Chapter 14- End of the Book

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Friday, May 5th 2017

Mike Wheeler was sitting in the lobby of Terraware, the successor company to BW Games.  He was waiting for Will to come down from the meeting upstairs.  This meeting determines the future of Terraware and his financial future.  Mike couldn't take part in the meeting because he was a competitor to Terraware as he owns an indie game company called WheelsGames.  Will is handling his interests.

Mike was bored and the lobby was empty of people so he went to the area with pictures of the founders of Terraware.  On the wall was 3 photographs along with their time here.  Mike looked at the first photo.

Robert "Bob" Newby
Co-Founder BW Games 1986-1993

The next photo was Mike's own.

Michael J. Wheeler
Partner BW Games 1989-1995
Terraware 1995-2013
Brains meets Creativity

The last photo was Mike's favorite.  This man made Mike's life infinitely better.  He had disagreements with him but still trusted him with his life.  His hazel eyes were kind and knowing.

William J. Byers
Co-Founder BW Games 1986-1995
Terraware 1995-
Will the Wise

Mike went over to the interactive screen to see the history of Terraware/BW Games.  It had photos of the shack Bob and a smiling Will had in Bloomington where the company started.  It had photos and videos of the milestones of the company.  There were some smoothed over facts that were more interesting in real life.

1996- Terraware invests in seting up and owning its first server farms.  Mike knows that Will used his own profits to set up this business venture.  Mike took his profit as cash and spent on fancy houses and cars while Will lived with Ziggy in his Condo and drove a Ford car.  When Mike had a Porsche he was embarrassed that Will had such pedestrian tastes in cars.  What Mike didn't know at the time was Will building the future profit center of Terraware.  Now 65% of Terraware's competitors use the servers and backbone infrastructure Will built up for their games. 

He is like the man that is fondling the balls of his competitors and at any moment he can squeeze as hard as he wants and get what he wants from them.  Will is gentle though and just takes their money instead for services rendered.  People throughout the industry respect him and know he isn't after blood so they feel comfortable dealing with him.

1999- BlackSword MMO game release.  This was the biggest and most important game that put Terraware on the map.    Mike did almost all the development while Will worked on one-off games.  Will didn't think it would work but became popular and after a couple years, one-off games were not created ever again.

2009 - WonderWorlds MMO game release.  This is Terraware's current game.  It is bloodier, crude, and has a terrible storyline.  It was created to satisfy the Fratty members of the board and the public who wanted games like the other offerings out in the marketplace.  When it was voted on to shutdown BlackSword for this pile of shit, Mike left Terraware and took BlackSword with him in 2013.  Will voted to shut down BlackSword but secretly funded the servers and programmers who created BlackSword Evolved.  Will said he was looking out for the interests of Terraware and Mike and Will had a long time coming falling out that lasted a month until he became a silent partner in WheelsGames.

Mike sat down in his chair again and pondered the personal events that happened in their lives.

Mike and Max:  Married 1996.  Divorced 2010.  One kid: Alica.  19 years old.  Dark copper red hair with freckles and Mom's rounder face and Mike's eyes.  In college at USC. 

Mike is single with no real interest in dating.  Max is remarried to Lucas Sinclair.  They live nearby.  Mike loved Max with his whole heart but they fought all the time.  They get along better now than before.  Still miffed at Lucas marrying her but gets along with Lucas for Max and Alica's sake.

Joyce:  married Hopper in 1998.  Moved to Hawkins in 1995.  No kids, just enjoying life.  Live on small local Lake.  Secretly rich due to Will. 

Karen:  Mike's Mom is still married, living in Jackson.  Business success with 2 cold dishes sold in plastic containers in local grocery stores.  Comfortable life.

Ziggy and Will: can't talk about the one without the other.  Happily married since 2016.  Will is a Katz now.  No kids, very wealthy.  The two want to adopt but have no time or energy.  Ziggy is Mr. Music now.  One of the most powerful musical talent producers anywhere.  Will and Ziggy are totally gone for each other which is sickening to behold its so strong.  Mike is happy for his brother and his best friend.  Sometimes he is jealous.

Mike can now include Will as a full partner in their venture capital fund called PaladinCapital.  Mike needs Will to help shoulder the work load.

Will came walking down and saw Mike and ran down like an excited kid.  Mike always loved how Will was happy to see him.  "Good news Mike.  I sold both our stakes in Terraware.  Your 3% stake was worth $814 million while my 6% stake is worth $1.628 billion.  Max gets 40% of your share and you get the rest.  Your check will be here next week along with mine.  Now I'm free and can start on any new venture I want."

"Good, next week we will work together at PaladinCapital.  I need you as a partner, not just a wallet."  "I can't.  I'm going to visit Mom and Hop next week.  I can afterwards though."  Mike smirked "fine, how about you can have 2 weeks off if you say BlackSword Evolved is better than WonderWorlds Universe."  Will smiled at Mike "why?"  I sold my stake and yours because this company is going to flop bigger than whale shit.  You will thank me later."  Mike laughed "see you later William."  Will hugged Mike "take care Mikey."  Will walked out the door and Ziggy was there in his BMW waiting for Will.  "Hurry up babe, I have a need, a need to love you."  Ziggy embarrassed Will in front of Mike and Will rolled his eyes.  "You're so sappy Ziggy."  Ziggy squealed out of the parking lot while Mike jumped in his new Porsche.  Life could be worse.

The End

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