Chapter 6: A Breath of Fresh Air

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05:30 A.M.
Dorm Room, Udagamandalam Academy of Magic (உதகமண்டலம் அகாடமி ஆஃப் மேஜிக்), Tamil Nadu, India
25th May, 1985.

The windows to a spacious room were letting the morning sun in. The windows had a pair of emerald glinting in them, across which sat a boy, with unruly black hair and striking emerald eyes. He was wearing a yellowish brown dhoti with his chest bare. Hadrian was deep in his thoughts when he reflected on the days of last year when Mr. Patel explained who he was and why he was here.

Flashback Scene 1 Begin:

06:30 P.M.
Patel Bhavan (படேல் பவன்), Tamil Nadu, India
1st June, 1984.

"Hadrian, may I come inside?" asked Dhiraj outside of Hadrian's room. Hearing a clear "Enter", Dhiraj entered to find Hadrian in his desk reading a book of cooking. Dhiraj smirked inwardly, 'he is nearly four years of age and he is already interested in cooking of all things.' Dhiraj continued to say, "I have something important to say to you. It is time I told you who you are, who your parents were and why you are here. I think it is the right time for you to know."

Hadrian stopped whatever he was doing, looked up at Dhiraj with wide eyes and took a gulp. Giving a firm nod, he replied, "Okay Māmā Dhiraj, I think I am ready to hear it."

Dhiraj took a deep breath and started:

"You were born to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter. Your parents were James and Lily Potter. Lily worked in the Department of Mysteries just like me and was an Unspeakable. Her specialities were obscure charms and ritualistic magic. James was an auror of the DMLE. Both were excellent wizard and witch, Head Boy and Head Girl during their seventh year at Hogwarts. James was someone who was called pureblood, someone whose entire generation before him were magicals. Lily was called a muggleborn, she was a witch born to non magical parents. It was the time of war when you were born. There was a dark wizard who held extreme hatred and prejudice towards muggleborns and magicals due to the fact that one simply couldn't do magic and the other was born to people like them. His name was Voldemort. He had followers who belong to old pureblood families who were likewise in their beliefs, prejudice and hatred. They wanted muggleborns eradicated. Then Voldemort targeted your parents for unknown reason. James and Lily went into hiding in their home at Godric's Hollow and used a complex ward called the Fidelius Ward, which you will learn about later. But your parents were betrayed by someone they trusted. Then after fifteen months you were born, Voldemort attacked your family. James and Lily stood up against him even at that time but lost their lives to protect you. But then something impossible happened. Voldemort used a dark curse called the Killing Curse on you, a curse previously believed unblockable and no one who faced this curse lived. But you stopped it and it was Voldemort who was defeated that night. Then I came into your house and found residues of both dark magic and ritualistic magic. It is my belief that Lily used a ritual to stop the Killing Curse. Then I brought you here. Since I took a vow that I will protect you till you are of age to go to Hogwarts. Hence you are here."

Hadrian was silent for a long time. He was going to speak when he felt his shirt was wet. Looking down, he realised he had began crying somewhere in the middle of the explanation. Wiping his eyes and nose by his sleeves, he spoke quietly, "That... that is...uh...I... I don't know what to... what to say. Could you please leave me alone for sometime?"

Dhiraj understood and replied, "Take your time. If you want to say something, come and talk to me when you are ready." Saying this, he walked out of the room leaving Hadrian in his thoughts.

Hadrian's brain was numb. Whatever he expected, it was not this. This was a lot to drop on the shoulders of a four year old kid. 'My parents are dead due to stupid prejudice? Just how much petty and cruel can the world be? They...they died for me...', Hadrian was absorbed in his thoughts, sadness and anger coursing through him. Unnoticed by him, the pages of the book fluttered in a slight breeze, a glass of water was rattling on the desk. The bookshelves and the window panes started to rumble. There was faint smell of ozone in the air. Only when the lights flickered, did Hadrian blink and the effects stopped immediately. He took on deep breaths and forced himself to calm down. Gone was the sadness, the grief, the anger, the emotions hidden by grim determination. 'I'll do my parents proud. I'll become a great wizard they always would have wanted me to be. I will not let their sacrifice be in vain.'

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