Chapter 3: Hypocrites

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Hongjoong took off his helmet, turning to the rest of the seven, "When is Sara arriving? Any updates about her?" 

"Oh, yeah," San leaned against his bike, "She'll be here any minute now." 

Just as he spoke that, a black motorcycle sped through the street before them, overtaking all other vehicles, and the eight could tell who it was by the style of riding. As the bike approached them in white fury, nobody moved; and it came to a halt inches before them. 

"Welcome back, Sara," Mingi spoke, an amused smile on his lips, "Done with being sophisticated?" 

Sara took off her helmet, shaking her head candidly to let out her hair, 

"You wouldn't believe what happened today." 


"You wouldn't believe what happened today." 

"Let me guess," Minho spoke, looking at Chan, "Your dad wants you to take over the company, and he's yapping about it again?" 

"Even worse," Chan sighed, 

"He wants me to marry his friend's daughter." 


"He wants me to marry his friend's son." 

 "Oh? This is new," Yeosang irked an eyebrow, "Papa Noh's finally lost it." 

"For real!" Wooyoung cried, "Does your dad even know about us all? Your tattoos? Your actual life?" 

"Okay, we're getting dramatic there," Jongho stopped Wooyoung, "I'm sure he has a reason for it." 

"The reason?" Sara chuckled humorlessly, "He wants to merge the two companies."


"The reason?" Chan chuckled humorlessly, "He wants to merge the two companies."

No one spoke anything for about half a minute... until Jeongin cracked up. Everyone looked at him, and he stifled his giggle, "Sorry, this is just too funny." 

"How is this funny?" Felix spoke, toying with his helmet, "His love life is at stake."

"No, but," Jeongin reasoned, "Nobody saw it coming, and Mr Bang suddenly just decided to drop the bomb on Chan. I am laughing picturing his face when he must have been told that." 

Chan glared at Jeongin, but everyone chuckled instead. He sighed, and Hyunjin questioned, 

"So how is your so-called fiance?" 


"So how is your so-called fiance?" 

"He... was okay," Sara shrugged at San's question. She looked at everyone else staring at her for further details, so she rolled her eyes and explained, "He was too simple. Not my type." 

"That's it?" Seonghwa gaped at her, "Tell us more!" 

Sara groaned, "Alriiiiight! He's handsome and all, but he was too meek? I don't know how to describe it. Like he's got a pretty face, but I would prefer..." 

"What would you prefer?" Yunho eagerly asked, as if asking for a conclusion to his cliffhanger. 

"I prefer badass over meek." 


"I prefer badass over meek." 

Seungmin scoffed, "Stop lying, Chan. You're a sucker for a softie." 

"But she's gotta have an element of badassery in her, too," Chan corrected him, "I like a softie with a badass side." 

"You're so cringe, Chan," Jisung crinkled his nose, "Who likes a softie in this day and age?"

"I hope you know he's not talking about McDonald's," Changbin spoke. 

"He's not?" 

"Where is your brain?!" 

Minho shushed the two of them, "So what now?" 

"It's simple," Chan shrugged, 

"I'm gonna turn her down." 


"I'm gonna turn him down." 

"Shouldn't you at least give him a chance?" San questioned, "He might be a good person to marry, I assume." 

"Choi San, I know that you're my best friend, but that was a shitty advice," Sara chuckled, placing her helmet on the handle of her motorcycle, "I don't plan on getting married anytime soon." 

San sulked, "Even if it comes down to rebelling against your parents?" 

"Yeah! I'm not marrying him." 


"Yeah! I'm not marrying her." 

"You're rejecting a whole ass company with that decision; you know that, right?" Felix asked to influence his decision.

"I don't want his company anyway," Chan drew out his cigarette and lit it, taking a puff, "That's the last thing I wanna do." 

"You do you, I guess," Changbin sighed, "If I were you, I would take up that offer." 

"Without even knowing the girl? What if she is a heavy snorer? What if she is too dumb? What if she turns out to be annoying?" Chan reasoned, eyes wide open. 

"Chan, considering your past relationships, she seems pretty decent," Hyunjin deadpanned, "I bet she won't be annoying or dumb..." 

"Do you even know her name?" Chan sassily retorted. 

"Did you ever tell us?" 

Chan sighed, "Her name is Noh Sara." 


Sara sighed, "His name is Bang Chan." 

"That sounds oddly familiar..." Yeosang thought aloud. 

"Yeah, he's the heir of the Bang Empire," she scoffed, "I bet he doesn't even know how to have fun. I don't want a husband who's always busy with work and doesn't know how to live." 

Mingi walked over to her, shaking his head and saying, "You rich people." 

She chuckled, "Gimme a cigarette." 

"That's harmful to your health," Hongjoong remarked. She walked up to him and leaned down to smell his leather jacket, nodding in sarcasm, "Yeah, you would know." 

Hongjoong rolled his eyes, and Seonghwa chuckled, "Hypocrites." 

(a/n: i used the Sugar Series transitions in this chapter to make it interesting. i hope it didn't get annoying T_T 

i also released another book (smutty af) called Innocence. it's a Bang Chan fanfic again, so if you wanna check it out, please do! 

how was this? :D 

thanks for reading! i love you!)

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