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*River's POV*

I woke up the next day with someone yelling. What the heck! Can you stop yelling? I'm trying to sleep! I opened my eyes to see who it is. I kind of freaked out. I have no idea were I am. There is a girl next to me being shake fiercely.

"Okay, I'm up! Stop!" She yells at the man. He comes over to me and starts to shake me, for me to get up. That's when I realize I'm at "home" with Jake and my sister.

"Okay, okay I'm up," I say in a sleepy voice. First of school, yay. I got all my classes with Sid, should I call her that? I don't think I've earn the right to call her that yet. Anyway, that way she can show me around school and I would not be alone.

"Umm... could you get out so I can get dressed? There is a bathroom around the corner, so you can use it. Just don't mess anything up! I try to keep it as clean as I can and if you mess it up, you're cleaning it to perfection," she said in a sleepy serious voice.

"Uh, yeah sure." I walk out of the room and close the door behind me. We I turn the corner there is a small bathroom. As I walk in I can see she is very organized. Everything is perfectly set up for this small bathroom.

When I'm done getting dressed I head back to the room to get my backpack. I knock on the door that way she knows it's me.

"Yeah, come in River. I'm done getting dressed."

I walk in to see her putting her hair up in a high pony tail. Her dirty blond, honey as I like to think of it, hair reaches the middle of her back. She is wearing blues jean shorts with a black lacy tank top.

She looks cute, for my sister. Okay, I should not think like that, but still.

"Ready to go?" She ask me.

"Uh, yeah. Let's go," I try to sound normal.

"Alright, just when we get out if this room... book it. And don't stop and talk. Okay?" Seriously?

"Why?" I ask trying not to be mean.

"Just do it. I'll expand on the walk to school."

I nod my head and follow her. Wait did she say walk to school? We have to walk? Well, I hope it is not to far.

We almost sprint pass Jake.

"Hey," he says to me. I look at Syndelle. The look on her face says keep walking. I start to walk away.

"Hold on. How was you sleep? Are you comfortable? Just let Sid know if you need anything."

"Hey! I'm not your slave! He can do it himself!" Syndelle yells at Jake. He gets up and moves towards her. I know he will slap her, maybe worse, so I move in front of her. He does not see it coming. He slaps me across the face.

"What the hell! Get out of my way, so I can give her what she deserves!"

I look at Syndelle, "Run! I'm right behind you!"

She runs and I run after her. Jake comes after us, but he stops just out side the house. Good we are safe for now. She slows down and starts to walk.

"Ughhh! Man I hate that guy! Oh, thanks for standing up for me, but you didn't have to. I can handle it."

"No, I can't see you get hurt like that. That's so unfair."

"Hey, Sid! Who is this?" She wiggles her eyebrows up and down.

"Hey, Jace! This is my brother Rain."

"Hey," I say.

"I didn't know you have a brother."

"Yeah, nether did I," Syndelle sighs.

We walk the rest of the way to school is silence. I followed Syndelle around school the whole time. She has a couple classes with that girl named Jace. She looks at me most of the time. I think it's really weird. Anyway, school was boring and I can't wait to get "home." Man do I miss my other family. I mean Syndelle is cool and everything, but I miss California.

"Hey, Jace and I go to the alley after school everyday. You wanna come," Syndelle asks.

"You know what that sounds like fun. Sure why not." I'm kind of exited. I have not made any friends yet, but that's okay I like Syndelle and her friend.

We get to the alley and I start to have fun.

"How can you afford this?" I ask Syndelle.

"We get in free. We go here everyday and when we are done having fun we help clean."

"Oh, that's cool."


We hangout for a couple hours eating pizza. When we are done we clean. I had a great time. Now we have to go home. As we walk home Jace says goodbye and heads in a different direction.

"Rain we have to sneak in, so be quit."

"Alright, Syndelle."

We sneak into the house without making a noise. As soon as we get into our room Jake comes in to 'check' on us. We act like we are asleep and he walks away.

"Oh, that was close," She says relived. "Well, goodnight."

"Goodnight Syndelle."

"Call me Sid," she says with a smile.



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