Chapter 13: Brought to Light: Part One

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08:00 A.M. BST
The Atrium (L8), Ministry of Magic, London
3rd June, 1985.

Heir Potter and Unspeakable Patel walked into the Ministry of Magic. They were standing at one end of a very long and splendid hall with a highly polished, dark wood floor. The peacock-blue ceiling was inlaid with gleaming golden symbols that were continually moving and changing like some enormous heavenly notice board. The walls on each side were panelled in shiny dark wood and had many gilded fireplaces set into them. Every few seconds a witch or wizard would emerge from one of the left-hand fireplaces with a soft whoosh; on the right-hand side, short queues of wizards were forming before each fireplace, waiting to depart.

The guard at the gate asked, "Name and wands please?"

"Heir Potter, of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter", replied Hadrian and submitted his wand.

"Unspeakable Patel, of the Department of Mysteries", replied Dhiraj.

The guard looked wide-eyed at the Boy Who Lived. Hadrian noticed this and spoke, "We would like to request you not to spread my identity here. We have come for an important task and it requires discretion. I hope you could comply?"

The guard shook himself out of his stupor and replied, "Of course, Heir Potter and Unspeakable Patel. Which level are you going for?"

"Level Two, DMLE Office."

"Well then, here are your tokens."

Hadrian and Dhiraj both pocketed their tokens and with a nod, they walked off. They were in the Atrium, Level Eight and their destination was Level Two, Department of Magical Law Enforcement. They went to the lift to arrive at their destination.

08:10 A.M. BST
Department of Magical Law Enforcement (L2), Ministry of Magic, London
3rd June, 1985.

They arrived at Level Two and walked past the cubicles of the respective aurors to the head auror's office. With a knock on the door, they waited. Hearing a clear "Enter", they walked in. Inside they found a regal looking, square jawed witch with close cropped nearly grey hair and a monocle. On her uniform, her DMLE insignia was fastened. She was the head of DMLE, Amelia Susan Bones, of the Ancient and Noble House of Bones.

Amelia Bones was an impartial auror and head and a witch who was firm and unshakable. They knew they would a step closer to proving Sirius' innocence if they talked to her.

Amelia looked up from her work and asked, "What is the purpose of your visit, gentlemen?"

Hadrian and Dhiraj looked at each other and cancelled the concealment charms on themselves. Their dress changed to the uniform of an Unspeakable in Dhiraj's case and formal robes for Hadrian.

Amelia was confused to see an Unspeakable with a child. Then she noticed the family crest on the child's robes. 'Dragon with a sword?! Potter family crest?! This is Harry James Potter!'

"Unspeakable Patel and Heir Potter?"

Both of them nodded and Hadrian started to speak, "We are pleased to make your acquaintance Madam Bones. We have come here to discuss a matter of importance and delicacy."

"Go on."

Hadrian took out his father's will and then brandished his wand and spoke, "I, Hadrian James Potter, heir to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter, hereby give Amelia Susan Bones, regent of Ancient and Noble House of Bones, the permission to only view parts of the last will of my father, Lord James Fleamont Potter, in my presence. So mote it be." With that, the will glowed golden and he handed it to Madam Bones. "Please go through the writings that are unobscured."

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