The Right Portal

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They all were shocked seeing the walls melting and changing into portals. Soon there were around 10 portals in front of them. "What the fuck is this" Amaya said looking at the portals. "I think it's those portals" Rishabh said looking at them. "A what?" Jiya said looking at him confused. "Portals, which leads you to different places in universe" Saharsh said as he looked at Rishabh. "Mhm" Rishabh said nodding his head. "Like Anywhere in universe?" Amaya asked looking at Saharsh. "Yeah literally anywhere" Saharsh said as he looked at one of the portals. "So what do we do with these portals, Like why are they here" Jiya said moving towards a portal. Suddenly Rishabh pulled her by her hand towards him. "What the fuck Rishabh" Jiya said looking at him. "Are you crazy or what!?" Rishabh said looking at her. "What?.." Jiya said in a low voice. "Didn't you hear what he said? It can take you anywhere in the universe!" Rishabh said in a loud voice. "Okay And?" Jiya said looking at him directly in the eyes. "You realize you can't breathe in space? You're able to breathe here because of the atmosphere of this planet" Rishabh said rolling his eyes. "Okay you could've have said that nicely right..?" Jiya said as she looked at him and went back to stand. 

"Rishabh chill" Saharsh said looking at Rishabh. "Is she for real?" Rishabh said looking at Jiya who was standing at the back annoyed. "I think the portals might lead us to the keystone of eternity" Amaya said looking at Saharsh and Rishabh. "Yeah you're right but I think its only one of these which can lead us to the keystone of eternity" Saharsh said looking at Amaya and smiling. "How do we find out which one is the right one we only have one chance" Rishabh said looking at the portal. Suddenly the sky turned greyish and the four of them looked up. "Now what's wrong" Saharsh said looking at the sky. "I think I have seen this type of sky before.." Rishabh said looking at others thinking. "Where?" Amaya asked looking at Rishabh. "I'm not able to recall where.." Rishabh said looking down. "Think Rishabh" Saharsh said as he looked at Rishabh. "Oh I think I got it!" Rishabh said looking at them with worried eyes. "You don't look happy.. is it bad?" Amaya said looking at Rishabh. "On our planet, we had this same type of sky once and it rained acid from the sky.." Rishabh said looking at the sky. "ACID?" Saharsh and Amaya screamed at the same time in shock. "I think it's going to rain acid" Rishabh said looking worried. "We need to quickly figure out which is the right portal!" Saharsh said as he held Amaya's hand and moved towards the portal. 

Rishabh came towards Jiya and held her hand but Jiya took it back. "What?" Rishabh said looking at Jiya. Jiya didn't reply and was looking the other side. "What did I do?? Why are you mad at me?" Rishabh said looking at Jiya. Jiya still didn't say anything and just rolled her eyes. "Jiya please, you can be angry at me later, we have to find the right portal and go from here, please" Rishabh said taking her hand again. Jiya didn't say anything and glared at him before going behind Saharsh and Amaya. "This girl I swear" Rishabh said to himself as he ran behind her. "Are they fighting again!?" Amaya said looking back and couldn't see Jiya and Rishabh. "Who knows" Saharsh said taking a deep sigh. "I knew keeping her with me was a better idea" Amaya said looking away. "Acha!? Like you both weren't fighting" Saharsh said looking at Amaya with widened eyes. "When did we fight" Amaya said looking at Saharsh with a side eye. " Then what about Rishabh? You love him" Saharsh said mocking Amaya. "Y-you h-heard that?" Amaya said looking at Saharsh. 

"Then why else do you think we separated you both" Saharsh said laughing and looking down. "What's there to laugh huh?" Amaya said coming closer to him. "Nothing it just.. You are seriously unbelievable" Saharsh said laughing looking at her. "I don't like you okay if you're thinking ahead of yourself" Amaya said looking away and rolling her eyes. "I never said you do" Saharsh said looking at Amaya with a smile. "J-Just pretend you never heard that and mind your own business" Amaya said looking away. Saharsh looked away smiling when he saw Jiya coming towards them. "Did you come alone? Where's Rishabh?" Saharsh said looking at Jiya. "Does it look like I know?" Jiya said as she rolled her eyes and went and stood beside Amaya. "Is she still mad at Rishabh" Saharsh said letting out a slight laugh. "Oh Look Rishabh is also coming" Amaya said looking at Rishabh running towards them. "Jiya!" Rishabh said panting heavily. "Couldn't you wait for me?" Rishabh said still trying to catch his breath. "Couldn't you walk faster?" Jiya said looking at him with a blank face. "I literally ran-" Rishabh said as Saharsh signaled him to stop. "Let's see which one is the right portal" Saharsh said as the four of them were now near the portals. 

"How will we find out?" Rishabh said looking at Saharsh. Saharsh looked carefully at the portals. "Are you sure you can differentiate just by looking at this?" Amaya said as she held Saharsh's hand. Saharsh looked at her. "Hmm there must be something which we are not able to see, which can tell us the right portal" Saharsh said and looked at the portal again. "What if try to throw rocks inside every portal?" Jiya said looking at the portals. "But how will we tell which one to go by doing that?" Rishabh said as he looked at Jiya. "Hmm? What do you say Saharsh? Amaya?" Jiya said looking at Amaya and Saharsh. "Did she just ignore me?" Rishabh said whispering to himself. "I don't think that would work" Amaya said looking at Jiya. "I guess" Jiya said as she looked at the portals. "Guys.. Did you notice that key type of sign on top of that portal?" Saharsh said as he pointed towards the last portal. "Woah you have eagle eyes Saharsh, I'm impressed" Amaya said smiling. "Key sign.. Could it mean Keystone of eternity" Rishabh said looking at them. "But should we take risk?" Amaya said looking at Saharsh. "Amaya, we don't have much time, it can rain anytime.. let's just go?" Jiya said looking at Amaya smiling. 

"Yeah" Amaya said as she looked down. "Let's go together Amaya, I'll protect you" Saharsh said as Amaya's heart skipped a beat hearing that. "P-protect me?" Amaya whispered wile looking down. Saharsh held Amaya's hand and started moving towards the last portal. "Jiya plea-" Rishabh looked behind and saw Jiya wasn't there. "Jiya? Jiya!?" Rishabh said looking here and there when he saw Jiya with Amaya and Saharsh. "She'll give me a heart attack someday" Rishabh said as he ran behind them. Jiya, Amaya and Saharsh were ready to enter the portal. "Rishabh! Quick!" Saharsh screamed as he saw Rishabh running towards them. Suddenly the three of them saw the acid rain had started. "Rishabh!" Saharsh screamed as he saw Rishabh stopping and catching his breath. Without wasting any time Jiya ran towards Rishabh. "Jiya!" Amaya screamed as she went behind her but Saharsh held her waist and stopped her. "Don't Amaya" Saharsh as he nodded in a No. "Bitch do you want to die" Jiya said as she grabbed his hand and started to run back to the portal. Before Rishabh could catch his breathe Jiya made him run again. While running with Jiya a smiled appeared on Rishabh's face. As Amaya and Saharsh saw them close Saharsh entered the portal with Amaya. And just after a few seconds Rishabh and Jiya ran inside too. 

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