Chapter 4 - Things Happened While You Were Gone

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November 14, 1987

"Wheeler, let's get going.  The party starts at 8 and it's going to take at least 20 minutes to get there since it's in Loch Nora."  Max was sitting at Mike's house waiting for him to get ready.  Mike came out in tight ripped jeans, a long sleeve t-shirt, and a hooded zip sweater with a leather jacket thrown over it.  Mike's hair was just past his ears and was wavy.  "Okay, just give me a moment."  Mike put on his black Converse and grabbed a flashlight and put it in his pocket.  He shut and locked the door and followed Max out along the dirt road leading out to the outside world.  "Do you have the stuff?"  Max pulled out a baggie and showed Mike.  "I don't have the allowance I used to have Max, so I'll pay you back Monday."  Max laughed "absolutely not Wheeler.  No pay, no fun for you Wheelie."  Mike was angry he didn't have money to pay Max.  He needed this to help relax from all the drama in his life the last 2+ months. 

As Mike and Max walked, Mike realized something.  "Isn't the party at McLaren's house?"  "Yes it is Mike, you know that dingus."  Mike pushed on Max causing her to almost fall "yeah, this will be our first party since 86'.  We used to be invited to all these things, now we can only get in when the whole school basically is invited.  What the heck happened?"  Max turned serious "Vecna happened along with the Hellfire Club.  We should of stayed out of this last fight." 

Mike knew Max was right.  Mike and Max lost friends and loved ones and paid high prices to rid Hawkins of the threat of the Upside Down.  "We should of, but if we did who else could of ended the threat.  El was going to be dragged into it no matter what happened.  I couldn't let her fight it alone."  Max became quiet as El was mentioned.  When they got closer there were cars parked all over.  The two entered the backyard and went to the drink table.  Mike grabbed two red cups and filled them with beer.  As Mike handed Max her cup a burly guy in a green Hawkins letterman bumped into Mike.

"What hole did you crawl out of Wheeler?  Oh, and you brought that bitch Max with you."  Max gave a dirty look and a middle finger to James and he turned back to Mike.  "What's your problem with us James?  We used to be friends."  "Oh we used to be Michael back before your band of freaks started to mess with forces you don't understand.  After Troy was sucked up into that creature Max's brother was working for, I figured out you guys are bad for a guy's well being.  The only one who got smart eventually was Sinclair.  He was right to dump you two losers.  He probably didn't want to end up like Henderson.  Heck, even that fairy Byers was smart enough to move away from your influence.  Why don't you two leave before some poor schmuck gets involved with your schemes." 

Mike was pissed "fuck you James.  You don't get to talk about my friends like that."  He pushed James "you don't want to do this Wheeler.  You will get hurt."  Some other jocks seen Mike and James in each other's faces "are you ok Dante.  These trailer trash aren't bothering you are they?"  The one guy asked.  "We aren't trash you inbred piece of shit."  Max was ready to fight.  "Ohh, Mad Max suits you well.  Too bad your big mouth doesn't scare anyone.  Your brother is dead and Sinclair wants nothing to do with you.  What, do you think this skeleton will help you."  The boy named Dave McLaren pointed to Mike.  "I think you two should leave before an accident happens.  I am warning you since we used to be close."  Mike and Max drank the rest of their beer and left to go home.

Lucas sat at the back patio door watching Dave, James and Eric confront his former friends.  Lucas, Mike and Max were some of the most popular people in their grade in 85-86 until the Upside Down hit again.  Lucas didn't want to risk his newfound status as a member of the basketball team and life trying to fight off the democreatures who caused the earthquake.  He thought that Jason was right to blame Eddie Munson but he declined to help him look for Eddie because Dustin could be there.  Lucas was mad that Max started to pull away from him when Billy died by the meat flayer's hand in 85'.  Max refused to get over Billy and no matter what Lucas did she pushed him away.  El and Mike took Max's side and Lucas picked his own.  Max was almost put into a coma when Mike's plan to fight Vecna failed but Mike saved her at the last minute with music and El.  After El died to defeat the Upside Down and Vecna, Max and Mike got closer and Lucas gave up on her when he seen Max clinging onto Mike after El died.  Lucas decided that he would find someone else because he was tired of being rejected by Max.  The town blamed the Hellfire Club for the earthquake.  Later on Mike and Max were blamed also due mostly to Jason and his team listening to James Dante.  Lucas had a side to pick and he picked the side that would give him the best chance of keeping popular and giving him a future outside of high school.  That side was the basketball team. 

