I Would've Killed a lot

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I was so confused; how did he end up on the floor?
The loud thud that followed after his fall attracted more attention to us and got some of them alert.
"That wasn't necessary Ken" Miss Queen yelled in anger.
     "Not everybody appreciates being treated like a slut" Ken replied
The voice sounded familiar, so I turned out to take  better look at my Saviour.
    "Kennedy?" I said in surprise. Kennedy and I were in the same college but he's done with school cause he majored in engineering and that was four years ago but I still have a year more.
     "It's nice to see you Kinsey but what are you doing here?" He asked
     "I'm here looking for a friend, what are you doing here?" I asked cause I was eager to know, was he one of the customers here?
    "Let's go" he said, grabbed my hand and led me towards the door.
I jugged my hand from his and paused " I said I was looking for a friend and I'm not leaving this place without her."
Kennedy sighed "who's this friend of yours?"
    "Becky, do you know her?"
   "Kind of. Is she the fair and curvy lady with locs?"
Oh wow, he knows Becky so well and even noticed she had locs, I wonder why.
    "Yeah she's the one, can you take me to her?"
  "She's upstairs in the second room by your right. I would've gone with but I need to take care of something" he said and zoomed off into a room next to the bar. He seemed in a haste and was so eager for me to leave the brothel, he must be a regular for him to know exactly where Becky was.Kennedy was least of my worries at the moment; I just needed to find Becky.
       Another leap of courage to take those stairs and go find Becky cause this was the hotspot of sin.
I was at the end of the stairs and there were girls lined up with their customers flirting.
    "I'm not going less than that amount honey, just take look at me" one of the girls and took a spin.
It gave me chills, so I just flew up the stairs cause I was getting irritated.
   "Second room by the right" I mumbled the moment I got up the stairs. The place was surprisingly clean, it just reeks of alcohol and cigarettes. They were rooms lined up down the hall,I could count nearly ten on each side. Miss Queen must really have a booming business. I got to the instructed room and knocked but I got no answer. I attempted to open the door so I twisted the knob and the door and it opened.
   "Uh, Kinsey?" I said as I opened it slowly, scared of the sight my eyes were about to behold. The door was fully open and there was Becky under the sheets with a man.
    "Becky!" I yelled this time around and I got her attention. She gave a shocked expression and got off the bed and was stark naked.
     "Kinsey what are you doing here?" Becky asked me and I couldn't believe my ears
    "What am I doing here? I'm enjoying the sight of my best friend at work" I said I stormed out in anger.
I was so through with that place, the smell, the people and even Becky.
I was out of the brothel so I took a minute to take in fresh air but I crossed paths with some of the girls that works there.
   "Well, well, seems Kinsey is now one of us" one of them said. I clenched my fists, and my eyes couldn't stay put, I was searching for something, anything that could inflict pain on a person.
     "She seems angry, maybe she wasn't paid well enough" another one said and they all laughed together.
  "Of course take a look at her, she isn't it" another one added.
My eyes caught a bottle sitting next to a pile of trash made up of cigarettes packs and styrofoam plates. I rushed to it and grabbed it.
The girls were so busy laughing that the didn't notice Kinsey heading towards them with a bottle in her hand.
   "Uh, she has a bottle in her hand" one of them said
  "And so what? What is she going to do with it?"
That statement added fuel into my raging fire. My grip on the bottle tightened and then I smashed it on the wall, leaving me with sharp edges.
The girls shrieked and tried to run inside but I kept blocking their way, pointing the broken bottle into their faces. They screamed, shrieked and cried out for help but the music playing from inside the brothel was too loud for anybody to hear.
I kept scaring them with my small but mighty weapon for about a minute and saw they were so scared they began shaking; so I let them go.
       I got home and was out of breath. My stomach rumbled due to hunger and I had no energy left to cook anything, so I ordered some food and expected them in 5 minutes.
I took a shower and put on my nightie. It was light, partially transparent and it was perfect to let air in.
There was a knock on my door and I got excited because my food was here.
   "Finally, I'm so hungry" I said as I opened the door. All I aimed for was my food so I grabbed it expecting the delivery guy to let it go but he wasn't budging.
  "Hi Kinsey" the delivery guy said and I slowly looked up at him. Lo and behold it was Kennedy. What was he doing here and how do he find out I lived here?
   "What are you doing here? Are you the delivery guy?"
   "No, I met him at your door so I just took it from him." He said and extended his hands with the food to me.
   "I was actually on my way to the brothel, I just wanted to say hi"
Brothel?! The mention of that place pissed the heck out of me. I was so angry that I didn't care who he was and I slammed the door on his face.

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