Chapter 7- Getting to Know You Again

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The next morning at 9, Will, Mike and Max woke up. Mrs. Wheeler left for work and the three packed up for the trip back to Bloomington. Will picked up Max at her trailer and they left Hawkins without any incident. Will was happy to see the Leaving Hawkins sign because it was no longer home.

The Kraco stereo was playing some mix tape Max made while the three teens made small talk on the drive. "I haven't been in this car since that time we went to that Pumpkin field where Hopper got lost." Mike made Will wince. "Sorry man, I forgot how that night was for you." Mike remembered full well, he was trying to broach a sensitive subject so Will would open up. Mike cared for him, which is why he pushed him away. Mike thought pushing Will away would protect himself by not being pulled into watching Will being attacked and tortured every year. Mike would lose his mind if he had to see Will go through what he did with the Mindflayer again. "Don't worry about it Mike. I was glad you helped me through that time. I'm sorry you both got dragged into my mess with the Upside Down." Mike looked at Will "it wasn't your fault Will. You were a victim like we all were." Max agreed with that assessment.

When the trio hit Bloomington they were starving. They stopped at McDonald's where they loaded up at fries, burgers, and nuggets. "Keep out of my McNuggets Wheeler. I only have 8 of them. I'm not eating on your Big Mac am I?" "I can get you a 6 piece if you want it." Will went to the counter to order a 6 piece while Mike and Max stayed back. "I remember when he was the poor kid." Max quipped. "Yeah, he was so shy he wouldn't ask for anything if it killed him. I loved buying him stuff." Mike was thinking back to the hangouts when they were young. "You can miss him you know. I don't know him as good but I can see why you liked him." Will returned with the nuggets. "Do you guys want to go to the mall after this?" Mike and Max nodded yes. "Good. Maybe we could see a movie." Mike thought back to stabbing Will's feelings with seeing a movie with his friends and not inviting him with. "Yeah, I could go for that."

Will drove his old friends to the College Mall. When he parked his green car he turned to the two best friends. "Complements of Joyce." Will handed each person $20. "Thanks Byers. I think I love Joyce." Max shouted. "Yeah, thanks man."

When going into the mall, Max went to a music store and the boys followed. In the store Will noticed two classmates. "Yo Byers. Who are these two people? Did you notice how the one looks just like Ziggy." Mike's ears perked up "who is Ziggy?" Will saw Lila come toward them. "Will, are these friends of yours?" Max asked. Will introduced the people to each other. Max, this is Jackie and this is Lila Lasnesky, who I am in Decathlon with. Lila and Jackie, meet Max Mayfield and Mike Wheeler, my friends from Hawkins." The 5 made small talk and seemed to get along good. "So you skateboard Mayfield?" Jackie and Max started to get in a conversation about skateboarding. "So, are you guys hanging out then? Going to a movie?" Lila asked Will. "We're thinking of seeing a movie." Lila brightened up "do you guys want to go with Jackie and I to Less Than Zero." Will looked at Lila "it's up to Mike and Max since they are my guests." Max heard "Yes, we'll watch it. I wanted to see that movie." Lila looked at Mike and back to Will "boy would Ziggy freak out if he saw Mike." Lila smiled.

Mike stared at Will and wanted to ask who Ziggy was, but he knew he had no right to ask after him being friends with Troy and the other popular kids. Mike was slightly jealous Will knew people other than him. "We'll see you at the theatre in an hour." Max agreed along with Will, and Lila and Jackie left.

Max and Mike looked at music while Will kind of stood back and watched them to get a read on them. Mike and Max talked back and forth like Will and Mike used to do. Will noticed he was replaced by Max in Mike's mind as his best friend. Will couldn't help but to feel slightly jealous even though they were apart for a while. Will was pleased that Mike and Max had each other because life gets lonely sometimes. "Are you ready Byers? We're leaving." Will noticed he was daydreaming. "Yes, sorry." Will left with the two.

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