Chapter [3] = Episode [3]

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Willie's POV

"Thanks for the lift! I'll see ya, later!" I called out from my doorstep, waving at Panda and Billie.

"No problem! See ya, Wills!" Panda waved back, pulling off to take Billie to her house.

Yes, we each have our own homes.

I locked my front door and turned on my lights. I kicked off my sneakers and left them at the door for now. I was too tired to organize anything.

And too distracted.

I trotted through my spacious living room and up the stairs, walking through the hallway that had my bedroom at the very end of it. I opened the door and turned on the lights. The warm scent of vanilla and cinnamon sent a pleasant feeling through me.

Plopping down onto my bed, I let out  a relieved sigh as soon as my face made contact with the fluffy material of my blankets. Man. Having fun is exhausting. I grabbed a nearby pillow and started reflecting about everything that happened today.

I met a cute guy today. Not just any cute guy. It was Ryan freaking Matthews. A famous and successful actor. I can't believe I didn't recognize him at first. Then again, it has been 6 years since I last saw him.

Even though it was barely 3 minutes, the conversation at lunch was a possible sign of him being into me.

I've never had a boyfriend before. Sure, I've had maybe 2 or 3 one night stands in the past, but those are different compared to a relationship. If I make a move on Ryan, then I could score having a famous actor as my boyfriend! I mean, hello? This is Ryan Matthews that we're talking about.

I've lowkey had a crush on him since 2018.

I've seen 3 of his movies!

I've had dreams about him!

I had a cardboard cutout of his face in my room at one point for God's sake!

Until I realized how creepy it was so I shoved it in the back of my closet.

But that's not the point!

What if it doesn't work out?

I mean, Ryan has been in the industry far longer than I have. He's more experienced. Not to mention he's a little bit older than me. What could he want with a woman like me?

There is a chance it could turn out wonderfully. I could be missing out on one of the best things in my life if I decide to pass up on this.

I rolled over onto my back and crossed my arms over my chest. I felt a soft, fuzziness being bunched up as I did so. I looked down and gasped slightly in pleasant surprise at the sight. I completely forgot that Panda let me keep her jacket. True, she did tell me that she has others, but this one was one of her favorites. Not to be creepy, but I held it up to my nose and inhaled. It smelled like wood and soap. A very comforting smell to me.

I suddenly remembered our time at the ice skating rink. The way she was gently encouraging me eased the nervous tension I had very quickly. I don't know why, but the soothing sound of her voice made me feel safe. Her smile when she saw that I learned how to ice skate on my own made my heart skip a beat for a second. I started blushing as a recalled the memory.

Suddenly, I snapped myself out of it.

The fuck am I doing? I'm acting as if I'm in love with her!

I've never felt that way towards Panda. I mean, sure, I do find Panda attractive. However, that doesn't mean I harbor any feelings towards her.

Hey, my friends are pretty. What can I say? 🤷🏻‍♀️

I realized I've just been laying here for an hour and I was still in my outfit from today. I got up from my bed and removed my clothes, deciding to take a shower. After my shower, I decided to go make myself a light snack.

Now, you're probably wondering "Willie, as a vegan, isn't the only thing you eat is air?"

Well, no.

I settled with my option of yogurt and some fruit juice.

Yummy. :)

I left my kitchen and went back upstairs to my bedroom. As soon as I ate a spoonful of yogurt, my phone vibrated with a text message. My eyes became as wide as saucers and I almost choked when I saw the name of the sender.




Ryan texted me!

I quickly entered my phone's password and opened the message.

Ryan - Bold

Willie - Italics

Hey Willie! It's me Ryan! I hope it's not too late to contact you.

He actually wants to talk to me! I put my yogurt on my nightstand and started typing up a reply.

Hey Ryan! It's not too late at all! But first, I gotta ask; How did you get my number?

Ricky gave it to me. :)

Hm. Okay. So, why did you want to talk to me?

Well, it's because apart from lunch, we didn't really interact too much today. I was thinking we could do some more one-on-one activities together?

Wait. Is he asking me what I think he is!?

Wait. Are you asking me out on a date?

I see you catch on quickly. Yes I am. However, instead of calling it a date, let's call it a "One-on-one hangout session."

Oh. My. God. He just asked me out on a date. What am I waiting for!? Now's my chance!

Yes! Yes! I will totally go with you!

Great! I'll pick you up tomorrow at 10am. That sound good?

It's cool with me!

But wait! What should I wear?

Something cute, but casual.

Got it! See you then!

See you then!

I left him on read after that.

Oh my God.

Oh my God.

Oh. My. God.

Are you serious?

Are you actually kidding me right now?

THE Ryan Matthews asked me out on a date right after I was thinking about making a move on him?

I mean, yeah, it was through text, but it still counts!

When I tell you I was so excited I literally jumped out of bed and ran around my room, you would probably think I'm crazy.

I mean, I am crazy, but that's not important now!

Ryan asked me out on a date!

Remembering my snack, I picked up my yogurt and scarfed it down. Then I grabbed my juice and chugged it. I had to go to bed early so I can wake up and get ready on time for my date tomorrow.

I turned off my lights and then crawled into my bed, snuggling up under my covers. I cuddled up with Panda's jacket as a reminder to tell her the good news tomorrow. And because the smell drifts me off into a good sleep.

I originally didn't have any plans tomorrow, but I guess the universe is on my side for once.

Everything's going so smooth, it's almost too good to be true.

Cummington Tales - A Billie Eilish FanfictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя