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"River?!" They asks in unison. That must Bex and Parker. River told me all about them. Bex is about six foot and Parker stands at five ten. Bex has blond hair and brown eyes. Parker has brown hair and blue green eyes.

"Hey guys," he said lamely.

"Oh my God it's so good to see you!" Parker gives him a huge hug. "And who is this?" She looks at me.

"This is Sid, my soulmate," he smiles at me.

"Hi," I say lamely.

"You're so cute," she tells me.

"Thanks," I say shyly.

"Come in River. Come in," Bex says.

We enter the house. What a lovely house. It's big and full of tiny kids. There are about two other kids.

"River," they yell.

"Aadian! North!" He yells back at them. They give him a hug and ask who I am. He tell them I'm his special friend. They give him a look like they understand and run away laughing. Awe they are so so cute.

"What brings here River?" Parker asks.

"We ran away from Sid's father. I thought you guys could let us stay until we get back on our feet. We won't be long. I promise."

"I don't know River," Bex said.

"Oh come on Bex! We have room and they could be help around the house," Parker pleads with her husband.

"Okay, fine, but until then," Bex agrees.

"Oh thank you," I say.

"Yes, thank you," River smiles.

Parker shows us to our room. It was River's old room.

"It's nice to be home," he says.

"Well you are welcomed as long as you help around the house," Parker smiles then leaves.

"They are so nice," I tell River. You are luck to have a foster family like them.

"I know," is all he can say.

The room is really nice. It's big with a queen size bed put off toward the window. The walls are a calming blue, green color. There are posters of surfers here and there. I guess they didn't want to take them down when River moved out.

"It's getting late. Lets go to bed. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow," he kissed me.

"You're right," I kissed him back.

I changed into a blue superman shirt that came just above my knees. River dove into bed with boxers on, I followed. He is right we are going to have a long day tomorrow. I plan on helping with the kids and River is going to help Bex with some kind of man thing. I don't know. All I know is we are starting over and going to make the best of it.

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