Chapter 2: Two Sides of A War, Three Sides of A Viewpoint

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07:30 A.M.
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
27th July 1980

Albus Dumbledore, Leader of the Light, sat in his chair behind the desk in his Headmaster's Office, thinking about the progress of the War the Wizarding World found themselves in. As of day before yesterday, the Light side had their hopes dwindled by the amount of casualties they were suffering at the hands of the Dark. And then suddenly, a new hope in the form of a prophecy is thrown at his hands and for the first time in this War, he felt an amount of relief flowing through him. He mused about the wordings of the prophecy, 'born as the seventh month dies', 'born to those who have thrice defied him', 'mark as his equal', 'power Dark Lord knows not', 'neither can live while the other survives'. So a child would be responsible for vanquishing Tom? How utterly unconvincing.

The only couples who he knew were expecting are the Potters and the Longbottoms. He thought about the past of the Potters. James and Lily are wonderful wizards in themselves and are capable of producing a magically powerful child. Then his thought went to James' great grandfather Charlus Potter. A deadly force to be reckoned with. He was a dangerous wizard with a wand and a shrewd person as Lord Potter. The only people he knew who could match Charlus in cunning and manipulations would be Acturus Black and he himself. To boot, both were the leaders of the Dragon Legion, a group of radicals, who spearheaded assaults against the army of Grindelwald. His thoughts extended to Dorea Potter née Black, the wife of Charlus Potter. An impeccable lady, a proud daughter of the Blacks, a woman whose tongue and heart is as unquestionable as her beauty and brains. Then why did Albus still see them as dangerous company? This is because they do not forgive easily. They use lethal spells frequently, which Dumbledore finds distasteful. And the main reason of all, Potters and Blacks are some of the families over which he has no shred of control. A history longer than his own Dumbledore family, the Most Ancient and Noble Houses of Potters and Blacks boast about powerful family magics, namely Battle Magics and Mind Arts, respectively. As for the true family magics, he has no idea what they are for the Potters and Blacks. Since both families have produced members capable in nearly every field of magics.

He then thought about Lily Potter née Evans. A muggleborn witch who has risen to be one of the most powerful witches due to sheer potential and creativity. A mind sharper than his own, her unpredictability drew Albus to be a bit apprehensive of her. Also the factor that she works in the Department of Mysteries cemented the fact that she has access to magic of which he has no knowledge. And James, the boy he knew to do harmless pranks while his stay in Hogwarts, changed the moment he became an auror and lost his parents in an attack by Tom. Gone was the totally trusting and carefree boy, in place of him, stood a man with a fierce determination, capable of ruthlessness, if the capture reports in the Daily Prophet were anything to go by.

He stopped his thoughts of the Potters and moved on to the Longbottoms. Frank and Alice remained the every bit Gryffindor and Hufflepuff as they were in Hogwarts. A courage most men never had and a loyalty few women die for. He knew if push comes to shove, the courage and loyalty will take on a violent form. He then moved to his least favourite member of the Longbottoms, Dowager Augusta Longbottom. A woman whose tongue is sharp enough to cut through Acturus Black and a mind as calculating as him. His thoughts moved on to Algernon Croaker, a brother-in-law of the Longbottoms and Head Unspeakable of the Department of Mysteries. The man is as mysterious as his department.

And in between all of this, Albus was the one with the information necessary for the progress of the War. Although Voldemort might have already known due to Snape. Severus Snape. For a man to hate his father Tobias Snape, he was every bit likewise in mannerisms. Hatred for a man and obsession for his wife beyond comprehension. Petty enough to put innocents in his hatred towards the Marauders. Though James and Sirius were likely accountable for this hatred too. Sirius Black. A black sheep of his family, a man who runs his mouth before his brain, an undying hatred for his family, although for all his faults, an exceptional wizard and a loyal friend.

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