Chapter 1

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    "BIANCA! Are you up!"

    Of course she was up, what kind of crazy question was that. "YES!" she returned. Her dad was just making sure she had not over slept; She did not always sleep well-probably do to ADHD- at least that was what youtube videos said. A master at self diagnosis. Bianca was sitting in front of her mirror leaning against her wall. She had already wiped her eyeliner off and started again, for the 3rd time.
     "Fuck..." she steadied her hand, feeling anxious. It was trash but would have to do. Pulled on some jeans that felt too tight on her thighs and a tank-top along with a zip up hoodie.

     "I'M LEAVING, DO YOU WANT A RIDE!" She looked at the clock. 7:23 am. She opened the door and ran out.

     "The school is like a ten minute walk. what am I going to do there so early?" He looked at her, while fastening his tie. Eyebrows raised.

    "I don't know. Find your new friends." Her father explained in an obvious way.

    "What kind of Psycho makes friends at a new school before first period." He ignored her, "I'll walk, it helps me relax." He nodded.

     "Alright, have a good first day, make friends." He turned and left. The home was mostly unpacked, yet it seemed rather empty. Her dad was not big into decorating, so it was mostly white walls for them. Depressing really.
     She had two best friends; both lived in her old city, on the other side of the country. Jenna was the more out going of the two, never missing parties or basic social gatherings, and Courtney always had some smutty romance fantasy to explain in depth. They had been best friends since fifth grade and now she had been taken away from them. It would not be so bad, if she wasn't terrified of making new friends. She felt like those introverted dogs, that sat in the corner of the dog park; She had to rely on another dog bumping into her to start a conversation.
     She grabbed her backpack and looked in the mirror one last time.
     "Well....I guess it'll have to do." At least her hair was in control.

      She ran down stairs and out the door into the crisp morning air. The sun was out, not helping anything really. Just being bright for the fuck-of-it. They lived close to her knew school-Hayden high- and around a corner from a massive park. It was lined with giant houses, things that must have been baby mansions. Or maybe they where mansions, at was size did a house stop being a house and become a mansion, She thought.
She raised her phone and took a photo of the white one with a closed gate.

      "Is this house or baby mansion?"

       She sent the text to Courtney and Jenna with the photo attached. She crossed the street towards the homes, running her fingers through the ivy covering the brick wall. Six second story windows, and six on bottom. It has to have eight rooms. Don't celebrities homes have like mansion..
        A car pulled out quickly from around the bricked wall, through an ornate black gate with gold accents. She yelped and jumped back. The car stopped in front of her. She gasped looking at the blond driver, his jaw was strong, and his cheeks well pronounced. He had black glasses on that he pulled down as he looked over them, a smirk on his face.
     She swallowed. The other door opened and an equally arresting boy climbed out, messy black hair, his clothes disheveled, in a way only a very confident person could pull off.

      "Watch out, thighs!" he said with a chuckle, his voice was warm, yet playfully light. She looked down, stupid pants. Not that it sounded like an insult from him. Bianca felt stifled by the stares of the two - who happened to be looking at her like she was prey.

      "Hey, get inside, we're going to be late if you wanted coffee." Blondy said. He looked back her way, glasses slowly covering his eyes. They looked light in color, blue maybe, a light green. She wanted to know. Courtney would have playfully shit talked the boys, no doubt causing them to yell back - friendship ignited. The dark haired boy began to climb back into the car.

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