The Life I'm living

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" You don't walk past me like that; you stepped on me, now apologize" Becky said to her colleague.
"I'm sorry queen Elizabeth" Rita replied with disrespect.
"You're trying to mock me? Huh" Becky said locking her fists and ready for a fight.
"Hey, hey, hey Mike Tyson. It's not necessary" I found Becky about to get into a fight on my way from work.
"It's very necessary, we need to show them their place or they disrespect you"
"Still not necessary baby girl" I said holding her back.
"She stepped on me without apologizing and she's making fun of it.
"That's what little people do, let it fly"
"Fine ! But listen" she said and took a step closer towards Rita.
"Don't try that nonsense with me again because she won't always be around to save your ass. You stink!" Becky said and flew up the stairs.

"You don't have to be the thug that you are" I said as I chased her up the stairs.
"The more you become free with these people, the more they disrespect you. I might be a whore but I'm a whore with dignity and self respect. Becky said, fuming with anger.
I giggled.
"Can you hear yourself?" I asked
"What? She's a whore too"
"What about other people"
"They aren't perfect either"
"You could get a decent job you know"
"Stop it right there missy. I don't like your pep talks. Look at me" Becky said as she twirls around showing off her perfect figure to her friend.
"I've got this great body and it makes fast money. You know I don't like the idea of working under anybody. You've got a better figure than I do but you're hiding it under this long skirt and long sleeved shirts, you should be showing some skin girl. Becky tried pulling up my sleeves and shirt.
I took a step back and continued walking up the stairs.
"You've got a degree in economics,that's more than enough to get yourself a job. Do you want to continue to live life like this?" I had already reached my apartment door, so I brought my key and unlocked my door.
I took a pause, sighed and held her shoulders.
"You're my best friend and you'll always be my best friend but for the meantime, I'll always be here to remind you that you'll leave this life sooner or later" I left her shoulders and stepped into my home and shut my door.
"When?!" Becky yelled before I could lock the door.
I opened the door slightly and peeped.
" So you do want to change?"
"No. I just want to keep count so when the time is up ,you'll be proved wrong"
"It's obvious you're lying"
"Just tell me"
"Seven months"
"So precise?"
"Yeah, you could begin your countdown from tomorrow. It's march second right so by the third of October you'll make up your mind to quit" I said with utmost confidence
"You bluff my dear" she said giggling.
"See ya!" I said and closed my door.
"I won't stop, what would make me stop?" Becky murmured as she went up the stairs as her house was directly on top of Kinsey's.

My name is Kinsey, an orphan who was abandoned by my so called parents by a lake next to an orphanage. Whatsoever reason they had abandoned me for, I don't blame them, I don't curse them but I'll hope to find them someday.
Despite being a graduate of Law hereby pursuing my masters, I still feel the cost of living, it's like we were born to suffer but isn't it the fact though?
The Christian life wasn't promised to be easy.
Being a lawyer is a dream I'm grateful I could accomplish but it's a very tough career. I watch people get sentenced to death either innocent or guilty, I wonder how the judge sleeps at night after sending a lot of people to either die or suffer. I'm happy being a Lawyer but I just wish there was a way to identify the true criminal from the innocent. God knows the influential people always get away with their crimes.

Becky has always been my best friend since we were in college. We're both orphans from the same orphanage but I used to find her bratty and full of herself, but when I got to know her cause I had no choice because we were roommates, we had to like each other and we did. I realized she wasn't bratty but just a guarded person. I had no idea that her slutty habit in school would become her future ambition. She just loved to be the life of the party that she became the party that every single person would attend, every single male would attend. I have faith in her changing very soon, cause I know she doesn't want to continue like this.
I took off every single piece of clothing I had on my body and head straight into the shower. After all the stress from work I had to come and face Becky's stress of stopping her from starting a fight and giving a pep talk. I was done taking my bath and up next was food. I had some food in the fridge but i wanted some fast food, so I ordered a burger and chicken and some fries, it'll be here in thirty minutes so I just lay on my bed for the mean time.

Not AloneOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora