Chapter 3: The Tragedy at Godric's Hollow

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08:00 P.M.
Potter's Cottage, Godric's Hollow
31st October, 1981.

Lily and James were sitting on the couch of the dining hall, with young Hadrian James Potter tucked in between them. Born fifteen months ago, Hadrian had the unruly jet-black hair of his father and striking emerald eyes of his mother. Lily was rocking Hadrian in her lap when her mind went on to the protective measures they had undergone to keep Harry safe.

They had found out an old ritual in which an exchange of life wilfully will provide protection to the one intended. Lily and James both decided to undergo the ritual so that if neither of them lives, then the protection will activate and keep Harry safe till he is of age. They had talked with Sirius about the Fidelius Ward. Sirius brought out a point that he is an easily predictable target since everyone knew James trusted Sirius and would make him the secret keeper. So, he suggested to switch with Peter since no one would suspect him to be the secret keeper.

Lily also thought about the tracker on Hadrian's body. This was a solution brought up by Dhiraj Patel, one of the unspeakables in Department of Mysteries, who regulated the branch of Battle Magics. He took a vow to protect Hadrian. Dhiraj and Lily had taken on quite some assignments together and the man was a nothing but trustworthy. Born in North India, trained in South, he showed exceptional magical prowess which magical India boasts of. James was a bit miffed about sending their son to another country to train, but, in the end, he caved in.

They almost dozed off in their thoughts when an unearthly crash shook the foundations of the cottage.

Flashback Scene 1 Begin:

10:30 A.M.
Department of Mysteries, Ministry of Magic, London
30th October, 1981.

Lily was seated in her chair waiting for her companion to come along, while little Harry was lying on her lap, sleeping peacefully, when the door to her office opened. In walked an Unspeakable, the body showed no signs of being male or female, their body adorned with black robes and their head covered with a hood with a magical effect that made it impossible for anyone else to make out a face. And then the figure spoke in a warped voice, "Hello Unspeakable Potter, I have looked for ways to help with your situation. I came up with training young Hadrian in Magical India till he comes of age to attend Hogwarts. In case something happens to you and your husband, I could place a tracker on Hadrian's body with a spell to mask its presence, so that I can reach him at the earliest. Will this be acceptable for you?"

Lily thought about it. Leaving Harry out of Europe? She was saddened by the fact that he would have to remain isolated and far away from his home but if it means Harry will have a means of survival, then she's all for it. However, she would definitely ask Unspeakable Patel for an unbreakable vow to protect his son till the time he is ready to go to Hogwarts. Making a decision, she spoke, "Unspeakable Patel, I would accept your terms if you would give an unbreakable vow to protect Harry till he comes of age."

Dhiraj was not surprised to hear such conditions from Lily. He knew Lily well enough to be fiercely protective of her loved ones. This is not a matter of trust that she asked for an unbreakable vow, she already trusted him well enough to convey her delicate situation to him, it was a method of insurance, one which he was happy to fulfil. Dhiraj nodded and took out his wand, "I, Unspeakable Dhiraj Patel, hereby swear on my life and magic, that I will protect one Hadrian James Potter till he is of age to go to Hogwarts, with the fullest of my capabilities."

A golden glow on him signified the completion of the vow. "Now then, shall we proceed to place the tracker?" asked Dhiraj. Lily gave a nod in reply

"Vis Indagare", intoned Dhiraj. A soft silver glow marked the completion of the spell. "Semper Abscondere", intoned Dhiraj. A pale translucent glow covered Hadrian's body.

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