The Run In

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I'm walking to class when Jace comes up to me. She is walking with someone. When they get closer I can tell it's Rain. She looks really excited for some reason.

Before she gets to me she says something to Rain. He smiles and walks away.

"Hey, Sid. I need tell you something," she gleams.

"Okay, I have to tell you something too, but you go first."

"Okay, well first of all, my watch stopped." She has a huge smile on her face that could light up in the dark.

"Oh my, thats awesome! Who is it?"

"It's Rain!"

"Are you serious! Wow. That's... wow. Good for you. He is an awesome guy."

"I know right! He saved me from getting ran over."

"Wait what?! Start from the beginning."

She told me everything that happened. From the time she got up to the time she landed on Rain. What can I say they are a cute couple. Her long brown hair, amber eyes, and small size is perfect for Rain. He is tall, has piercing blue eyes, and shaggy dark drown hair. Needless to say he is flawless.

By the time she is done telling me what happened the bell rings for class.

"Well we better get going. I will see you after school," I tell her.

"Okay, we will talk more. I want to here what happened with Liam," she smiled at me.

I gave her a false smile, hoping she will believe me and she does. I really don't want to talk to her about Liam. He is a good guy, but I don't like him like that. Well okay, he is really cute. I don't know! I just can't do it.

I walk into class and sat down. When class begins all I here is Charlie Brown speeches. I can't think so I doodle on my note book till the end of class. At the end if class my note book looks like a rainbow threw up on it. I walk out of my class to see Jace waiting for me like always.

"Hey," she says lamely.

"Hey..." I go to say back, but my phone rings.

I pick it up. It's my dad. What could he possibly want?


*Jace's POV*
I wait out side of Sid's class like always. When she comes out I say "Hey."

"Hey..." She could not finish what she was going to say. Her phone rings. By the look on her face it is her dad.

"Hello?" She said and the next thing you know she hung up with a scared look on her face.

"What's wrong girly?"

"I have to go, like now!"

"Wait! What's wrong?"

"My dad called and said he found my brother."

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