The Device

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"Look here they are again" The children started laughing looking at Jiya and Amaya as soon as they entered the lecture hall. "Papa ki pariyaan" One of the boys said laughing. "Bitch the fuck-" Jiya was about to go to that boy when Amaya held her. "Leave it Jiya, dogs will always bark because they can't do anything else" Amaya said glaring at those boys. The students started laughing, the professor entered the lecture hall and everything went silent. "Students we have a new student today with us" The professor said looking at the boy standing beside him. "Hey Guys I'm Saharsh, hope we'll get along" Saharsh smiled as he looked at everyone. "Okay Saharsh, you can go and sit over there" The professor pointed to a seat in the front row. Saharsh went and sat there, he turned around and saw Jiya and Amaya. "Hey guys" Saharsh said smiling at Amaya. "Hi" Amaya said giving a slight smile back. "Oh no don't talk to them Saharsh they are the rich brats of our class" One of the boys said from the back. "Says who the bitch-" Jiya said as she turned around. "No swearing, One more time and you both are out of the class so please focus here" The professor said as he started to teach again. Saharsh just looked at Amaya and turned to the front. "They did not just ruin us in front of the new kid also" Amaya said whispering and rolling her eyes. "Who cares anyway" Jiya said putting her head down. 

 After an hour the lecture got over and everyone started leaving from there as it was lunch time. "Hey, you're Saharsh right? I'm Elena" The girl sitting at the back came running towards him as soon as the bell rang. "Look she's here again hitting on the new guy" Amaya said laughing at her. "Uh yeah" Saharsh said as he smiled a bit. "So want to have lunch together?" Elena asked Saharsh tilting her head. "No it's fine" Saharsh said as he moved back. "Oh Okay, I'll get you something then" Elena said smiling and went to the cafeteria. "Arey no" Saharsh said but till that time she was gone. "Don't mind her, Its her daily routine to hit on some or the other guy" Amaya said keeping her phone aside. "Is it?" Saharsh asked letting out a laugh. "Yeah, even though she's already dating our senior" Jiya said rolling her eyes looking at her phone. "Who?" Saharsh asked confused. "Rishabh Jha" Jiya and Amaya said together and laughed looking at each other. "So does he know that?" Saharsh said in a confused voice. "Of course he does, he himself is the playboy of our college, what do you expect from him" Amaya said looking at Saharsh. "I see" Saharsh said keeping his books in the bag. Jiya and Amaya also started to move out of the class. "Uhm Guys" Saharsh called when Jiya and Amaya turned around. "Yeah?" Amaya asked him. "What's your name?" Saharsh asked smiling at Amaya. "I'm Amaya and She's Jiya, my sister" Amaya said smiling too. "Oh nice.. If you don't mind Can I join you guys for lunch? I don't really know anyone here" Saharsh asked looking at Jiya and Amaya.

"Yeah sure, why not" Amaya said as she looked at Jiya. "Actually you guys have to eat lunch without me today, I have some work" Jiya said looking at Amaya. "What work?" Amaya asked Jiya looking confused. "Don't worry, you go eat" Jiya said as she went from there. "I guess its just us two" Amaya said letting out a slight laugh. "Yeah" Saharsh said as he smiled looking down. Jiya went to the library as she wanted some reference book for her project. Jiya entered the library and tripped on something and closed her eyes as she was about to fall. She opened her eyes and saw Rishabh holding her. "The fuck get away from me" Jiya said as she pushed him. "I saved you from falling, you owe me" Rishabh said looking at her. "Did I ask you to save me?" Jiya said looking at him with a straight face. "So? Ms. pretty the work is done, you owe me" Rishabh said smiling. "You and Your cheap flirts" Jiya said making a disgusted face. "How come it works on everybody except you" Rishabh said leaning on the wall. "Get lost" Jiya said as she looked down on what she tripped and saw a weird looking device. 

"What is that" Jiya said as she picked it up. "But remember you owe me, love" Rishabh said moving out of there. Jiya rolled her eyes as she heard that and picked up that weird looking device. "Does it work?" Jiya said shaking it a bit. "Who knows" Jiya said keeping it in her bag and moved in the library to get reference book. 

*After the college, Jiya and Amaya were going back home*

"Amaya" Jiya said looking at Amaya who was busy on her phone. "What?" Amaya asked looking at Jiya. "What did you plan for the vacations?" Jiya said smiling. "Nothing yet" Amaya said as she kept her phone in her bag. "You know I got a weird looking device today and I was planning to get to know the secrets about it during this vacation" Jiya said taking out the device and gave it to Amaya. "What the fuck is that" Amaya said looking at the device. "I don't know" Jiya said keeping it back in her bag. "Actually lets do it" Amaya said smiling. 

*After a few days, In a park*

"So are you ready?" Jiya asked Amaya holding the device. "Yes" Amaya said as she started pressing the buttons on it. "Nothings working" Amaya said looking at Jiya. "Is it broken?" Jiya said taking the device from Amaya when suddenly everything went black. Amaya looked here and there but couldn't see anything. "Jiya? Are you here?" Amaya said getting panicked. "Yes I'm here" Amaya heard Jiya's voice. "But why can't I see you" Amaya said panicking. "Neither can I" Jiya said. Suddenly Jiya and Amaya were back in the park they were in. "Oh thank god, I thought I was dead" Amaya said coming towards Jiya. "So it didn't work?" Jiya said looking at the device disappointed. "We're alive and that's the best thing, Let's try again after we fix this thing" Amaya said keeping the device in her bag. "Yeah okay" Jiya said as they both started to go. "Uhm Jiya is it just me or it's suddenly so quiet around here?" Amaya said looking around the park and found no one. "I know.. There were so many people here" Jiya said confused too. "What's the time?" Amaya asked Jiya. "Let me check" Jiya said when she realized her watch was broken. She quickly took out her phone and realized there was no time nor signal. "The fuck.." Jiya said in shock. "What's wrong??" Amaya said getting worried. Jiya showed Amaya her phone and Amaya was shocked. 

"Ayo Who are you?" A voice from behind said as Jiya and Amaya turned around. "Oh my god, What the fuck are you doing here Rishabh!? I said I don't owe you anything!" Jiya said stepping back. "What happened?" Amaya asked looking at Jiya. "Huh? How do you know my name? and what do you owe me?" Rishabh asked Jiya confused. "Why are you acting strange Rishabh?" Amaya asked looking at him. "Me strange? No, are you both aliens?' Rishabh asked coming closer to Jiya. "Fuck you" Jiya said as she tried to push him but her hand passed through him. "What are you trying to do?" Rishabh asked confused looking at them. Jiya and Amaya looked at each other confused. "what is the time?" Amaya asked Rishabh. "Time? What's that?" Rishabh asked confused. "Don't you have a phone or a watch?" Jiya asked looking at him. "I have a phone but what is watch?" Rishabh asked confused. "If this is some kind of joke Rishabh, It isn't funny" Jiya said looking worried. "I'm not joking, its you who is asking me about things I've never even heard of" Rishabh said tilting his head. Jiya and Amaya became shocked after hearing that. "Hey, by any chance did you come from Earth? I've studied about that planet and I think you're saying about things over there?" Rishabh said as a smile appeared on his face. 

"So this is not Earth?" Amaya asked confused. "No? It's a parallel universe that you're in" Rishabh said looking at them. "A what!?" Jiya and Amaya both screamed at the same time. "Jeez, do people living on Earth shout so much?" Rishabh said looking at them. "Oh I understand now, The device did work.. It's a device to travel through different dimensions Jiya..." Amaya said looking at Jiya.  

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