eyes shining.

" Mother, I won't stop loving Seungcheol to please you. If I'm happy it's because of him, if I smile it's because of him, if I've accepted my stepfather it's because of him. My heart belongs to him. "

" Your love are impossible Seokmin. You can't love him."

" Yes, I can, because I do ! I'm completely madly in love with him, yes I don't sleep at night just to be with him, yes sometimes I don't complete my tasks and I daydream because I'm thinking about him. Yes, I've missed a lot of family meeting just to be with him because he was sick. "

" Joshua would have been better for you."

" You don't know anything about my feelings mother, you're really disappointing me to want me to marry someone I don't love just for your own pleasure ! Besides Joshua doesn't even have feelings for me, he's in love with someone else, and you know it so stop. Seungcheol's best friend are better for him, and i'm better with Seungcheol.

" Seokmin..."

" Don't even try, I've listened to you for far too long now that's enough, I'm going to love only Seungcheol. "

" I disinherit you, you won't get the title of king, you don't deserve it."

" I don't care honestly. "

Seungcheol smiles proudly at his lover, gets to his feet and helps his boyfriend to do the same, then the two boys place their crowns on the room's table, interlace their fingers together, bend and run away from the palace together.

They will never set foot in their respective palaces again, and from now on will live their love freely. Seungcheol will keep in touch with Jeonghan, and soon the young man will leave the kingdom to live happily ever after with his boyfriend too. All impossible loves become possible loves. Everyone finally has the right to love whoever they want, without hiding. They're all free.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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