Chapter 14: Brought to Light: Part Two

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12:30 P.M. BST
Wizengamot Chambers (L10), Ministry of Magic, London
4th June, 1985.

Fudge then announced, "We are hereby gathered to witness the trial of Sirius Black."

It was as if an alarm had gone off. Voices of the Wizengamot members dialled up by leaps and bounds. The Conservatives looked affronted, the Revolutionaries confused and the Neutralists finally turned an eye and an ear into the statement of Fudge.

Lucius Malfoy was positively raged. Bringing in Black back from the prison would mean potential competition over the Black fortunes. He would have to stop this trial from happening. But how? How could he possibly stop it when there was proof that Pettigrew was the betrayer? Damn you, James Potter! Even after death, he manages to cause problems for him. But then he remembered another piece of information. He smiled internally. Yes, there is a way. He would have to intervene quickly though.

Cyrus Greengrass was deep in thought. Sirius Black, eh? The proverbial black sheep of the Black family. This was a loose cannon. With the amount of time this man had spent in Azkaban, his mind could go either way. Nevertheless, he would provide a tremendous financial backing over whichever side he chooses. He might have to bring Black into a discussion soon, it seems. Also, this would mean substantial amount of loss both for Malfoy and Dumbledore, if Sirius acts independently. Not that he could fault the man, after all he has suffered horrors for the Ministry's incompetence.

To say Dumbledore was stupefied would have been the understatement. 'What?! Sirius was not the Secret Keeper?! It was Peter all along?! This will bring me a heavy blow when the news would be out! After all, I had spread that Sirius betrayed Lily and James. But how was I supposed to know they would switch? In hindsight, this was a perfect ruse, no one would have suspected Peter, hell, even I did not suspect it! But now, I would have to appease Sirius when he is freed. He is surely a way to gain access to Hadrian.'

Lucius Malfoy got up and requested the floor. After he was given permission, he started to speak, "Pardon me, Minister, but why would you want to carry out a retrial of a criminal and mass murderer? On what grounds does he deserve a trial?"

Minister Fudge sighed and spoke, "Sirius Black is a member of the Black family. As a member of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black, we cannot refuse if he demands a trial. Also, there is no proof that Sirius Black had murdered that night. It could have been someone else and he could have been framed. After all, he has already been framed once for the supposed betrayal."

"Sirius Black is not a member of the House of Black, Minister. He had been disowned by his mother. He does not retain the right to demand a trial", replied Lucius blandly.

Madam Bones got up at this and spoke, "Permission to refute, Minister?"

Lucius bristled at that. 'Who does she think she is? She is directly going to refute common knowledge?' He was surprised when the Minister replied, "Permission granted"

Madam Bones spoke, "Here I have the Gringotts inheritance document clearly stating that Lord Arcturus Black had named Sirius Black as his heir, not Orion Black or Regulus Black. The information I got from Account Manager Tiamut that Lady Walburga Black had contested against this, while Orion Black was indecisive. But Lord Arcturus had not changed his decision and hence, Sirius was the legitimate heir. Since Lord Arcturus Black has passed away, this makes Sirius Black the Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black. Thus his demand for a trial is justified and permissible."

"As for your second statement Lord Malfoy, about why are we giving a criminal a retrial, there are two statements. First, Sirius Black had never received a trial. And second, following your judgement, you would have been in Azkaban today, would you not? After all, aurors had caught you in several crime scenes before and you had been cleared on the basis that you were under the Imperius, had you not? Should we need a revisit of your trials then?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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