Chapter 8 - The Encounter

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Will awoken on the floor of his bedroom.  Mike and Max were asleep on Will's bed as Max couldn't take sleeping on the floor and Mike was too thin to be comfortable on such a hard surface.  The three ate at The Laughing Walrus and played the old-time games there.  Will even bought Mike and Max t-shirts from there.  It was like the old days when they had no cares in the world.  Will laughed at Mike trying to make baskets on the mini basketball game because he couldn't connect even though he is tall.

It was 6:55 am and Will decided to wake up since he couldn't sleep anymore.  He went downstairs and checked through the mail basket Bob had set up for game orders.  He had one order to fill in it so he went to the Computer annex and filled the order.  After 15 minutes of checking things out he went back into the house to relax.  In 6 hours Bob and his Mom will be back home.  Ziggy and his family went to Chicago for Thanksgiving so he probably will see him Monday.  Will turned on the TV while he found a pen and some paper.  He doodled some stuff while he thought about Mike's ideas on the next game.  Will ate some cereal thinking about his future.

It was 11 am and Will was tidying up the living room when he heard a set of footsteps come down.  "Will, how long were you up for?"  Max asked as she came into the kitchen.  "I was up since 7.  I couldn't sleep anymore."  Max looked at Will "are you having nightmares anymore?  This is the first time I gotten good sleep for a really long time.  Your house is very nice and I feel comfortable here."  Will smiled "I'm glad you slept so well.  Do you want me to make you something to eat?"  Max grinned "you don't have to Byers.  Cereal is good enough for me."

Will had a plan "I'm hungry too.  I want you to try something if you want to.  In 30 minutes we can eat if you are up for it?"  Max nodded yes.  She grabbed a soda from the fridge and sat in front of the TV.  Will made some biscuits and some white breakfast gravy.  Bob 3 weeks ago smoked a turkey with a homeade smoker he made.  He had a Ziploc bag of smoked turkey in the freezer he heated up in the pan.  After 30 minutes he set out paper plates and dished up brunch.  Mike came down the stairs at that moment.

"Bon Appétit."  Mike, Max and Will tore into the biscuits and gravy with turkey and enjoyed it.  "This is so good Byers.  We will have to come over more often."  Max said while Mike agreed.  Will was happy to see them eat so well.  Will started to clean up while the rest went to change into their clothes for the day.  When they all were done, Will came down dressed up also.  "Where do you make the games Will?"  Mike noticed Will didn't have a computer in his room.  "Bob and I made a shed out back for computer stuff.  I'll show it to you."  The three went to the Computer annex.  "Wow, I never saw so many computers in such a small space.  Is this where you made the game?"  Will nodded "mostly.  We fill all our orders from here."  Max looked around and the three went back to the house.

After hanging out for a while; Bob and Joyce came home from the airport.  "Oh hi Mike, are you doing well?"  Joyce asked Mike.  "Yeah Mrs. Byers, oh, I mean Newby.  I am glad to get to see you again."  Mike and Joyce hugged while Bob was talking with Will.  "Hi dear, are you Mike's girlfriend?  I'm Joyce Newby, Will's Mom."  Max laughed "I'm Maxine Mayfield, but everyone calls me Max.   We met before in 1984 during the events of that fall."  Joyce turned her eyes up and thought "I remember you now.  You hung out with the boys back then.  I didn't recognize you, sorry.  Come here."  Joyce gave a hug to Max.  "I'm glad to see you again."  Bob and Will joined in while Joyce and Max talked to each other.

"Mr. Newby, Will showed me a computer game he was working on.  I wanted to say I really enjoyed Swords and Potions alot.  Your building out back is really cool."  Mike was telling Bob while he smiled.  "Well thank you Michael.  I'm glad you approve." 

The 3 guys talked about games while Joyce and Max were getting ready to go somewhere.  "Uh, Bob and Will, we are going out to the mall.  We're having a girls day."  Joyce seemed happy having another female presence around.  "Yeah, see you later loser."  Max told Mike as she left with Joyce. 

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