Chapter Thirty Nine

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Emma's phone alarm pulled her from sleep. Her puffy swollen eyes protested against her as she forced them open only to find Olivia doing the same.

Silently, they rose from their beds, mentally preparing for the next long shift.

"Are you okay?" Emma asked, once Olivia had placed her hearing aid.

"I'm okay...How are you?" Olivia signed.

"I'm not sure if I am ready to do this again." Emma admitted. It was a statement that seemed to resonate with Olivia.

"They need us to do it again. Today, tomorrow, the next day." Olivia signed the words and Emma knew they were true.

"You're right."

Taking in a deep breath, Emma re-centered her thoughts and reminded herself of why they had come all this way.

They need our help. That's why we're here.

Feeling a spark of energy and optimism, Emma fired off a text to Grayson who was probably sleeping.

Emma: Leaving the ship for another shift. I love you.

Emma: More than you will never know

Setting her phone down, Emma expected a text when Grayson woke up the next morning, but was surprised when she heard it buzz on the bed.

Grayson: I'll be thinking about you nonstop. Be safe. I love you.

With a smile on her face, love in her heart, and bravery in her soul, Emma and Olivia checked out with the security guards and headed back toward the facility with their heads held high. Olivia headed inside to help repair equipment and Emma headed toward the front gates.

She expected the screams of pain to commence, but heard nothing. When she rounded the corner, there were numerous bodies covered in sheets that were being loaded into military vehicles, but there were no civilians at the gate.

Silas caught her attention immediately and she made her way over to him as he waved vehicles through.

"Where did all the people go?" Emma asked, scanning the dirt path for patients.

"All being treated inside or...being transported." Silas said firmly, motioning to the bodies that were being loaded into the large military vehicles.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Emma leaned against the fence, grateful that she didn't have to go through the hell of the previous day again.

"Where are they taking them?" Emma asked gently.

"To be buried. Respectfully. No mass graves." Silas stated without looking at her.

"Good." Emma nodded. "Have you slept?"

"No." Silas' words were cold and distant. He didn't look at Emma, but glanced down at a large gash on his forearm that was dripping blood into the dirt.

"You're bleeding." Emma exclaimed. "What happened?"

Without giving it a second thought, Emma took hold of Silas' injured forearm, turning it over in her gloved hands as she inspected the wound.

"People do horrible things when they are desperate and afraid." Silas stated coldly, swiftly removing his arm from Emma's grasp.

"Let me stitch that up for you. It's the least I could do."

"No need." He muttered, shaking his head for emphasis.

"Silas, please. It will just take a few minutes. That cut is worth at least ten stitches. Maybe more."

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