- JiHan - Together -

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My second favorite ship are back ! Eilliesa Here your request hope your going to like it ♥︎♥︎

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My second favorite ship are back ! Eilliesa Here your request hope your going to like it ♥︎♥︎

- Jeonghan top -


Months have passed, seasons have changed and Joshua's feelings are no longer the same, at first it was difficult for him to forget Mingyu, really extremely difficult, he honestly didn't think forgetting his ex was possible, and yet today after exactly one year and ten months, he's in the apartment of the boy he met at Chan's party, indeed the boy named Jeonghan has managed to reach the American's little heart, right now the black-haired man doesn't even think about his first love anymore, he only thinks about his future in Jeonghan's arms.

Today, Joshua is sitting on the blond man's sofa, all alone, the young owner of the apartment is not present by his side, he's in the kitchen preparing food for the two of them, tonight they've decided to chill to the max, a good movie they both enjoy, soft drinks they both like and a good pizza, Jeonghan finishes cutting pars of this delicious food so he comes back to Joshua in the living room. He places the two boxes on the coffee table and settles down beside the American.

" Aren't you going to get something to eat ? "

" I was hoping you'd feed me, but maybe that's too much to ask."

" Shuji-ya, you can't be serious ! You're not a child anymore. I'll only feed my child like this."

" We've been together for only a year and several months and you're already thinking of having children with me ? "

" I see a real future being built between us Shuji-ya. I really want us to be together for a long time, with a real house, pets... lots of things that will build a amazing little family."

Joshua starts to think, then finally decides to climb onto Jeonghan's legs. The elder doesn't really understand, but he likes what's going on; he puts his hands on Joshua's ass and starts to squeeze them, the American responds with a slight moan and starts to move his body against Jeonghan's. The elder grunts, his hands come to rest on the American's hips and he holds him in place. Joshua blinks and fixes his gaze on Jeonghan with a little pout.

" What's going on ? What's up hum ? I thought it was chill tonight ? "

" Aren't you the one talking about family ? If you want us to have one we'll have to try. "

" We've got plenty of time, we just need to get on with it now and today. "

" If you don't want me, you have to say it too Jeonghan, you know I understand perfectly if you don't want us to make love."

Joshua removes himself from Jeonghan's legs and sits back down beside the blond, he takes a slice of his pizza it's cold now and it tastes bitter, the general atmosphere in the room is cold and Joshua doesn't like it so he finishes his food and goes to bed.

Jeonghan sighs, quickly joining his boyfriend in bed and sitting on top of him, Joshua blinks and seriously wonders what his eldest wants now. The black-haired boy soon has his answer, as his eldest's lips meet his own and the boy's hands slide under his shirt. Slowly, the older boy's fingertips come to play with Joshua's nipples and the young American begins to moan.

Jeonghan leaves Joshua's lips and goes instead to kiss her boyfriend's exposed neck and collarbone, her hands come to stop torturing Joshua's nipples and they come instead to remove the shorts and underwear the American was wearing.

" I thought ~ you didn't want to do it tonight hum.. you didn't want me..."

" Are you kidding ? I want you all the time, you're irresistible baby, it's just that I didn't want you to force yourself to do it just to please me. "

" I really wanted to, it wasn't an impulse following our conversation, it was really wanted."

" And now it's wanting too ? "

" Even more than before."

Jeonghan smiles wryly and pulls away from his boyfriend, he gets up from the bed and simply removes his bottom clothes, Joshua puts his stomach against the mattress and waits, his boyfriend back on top of him in seconds. The older boy loosens the locks of his lover's hair and places many kisses on the nape of his younger's neck.

At the same time he lets his crotch rub against Joshua's entrance but he does nothing more than play, the American starts to lose patience, he grunts in discontent and when he feels that Jeonghan has his crotch well placed he puts his ass towards the sky and this makes Jeonghan's crotch enter his ass.

The American lets out a long grunt of pain, and Jeonghan smiles softly, he positions himself better inside Joshua and he starts to move, both lovers moaning softly.

" That hurts..."

" If you'd been less impatient I assure you it wouldn't have hurt."

" Ah ~ shit... you were taking too much .. time..."

" You're just... um, fucking impatient. "

" Like it's.. ahn ~ new ! Faster, please."

So Jeonghan speeds up his pelvic thrusts and he quickly slams into Joshua's prostate, this obviously makes the younger man scream, he senses his end is approaching so he lightly taps the mattress, Jeonghan knows this language so he comes and takes Joshua's crotch in his hand, while continuing his thrusts he moves back and forth on his boyfriend's length and after a few more minutes the two men come together.

Jeonghan withdraws as gently as possible from Joshua so as not to hurt him, then goes off to wash his hand in the bathroom sink and returns to his boyfriend, who has put his underwear and shorts back on and in asks Jeonghan to do the same.

The eldest does so and joins his lover in bed, the youngest rests his head on his boyfriend's chest and falls asleep very easily, Jeonghan soon joins him in dreamland.

-> In the middle of the night

Jeonghan wakes up because he hears a noise, he taps his side and he doesn't feel Joshua so he gets up from his bed a little in panic and he sees light coming from the bathroom, when he enters he smells a nauseating odor and he sees his boyfriend vomiting.

" Joshuji, is everything all right ? "

The American's only answer is to give his boyfriend a pregnancy test, and Jeonghan's eyes widen as he realizes the situation.

" Am I going to be a dad ? "

" Hum ! Believe me, the way I'm suffering it'll be the one and only child we'll ever have."

" It's only your first night being pregnant besides, the more days go by the more complicated it's going to get but I'm going to be here and I'm going to support you."

" Thank you Hannie-ya, you can help me up, I feel like I have no energy left."

" If we want another child I'll carry it. "

" You're silly."

Jeonghan and Joshua laugh together, honestly they're still looking forward to finding out what it's like to be parents.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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