The Dream I've Been Waiting For

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Hello everyone, now there are only two chapters left! This story is a really confusing and unusual one, I know. So if you have any questions and stuff, you can always ask me. And like I said, I will write an epilogue chapter and explain every single detail of the story. Anyway, hope you like it!

"Look!" he says, pointing the sky. I raise my head to look at what he wants me to see, and I see beautiful, shining starts. It is night, and the view from the top of the house is charming. I grab his hand and hold it, and see him smile at me brightly. "They are beautiful, aren't they?"

I nod and smile back at him. He gently strokes my hair. "And that is the moon." he says, pointing the sky again. I feel like I haven't lived before, I haven't seen the sky, the sea, the stars, or the moon before. "It reminds me of you."  he whispers to me. I turn to him and ask: "Why?" I notice a strange emotion in his eyes, something I haven't seen before. He touches my cheek as we lie on the roof, then says: "You remember the first time we saw each other?" I say "Yes, of course." 

He sighs deeply and continues. "I had no hope that I would survive, I thought that I was gonna freeze to death." he says. "But then I saw your house, and when you opened the door..." he pauses to take deep and shaky breathe. "You were so bright and luminous. I just knew that you were going to save me. My life was in complete darkness, and when you opened the door, you started shining in that darkness just like the moon. You were the only hope light I had."

My heart beats faster and faster as I look into his eyes. "You saved my life, love." he says. "You saved my life. And I don't even know your name." I laugh when I realize that he is right. Actually, I don't know myself very well either. I would tell him about myself if I did. "Won't you ever tell me about yourself?" he says. 

"I don't know much about myself." I reply. "All I know is that I have been living in this place for a really long time." He frowns. "Tell me more." he says. "Please..." So, I continue. "Sometimes..." I say, "Sometimes I hear this strangely familiar melody. I heard it more often before I met you. But I really don't know what it is." 

"What is it like?" he asks. I close my eyes. "I don't even know." I say, "I will let you know if I hear it again." He nods and turns his face to the sky, gazing at the stars. I do the same. Then, I realize that there is something else I need to tell. "Axl..." I whisper. He turns his head and looks at me. "In my whole life, I've been waiting for a dream..."

He raises an eyebrow and asks in confusion: "A dream?" I nod. "A dream to make my life meaningful, a dream to tear me apart from the snow and the cold, a dream to make me... Feel something..." I continue.

Suddenly, I hear the melody again and immediately realize something I haven't noticed earlier. "You..." I say quietly. "You... Axl..." I start trembling without knowing why. "Yes? What happened?" he asks curiously. "You... You are the dream." I finally have the courage to say. "You are the dream I've been waiting for..." 

He holds my face... "You have made my life meaningful, you have ended the cold and the snow... You made me feel love, Axl..." I feel tears spilling from my eyes, and without knowing why, I am crying. "You are the dream, you are my dream..." He wipes away my tears. "Shh, why are you crying?" he says softly. "I don't know." I say as I fail to stop crying. He leans onto me and tenderly kisses me, I kiss him back.

We immediately break the kiss when something hits the house and it stars shaking violently. He stands up and helps me stand up. When we look down, at the sea, I see enormous waves coming towards the house. They hit the house one by one, and the house swings rhythmically. He holds me firmly and says: "I think we should go inside."

I nod and we quickly jump inside the house. Since the whole snow has melted, now Axl's love creates storms in the sea. The waves keep on coming, so we decide to sit down. We listen to the sound of water for a while, without speaking. I realize that I am still crying, but so quietly. "I can hear the melody." I break the silence. "Can you hear it too?" He shakes his head and turns to me. "What does it say?" he asks. So I listen to the melody, trying to understand its meaning. "It says:

Don't you cry, tonight?

I still love you baby...

Don't you cry, tonight?

Don't you cry, tonight, 

There's a heaven above you baby...

Don't you cry, tonight..." I say to him, and realize the tears in his eyes. He is crying too. Suddenly, he stars singing:

"Don't you cry, tonight?

I still love you baby...

Don't you cry, tonight?

Don't you cry, tonight,

There's a heaven above you baby...

Don't you cry, tonight..." I open my mouth in shock and stare at him. His voice is so deep and beautiful, he sounds like an angel to me. And he sounds just like the melody I hear, so familiar. I shiver. "Your voice is wonderful." I whisper to him, he just smiles. 

"If our love continues like this, we will end up dead." he whispers to me, changing the subject. I know that he is right. But still, I have been waiting for him in my whole life, and I will not let him slip away from my hands. 

I wipe my tears with the back of my hand and move closer to him. "You are the dream I've been waiting for." I say. "You are the dream I've always wanted. You are the dream I've always needed. And you are the dream that I can sacrifice my life for. I am not going to let you go."

"I know." he says. "You let me into the warm place where your dreams belong. You let me into your heart. And I promise, love, I will never get out."

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