Year Two: A Magic Car Ride/Saved by The Professors

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*Few hours later, it came time to get on the Hogwarts Express. The time was 10:58 and practically everyone was rushing to make it in time.*

Arthur: 10:58, come on. Come on.

Molly: The train will be leaving any moment.

Arthur: Fred, George, Percy, you first.

*Fred, George, and Percy went up ahead and went through. It was now Ginny's turn. She ran right through. Molly and Arthur walked up ahead now.*

Arthur: After you, dear.

*They went right in and on the other side, they were helping Ginny get onto the train as it blew it's whistle.*

Molly: Come on, Ginny, we'll get you a seat. Hurry.

*Back on the other side, Peter, Ron, and Harry were next.*

Harry: Let's go.

*The two shared a nod with Harry and followed him. Until bam! Harry got rocked back, Ron stopped but flipped over his cart, and Peter crashed into Ron's and fell backward. The conductor looked over at the three boys who were getting up and in pain a bit.*

Conductor: Oi! What do you three think you're doing?

Harry: Sorry. L-Lost control of the trolley.

*He shook his head and walked away. Peter then looked back at his friends.*

Peter: What happened? Why can't we get through?

Ron: I don't know. The gateway has sealed itself for some reason.

*Ron pats on the wall where they would've entered in, as did Harry and Peter. Peter heard a buzzing sound. It was 11:00. They missed the train.*

Peter: We're too late. It's already 11:00. 

Harry: We've missed it.

Ron: Guys, if we can't get through...maybe Mum and Dad can't get back.

Peter: What do we do?

Harry: Maybe we should just go and wait by the car.

*Ron stopped and thought about it.*

Ron: The car.

*Peter and Harry were confused. Later, the three got in the car and started flying.*

Ron: There we go. Now, all we need to do is find the Hogwarts Express.

Harry: Ron, are you sure you know how to fly this?

Ron: No problem!

*Ron then looked at Harry and Peter with a nervous look. Peter then looked at Harry.*

Peter: We're gonna die, aren't we? 

*Harry just rolled his eyes but then spotted a building they were headed for.*

Harry: Look out!

Ron: AH!

*Ron veered the car away from the building and they took off higher into the sky.*

Harry: Ron, I should tell you...most Muggles aren't accustomed to seeing a flying car.

Ron: Uh...right.

*He presses a button on the console of the car and it turns invisible for at least 4 hours until it became visible again. Ron presses it twice and nothing happened.*

Ron: Oh, no! The Invisibility Booster must be faulty.

Harry: Come on, then. Let's go lower. We need to find the train.

Ron: Okay.

*He shifts the gear down a bit and the car floats down to the tracks.*

Harry: All we need to do is catch up with the train.

Ron: We can't be far behind.

*Just then, the train whistle blows.*

Peter: Do you hear that?

Ron: We must be getting close.

Harry: Hold on.

*Harry and Ron looked at each other. Peter and Hedwig turned around. Hedwig went wide-eyed as did Peter.*

Peter: Holy Shi-

*The train whistle blew and Ron and Harry turned around to see that the express was behind them. The three boys screamed and Ron jerked the car to the left and they spun in a corkscrew until Harry fell out of the seat and the door flung open.*

Ron/Peter: Harry!

*Harry was hanging onto the door by the handle.*

Ron: Hold on!

*Peter climbed over, grabbed Harry's hand, and pulled him in. Once Harry was back in the car, he closed the door.*

Harry: I think we found the train.

Ron: Yeah.

*They followed the train, at a distance, all the way to Hogwarts.*

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