Lucas was glad Max and Mike left the McLaren's house or else half the jocks would beat the crap out of Mike and Lucas didn't want to see Mike getting hurt.  He still had feelings for both of his former friends.

"I'm sick of being the girl who came back from my depression.  Everyone thinks we are some freaks when we are really cool.  This town wouldn't be standing if it weren't for your efforts Wheeler.  They owe you some respect."  Mike agreed "Yeah, we used to be part of the popular crowd until Eddie Munson and Hellfire caused problems with the popular crowd, and Dustin got us tied up with helping Munson and fighting Vecna.  Do you want to watch a movie or something?"  Max shrugged her shoulders "not tonight.  If you don't mind I want to go home."  Mike nodded "just don't smoke that without me."  Mike pointed to her pocket.  "Don't press your luck Wheeler." 

The two walked back to Forest Hills Trailer Park where both Max and Mike lived.  Two months ago Mike lived on Maple Street in their suburban home.  That ended when Ted divorced Karen suddenly.  His lawyers helped him get full custody of Holly and almost all of the money.  His Mom got little and now they live in the trailer park.  The good news is she isn't arguing with Ted anymore, and she'll get her divorce settlement money in 2 years. 

She had to get a job and now she is out working her weekend job at a Supper Club on the outskirts of town as a cook.  Mike came into the house and it was 9 PM.  The trailer had an attached entryway where you could leave your coats and shoes.  There was also room for the computer desk and computer the Wheelers once owned but now Mike has.  Mike decided to fire up the IBM pc and play the new game Mike bought but never got to play.  The game was in a yellow box and was called Swords and Potions.  Mike opened the box and inside was your typical floppy disk, game manual and registration card. 

Mike noticed a piece of carefully folded paper with the other things.  Mike unfolded the paper and saw a note and a drawing in colored pencil underneath the note.  Mike read the note.

Dear Mike

Thank you for purchasing our game.  Bob and I hope you have as much fun playing it as we had developing it.  If you want to talk about the game or anything else, please write to me.  I would like to hear from you again. 

Will Byers
BW Games

Below was Will's address in Bloomington and a drawing of a Paladin and a Cleric.  Will's style improved a lot from the last drawings Mike had in his binder.  Bob and Will Games.  This was alot for Mike to take in.  Will must be doing good if Bob and him are selling computer games across the country.  Mike didn't want to think about Will at the moment because there were things he wasn't very proud of.

As Mike fired up his computer, he started the game as he read the text on the screen.  The game was a cross between D&D and a Choose Your Own Adventure book.  The game was cleverly written and grabbed his attention.  Mike played for about 2 hours when his Mom came home.

"What are you doing on the computer Mike?"  Karen came home with two plates covered in Saran wrap with food from work.  "Uhh, I'm playing a game I bought 2 months ago and never got to play.  Do you want to hear the best part?"  Karen put the plates on the folding chair as she put her coat in the closet.  "What is it dear?"  Karen said mildly interested with a helping of exhaustion in her voice.  "Here, read this." 

Mike handed the note to Karen and she read it.  Her eyebrows arched up as she looked at it.  "So Will Byers developed your game.  You owe that kid an apology for the way you acted the last time you seen him.  You were so close to him and all of a sudden you ignored him.  Write to him."  Karen said in a command instead of a request.  "I..I don't know Mom.  I treated him like crap, but I can never tell him why I did.  I guess I was trying to forget him and move on.  What do I tell him without having to explain to him what I did?"  Karen sat in another chair she had in the entry.  "I understand it was painful for you when he left with all the things you two went through.  I also know he is the sweetest and most forgiving person for his age.  He is basically asking for you to communicate with him.  I think you should write to him and see what happens.  The worst that could happen is that he wants an explanation.  I think he wants to talk to you and he is giving you a chance, take it."  Mike thought about it. 

"I'll think about it Mom."  "Good honey, now don't stay up too late."  Karen went into the house and Mike stared at the drawing.  "I miss you too Will."

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