The Purpose

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"What device?" Rishabh asked confused. "This" Amaya said taking out the device from her bag. "Wait.. That's mine!?" Rishabh said as he grabbed the device from Amaya's hand. "Huh? I found this on the floor of our college library" Jiya said looking at Rishabh confused. "How did this fall on Earth.." Rishabh said to himself looking at the device. "I think you've gone mad" Jiya said looking at him smiling. "I'm not mad! I built this so I could explore Earth and know more about it! I've always been curious about Earth" Rishabh said glaring at Jiya. "Well then how did this end up on the floor of our college?" Amaya asked Rishabh who was still in shock. "I don't know but you know what's worse?" Rishabh said looking at them worried. "What..?" Jiya asked him looking confused. "You can't go back to Earth.. This device wasn't complete, you can travel through dimensions but you can't go back to Earth" Rishabh said looking at them. "What How!?" Jiya and Amaya both shouted in shock. "This device still doesn't have the energy which can be used to go to Earth.. Travelling through different dimensions can be done as it uses less energy which this device has" Rishabh said looking at them with a straight face. 

"I thought you were a playboy with no brain" Jiya said laughing. "Hey, it's not the time to joke?" Amaya said hitting Jiya lightly. "Excuse me!? Ma'am Just to let you know there are same people in every dimension but that doesn't mean they are exactly the same!" Rishabh said getting annoyed. "Who the hell you're calling ma'am?? I'm just 3 years younger!" Jiya as she rolled her eyes at Rishabh. "You people living on earth sure have some attitude" Rishabh said letting out a slight sarcastic laugh. "Oh my god guys! This is not the time to fight we need a solution to go back to Earth" Amaya said looking at Jiya and Rishabh. Suddenly the sky turned dark. "Is it night time already..?" Amaya said looking at the sky which turned dark. "No.. People of different dimensions aren't suppose to meet with each other" Rishabh said looking at the sky. "Why? What happens?" Jiya asked confused. "This" Rishabh said as he quickly held Jiya's hand as Jiya held Amaya's hand and suddenly they were somewhere inside. "What just happened.." Amaya asked shocked. "We teleported here" Rishabh said sitting down on the desk in front of him. "Is this your house?" Jiya asked looking around. "Yes, and you're not allowed to look outside" Rishabh said taking out his books to find a solution. 

"Why.." Amaya asked confused. "As I said people of different dimensions aren't suppose to meet with each other" Rishabh said as he started reading the books. "What are you doing?" Jiya asked confused looking at Rishabh reading books. "I invent things, I'm trying to find a solution to send you back to Earth" Rishabh said flipping pages of his book. "Aren't there any more people here?" Amaya asked Rishabh. "There are but they all are in their houses.. basically in lockdown, they know whenever the sky turns dark something is not right" Rishabh said getting tensed up. "Why doesn't it turn dark at night time?" Jiya asked confused. "No it doesn't" Rishabh said when suddenly his face light up. "Found it" Rishabh said as he started reading. Jiya stood beside him and tried to read aswell. Rishabh looked at her as she was too close to him. "What?" Jiya asked Rishabh when she felt like he was staring at her. "Nothing just.." Rishabh said as he looked back into his book. "So what does it say?" Amaya asked who was sitting on Rishabh's bed. "I don't get it.. It says People of different dimensions aren't suppose to meet and if they meet, they meet for a purpose" Rishabh said looking at Jiya and Amaya. "Purpose? We just wanted to know about this device for fun.." Amaya said looking at Rishabh panicking. 

Rishabh quickly got up from his chair and took out another device from his cupboard. "This works fine, we can use this to get my friend" Rishabh said looking at them. "Your friend?" Jiya asked confused. "Hmm in another dimension" Rishabh said as he gave the device to Jiya. "What? So can't we use this to go back to Earth?" Amaya said looking at the device. "No, this was made by me to communicate with my friend who lives in another dimension.. As I said people of different dimensions can't meet so we just talk with this.. but now because of the emergency you guys created, I might have to call him here" Rishabh said taking the device back from Jiya. "Excuse me? What do you mean" Jiya said rolling her eyes. "How did you even make him your friend if you can't meet" Amaya asked confused. "As I said I invent things.. I wanted to make friends from different dimensions and he was the closest" Rishabh said as he pressed the button and called his friend. Jiya and Amaya just looked at each other as they still couldn't understand what was going on. After some time the guy arrived in Rishabh's room. "Yo why's everything so dark.." The guy said as he looked at Jiya and Amaya. "Emergency" Rishabh said looking at Jiya and Amaya too. "Saharsh!?" Amaya said getting up in shock. "She knows my name?" Saharsh said as he smiled. "They're from Earth" Rishabh said looking at Saharsh. "What!?" Saharsh said in shock. "I think I understood what the problem is" Saharsh said as he looked at Rishabh. 

Suddenly the four of them were in a completely different area. Rishabh and Saharsh looked around but saw nothing. "What's going on I'm scared.." Jiya said whispering. "Yeah who told you to mess with my device" Rishabh said as he tried to figure out what's going. "What's wrong.. Jiya" Amaya suddenly held the hand and looked up and saw Saharsh looking at her. "Don't worry we'll figure out something.." Saharsh said he looked away. Amaya immediately left his hand as soon as she realized she was holding his hand. Suddenly they heard a voice out of no where. "You four are the guardians of the galaxy" The voice said as the four of them flinched. "Who are you" Rishabh said as he looked around but saw nothing. "Don't try finding me, You can't see me" The voice said with a slight laugh. "I'm sorry on their behalf, they shouldn't have messed with the dimensions.. Please let us return to our respective dimensions" Rishabh said as he looked at Jiya and Amaya. "Ah he's no fun.. We're literally getting a chance to explore" Jiya said getting annoyed. "Yah Shut up" Amaya said looking at Jiya. 

"What are you sorry for? You have been chosen to be the guardians of the galaxy and that's your purpose, You have to save the world" The voice said with a serious tone. "What do you mean?" Saharsh said as he looked here and there. "You think there always were multiple dimensions?" The voice said as there was complete silence. "Because of the Keystone of eternity, Multiple dimensions were created.. What you see on Earth can be or cannot be a reflection of the real thing you don't know but you all are the real ones.. rest all are reflections of you" The voice said when Jiya looked confused. "Wait so what about the Rishabh and Saharsh on the Earth?" Amaya asked in confusion. "They're the reflections. If you want to make things go back to normal, you must find the key of eternity before its in the wrong hands, good luck" The voice said laughing as it faded away. 

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