Chapter 11- December, 1988

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December 22, 1988

It was a Thursday after school and Will was loading his car with some food that Karen's Catering had made for an office Christmas party for Peterman Metals, Inc.  Will was conscripted to help Karen, Mike and Max set up and serve.  Karen started a catering business with money from Bob and Joyce and from selling a large jewelry collection she inherited from her mother when she passed away.  The 3 loaded up the work cargo mini-van that Karen bought to haul her stuff to site.  Will's job is to help set up the servers and tables and to play a waiter along with Mike and Max.  This job is serving around 48 people so it's a nice job for Karen to have.  The group set off for the community hall where the meal is being held.

After setting up the food and heating it with Karen's setup, the people arrived.  They drank alcohol and talked about the company before the meal.  It is Christmas Bonus time.  Will, Max, and Mike are wearing black dress pants with black dress shoes with a white button up shirt and Will and Mike have bow-ties on.  Karen wanted her crew to look professional.

At 6 PM, the food was being served.  Mike distributed water or a fruit punch while Max and Will handed out plates of food to each person.  The business owner's wife eyed up Will and squeezed Will's behind more than once.  Will noticed she was intoxicated and hoped it was over as he went to serve other guests.  The people ate their chicken breast in a sauce Karen created.  There were alot of positive reviews of Karen's culinary prowess.  "Hurry up Wheeler, we need more dinner rolls and butter packets."  Max yelled out to Mike as he was now preparing more plates of dinner rolls.  "Why don't you have Will help me."  Will went to Mike to help him out.  "I hear around the tables that people really like your Mom's chicken."  Mike laughed "my Mom made that same recipe since I was little and I didn't really like it, and now all of a sudden people can't get enough.  I must be a picky eater."  Will snorted "so you're like the kid from the Quaker Life commercial.  I wish I got to eat half of what you threw away when we were young."  Mike responded "judging by your large, firm ass, you never missed a meal."  Mike and Will  were comfortable enough in their friendship to razz each other.  Will's smile fell of his face and he became closed off.  Mike knew something was wrong.  "I'm going to go Mike."  Will hauled out some dinner rolls.  Max came up "something happened to Will, can you keep an eye on him?"  Mike asked Max.  "Yeah, I can." 

Max and Will handed out plates of dessert.  Max was watching out at Will.  She noticed an older woman had Will cornered and she was taking to Will as she ran her hands all over his butt and touched his front side.  Will looked pale and like he was frozen as she was telling him something.

Will ran off and went out the door.  Max went back to Mike "take over Wheeler, I have to check on Will."  Mike asked her what happened but she left. 

"Will, are you okay?"  "I'm fine Max, just need some air."  Max came closer to Will "I seen what that bitch did to you.  You can defend yourself you know."  Will looked down "I froze, I didn't want to get mad at the woman who hired Mrs. Wheeler.  I didn't want to cause a scene.  I think she is very drunk."  Max touched Will's shoulder "she shouldn't be touching you for any reason.  Take your time, I'll cover you.  I'm sorry for what happened."  Max went to the payphone and called a newly acquired number "Can I speak to Ziggy?"

After 1 hour, the van and car were loaded with Karen's serving dishes and other items.  Max drove Will's car while Mike rode home with his Mom.  As Max drove up to Will's house, he noticed Ziggy's BMW sitting at the curb.  "I called Ziggy,  Will.  I'll take your car home and unload it.  Tell Ziggy what happened tonight, he can be a big help if he's anything like Mike."  Will opened the car door "thanks Max, for everything tonight."  Will left the car.  Max watched him go and is mad at not only the woman tonight, but their schoolmates.  Max hears fellow students talk about Will in objective terms instead of how amazing and gentle he is and how kind and caring he is.  Just because Will is very  good-looking doesn't mean he can be talked about in lurid terms.  Max was at Will's last swim meet and some girls were talking about Will's body like it was an object instead of him being a person. 

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