Chapter 1: Talk of A Future

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08:30 A.M.
Hog's Head Inn, Hogsmeade
26th July, 1980

On the dust covered track walked a tall lean figure in turquoise robes with purposeful strides. His beard long enough to be braided, his hair an auburn colour. Behind half-moon spectacles, bright blue eyes spoke of years of experience and wisdom. People around him bowed as he walked by, as he gives a genial grandfatherly smile to everyone he passes by, for he is considered the greatest wizard since Merlin himself. He is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, the defeater of the previous dark lord Gellert Grindelwald and the only one the present dark lord Voldemort is known to fear.

Albus was thinking as he walked by, 'Why is there still a Divination class in Hogwarts? The abscure branch of magic is murky at best and is of no use unless you are a Seer. Still, since the applicant has repeatedly desired an interview, I shall give her a chance.' With a sigh, he walked towards a rusty bar with dilapidated sign board saying Hog's Head Inn. In walked Albus towards the counter towards a man with striking resemblance to him except for his disheveled appearance.

"Follow the aisle, third bench on the right" ,said the barkeep with a gruff voice. "And a good morning to you too, Aberforth", replied Albus. The barkeep gave a grunt in reply.

Albus walked to his desired location and took a seat across his companion, a thin woman with gauzy shawls, thick spectacles that made her eyes look ten times their normal sizes. "Hello Headmaster Dumbledore, I could see you walking through the tracks of Hogsmeade to me through my Inner Eye" ,a soft ethereal voice escaped from the woman.

"Hello Sybill, may I ask why do you think you are suitable for the subject of Divination? In your years at Hogwarts as a student, you have never displayed such a talent. I would like to know a reason for this.", said Dumbledore.

"Of course, Headmaster. You see I do have the power of the Sight, which should be considered a given, since I am the great grand daughter of the famous Seer, Cassandra Trelawney. My Inner Eyes believes my presence is required at Hogwarts for the next upcoming years." replied Trelawney.

Albus sighed to himself that this is an absolute waste of time. "Alright Sybill, I would think about it." Albus got up, ready to walk away when Trelawney's voice sounded again.

"But Headmaster ..."

Albus turned back only to find her in a frigid posture, her eyes growing to a misty shade. "Weren't you going to say something? Sybill? Are you alright?" Albus thought what was going on with this woman.

Trelawney then started speaking in a hoarse voice:

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have powers the Dark Lord knows not... one must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..."

Albus was absolutely gobsmacked. 'An actual prophecy!! And did she say about the Dark Lord? Someone who can defeat Voldemort?!!' Thinking quickly, he talks to Trelawney, "Sybill, would you like to take up the Divination post at Hogwarts?" "What Headmaster? Did you say I can take up the post? Weren't you saying you would give more thought to it before agreeing?" asked Trelawney. "I think I have a change of mind, and I agree with your Inner Eye as to having a reason why you would be required at Hogwarts in the upcoming years.", Albus thought on quickly to appease the woman.

Trelawney put on a bright smile on her face and said, "Alright Headmaster, I would take up residence in my quarters in the school then."

After the shock of hearing the prophecy wore down, Albus now paid attention to a shouting spree going on outside, the voice he recognised as his brother Aberforth's.

"Eavsdropping eh, lad?!! In this inn, you have no business to attend to, other than your own, you understand?! Consider it a warning that I'm throwing you out! Do it again in my Inn, I'll ban you from coming here!" shouted Aberforth.

Albus walked in on Aberforth dragging a dark cloaked young man outside of his Inn. He then noticed the shoulder level smooth hair of the person. 'Severus Snape? What did he overhear now?'

Aberforth looked over to his brother and said, "You should have kept a tight leash on your students, this git overheard part of your conversation with the woman you were meeting." Albus looked up sharply at this, "Our conversation? Did he overhear everything?" "No, caught him halfway between whatever that hoarse talking was going on, which reminds me, what in the devil happened? Whose voice was that? Neither you nor that woman had that voice." asked Aberforth. Albus replied, "That conversation is solely between Professor Trelawney and me. Excuse me, I have matters to attend to." "Keeping things close to your chest again eh Albus? You never change", chuckled Aberforth. Albus gave a serene smile in response and walked out.

09:00 A.M.
Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire
27th July, 1980

In a large entrance hall, stood a couple of figures, robed in dark cloaks, their faces hidden by a silver mask. Between them, a group of people were writhing on the floor, their faces wreaked in agony, flushed with tears and voices hoarse from screaming. A couple of lengths away, sat a man, if you could call him a human, on a black throne. His long skeletal hands and nails, holding a white wand and pointing it at the figures on the floor. Giving a disgusted sneer at the figures on the floor through his red eyes, he perked up as he felt someone entering the Manor's wards. He looked up towards the doors, when they opened and a man walked towards him, almost springting in his steps.

"What brings you in such a hurry Severus?" asked Voldemort.

"My Lord, I heard a prophecy, a prophecy concerning you and a possible person who would have the power to vanquish you, I... I think this prophecy will be important to be listened." answered Snape while kneeling on the floor.

Voldemort was silent for a first few seconds. He was not someone who put a lot of faith in Divination, but he did know prophecies exist, as Augustus Rookwood said about a hall in the Department of Mysteries in the Ministry of Magic. He scoffed at the idea of someone even having the power to vanquish him. However he decided to humour his servant.

"And what does this prophecy say Severus?"

"It goes something like this... The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... ", replied Severus.

"And? What else? A prophecy cannot be this short. Prophecies tend to be long." said Voldemort.

"I'm sorry my Lord, I was thrown out before I could hear the rest of the Prophecy ", replied Severus.

"Where were you that you were thrown out? Where was the prophecy given? Were there any witnesses to the full prophecy?" asked Voldemort.

"My Lord, the prophecy was given by Sybill Trelawney in front of Albus Dumbledore in the Hog's Head Inn. I was thrown out by his brother before I could hear the rest." said Snape.

"Of all the people, the old goat had to hear it? This is unfortunate. Nevertheless, the prophecy is an important development. Listen, all of you, leave and let me ponder on this. And Severus?" Voldemort turned to Snape.

Snape looked up at him to see Voldemort point his wand at him.

"Crucio" barked Voldemort.

Snape gritted his teeth at the sheer power of the Cruciatus Curse. He panted to look up at the Dark Lord.

"This will teach you to be stealthier in you future missions. I have no use for a servant who cannot hide his own presence carefully. Now leave my sight."

Snape bowed down, "O-Of course, m-my Lord." and left the hall.

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