Planet Of Eternity

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"Hold up, the keystone of eternity? I think I've seen that some where" Rishabh said as he looked at the others. "You know about it?" Saharsh asked Rishabh looking confused. "I think it should be in my book.." Rishabh said as his book appeared in front of him. "Woah can you like actually do magics?" Jiya said as she was shocked by the sudden appearance of the book. "No, I have installed a device which allows it to reach me whenever I want" Rishabh said as he looked at Jiya. "He's got some brain" Jiya said to herself as she smiled a bit. Rishabh quickly went through his book and found the page. "Keystone of eternity.. Yes it is here" Rishabh said as smile appeared on his face. "What does it say?" Saharsh said looking in the book too. "Key stone of eternity.. Has the power to re shape the universe.. It got lost in the universe million years ago which resulted in the creation of multiple dimensions.. and multiple reflections of everything was created" Rishabh said as he took a pause. "Woah that sounds kind of scary.. Like it sure has so damn much power in it" Amaya said as she looked at Jiya. "No one knows where the key of Eternity is.. but there are multiple hints and clues which can lead you to it.. Only people who are smart enough to solve the clues can reach to it.. There are a lot of powers already trying to reach to it.. more than you can think, but be careful they can be extremely powerful" Rishabh said as he looked at them. 

"" Jiya said trying to process what he said. "Are you sure we have to do it? Like didn't you guys hear, they are extremely powerful.." Saharsh said as he looked at Rishabh. "But can you let them destroy the universe.. if they reached the keystone of eternity?" Amaya said looking at Saharsh. "So we are doing this?" Rishabh asked everyone. "I'm ready, Always ready to do something adventurous" Jiya said smiling. "Yes Me too" Amaya said coming towards Jiya. "Fine, because my opinion won't matter anyway" Saharsh said as he came and stood beside Amaya. "Okay then should we start?" Rishabh said smiling. "Yes" Amaya said as she looked at Jiya. "Okay so we Have to think, what's the first clue?" Jiya asked Rishabh. "There's nothing written" Rishabh said looking at Jiya. "What the fuck? Then what are we suppose to do" Jiya said rolling her eyes. "Rishabh remember the Planet of eternity?" Saharsh said as he looked at Rishabh. "Nah that's only in stories Saharsh" Rishabh said looking down and laughing. "Planet of Eternity?" Amaya said looking at them. "Exactly! That's where we need to start of" Jiya said looking at Rishabh. "But that is not real!" Rishabh said looking at them. "Oh really? You think it's named Planet of Eternity for no reason?" Saharsh said looking at Rishabh with a straight face. "Exactly.. Keystone of Eternity on Planet of eternity" Amaya said looking at Rishabh. 

"Fine.. But how do we go there?" Rishabh said looking at them. "Rishabh didn't you say your device can travel through dimensions?" Jiya said looking at Rishabh. "Oh yes" Rishabh as he got his device. "Wah he has magic in every device" Amaya said whispering to herself. "Its not magic" Rishabh said glaring at her. "I guess everybody hold hands" Rishabh said as he looked at the device. Jiya came and held his hand then Amaya and then Saharsh. Suddenly they were on a different planet. "Oh my god, I can breathe in space, let's fucking go" Jiya said jumping around. "Oh my god can you stop jumping around?" Rishabh said as he held her by her hand. "Okay.." Jiya said as she looked at him holding her hand. "So this the planet of eternity?" Amaya said looking around. "Looks like it" Saharsh said looking around too. "Guys we don't know what this planet can do so let's please stick together" Rishabh said as he looked at Jiya. "Why did you look at me?" Jiya said as Rishabh looked away. 

"So should we go and check it out?" Saharsh said looking at Rishabh. "I think we can find the key of eternity any where here.." Amaya said looking here and there. "I don't think so.. I'm pretty sure it must be somewhere where everyone can't reach" Jiya said looking at Amaya. "True" Amaya said looking at Jiya. "That's why we need to be careful" Saharsh said as he looked at Amaya. "Why don't we split in a team of two, and you Mr. Inventor do you have ear piece?" Jiya said looking at Rishabh. "Luckily I do" Rishabh said as he took out four buttons. "Nevermind I thought you were smart" Jiya said as she burst out in laughter. Rishabh gave everyone one button and told them to fix it in their clothes and looked at Jiya. "These are microphones, I always keep some in my pocket" Rishabh said rolling his eyes. "Oh I guess you are smart" Jiya said smiling and patting his head. Rishabh looked at her and a smile appeared on his face but he just looked away. "Anyways I'll go with Amaya" Saharsh said holding Amaya's hand. "Huh" Amaya said looking at Saharsh when suddenly he held her hand. "So You're coming with me Inventor" Jiya said not looking at him. "You know, you can just call me Rishabh?" Rishabh said looking at her. "Nope" Jiya said grinning. Rishabh rolled his eyes. 

"Guys we should not waste anymore time, let's go" Saharsh said as he looked at Jiya and Rishabh. "But like are we actually going to split up? Like we don't know if it's safe" Amaya said looking at Jiya. "Let's not split up, Let's just walk in pairs" Rishabh said as he looked at them. Everyone nodded in agreement and then they all started moving forward inside the Planet of Eternity.

"From there, their journey started to find the keystone of eternity. Will they succeed or end up losing everything?"

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