Chapter 7: Hot

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The entire day, only one thought remained in Sara's head: WHY DID I THINK THAT HE WAS HOT? 

Bang Chan was simply an annoying menace; nothing more, nothing less. He was sent by the Heavens above to give her the karma for annoying Seonghwa with her unorganized, messy room -- she was certain of that fact. 

"Hey, kitten," Chan spoke, typing on his laptop, "Could you pass me that folder?" 

"Take it yourself," Sara spat, frustrated by herself for finding him hot. It wasn't just a momentary thought; every time she looked up from her laptop, she saw him focused on his work, his forehead a little strained, and his luscious lips in the slightest pout, and his veiny hands typing on the device's keys -- and every time she looked, she found him hot. 

Now, as Chan leaned back on his chair, his lips slyly turned upwards, "Uh huh? Is that so, kitten?" 

"Need me to say it twice?" she raised a brow, and Chan, inwardly, was burning with uncontrollable desire. It was merely a crush anymore to him; he wanted her so bad, and he was willing to wait and have patience for it... which he had not attempted before. Patience? And him? Come on, what kind of a joke was that? 

But when it came to Noh Sara, everything was possible for him. 

So he chuckled, shaking his head, and standing up to fetch the folder himself. He walked over to her side of the desk and picked it up, returning to his seat and sitting back down. Sara eyed him with curiosity the entire time, wondering why he did not try to make some sneaky move on her. Although she was outwardly satisfied that he was perhaps going to give up, inwardly, she wished for him to annoy her. 

What kind of a twisted frame of mind was that? 

"Chan," she sighed, suddenly. 

"Yes, kitten?" 

"Will you...!" she did not know what to say to him. She only needed to have some kind of contact with this man she possibly detested. 

"-Marry me? Of course, I'll marry you!" Chan chuckled. 

Sara heavily exhaled, and her conscience was glad that he was back with his antics. So much for hating a person! 

"I didn't mean that," she spoke with a poker face, pretending that she did not just instigate him. 

"Then what else did you mean?" 

"Never mind." 

"I'll get that answer soon," Chan said, and then he leaned back on his seat, stretching his arms. Sara's eyes wandered over to his belt, and at the area where his shirt was tucked into his pants. She licked her lips; she could swear that she was not a pervert, but she found herself thinking: does he have abs? Can I see? 

As soon as she caught herself thinking that, she wanted to slap herself. She blinked, averting her eyes and looking elsewhere -- anywhere, but at him. Chan straightened up and looked at her, "I'm tired, I don't usually work in offices." 

"I don't either, but do you see me complaining?" 

"Always, kitten." 

"You!" Sara glared at him, and then stood up, walking over to him. Chan stood up as well, and she rolled her sleeves up, revealing her tattooed arms. He raised a brow at her actions, and she stood up close to him, even though she was shorter than him. Still, that was enough to threaten him, at least in her eyes. 

"Listen up," she spoke with gritted teeth, their bodies inches close and faces even closer, "This is my last warning to you: stay the fuck away from me, and find yourself another 'kitten', alright?" 

"Uh huh? So that's the threat?" Chan spoke, voice going octaves deeper as he lowly spoke to her, right in her face, "Then lemme tell you this, Noh Sara: I always get what I want, and you're a fucking need at this point. So," he smiled harder when he saw the boldness from her face evaporating, "Don't even dream about getting rid of me. I'll make you fall for me, like I said, yeah?" 

Sara stared into his eyes, which penetrated deeper and deeper into her soul with each passing moment, and the groaned, mumbling, "Can't believe I found you hot...!" 

"You think I'm hot?" Chan asked, amusement evident in his voice, "Aww, you think so, kitten?" 

"Piss off," she turned to move away, but he grabbed her wrist and spun her around, catching her off-guard. He then leaned in, whispering in her ear, "I can make things hotter." 

She gasped, eyes widening, and he leaned back, smirking at the expression on her face, 

"You adorable little kitten." 

(a/n: an update! lessgoooo!~~ 

how was thisss? 

thanks for reading! i love you!)

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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