Chapter 5

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     Bianca froze in place, body instantly felt hot. Everyone was looking at her. Jays drunk smile was uncontrolled as she bounced on her feet; Sarah was whispering in an annoyed way to Evan - Aaron walked over.

     " it alright if I kiss you?" He was good looking. However she felt the stares of everyone, it was stifling. What would be worse, saying no and causing a scene, or simply nodding. It was like having to make an excuse to stay home. Sometimes it was just easier to go along with things. He was smiling down at her.
     She nodded. Aaron leaned forward, gently placing his lips on hers. She hoped he did not try and slip his tongue in her mouth; that would be too much for her in front of everyone. It was nice. He parted his lips slightly, and she followed. But nothing more. He pulled back, face red. She blushed and looked away.

     The area to her left was empty. Sometimes it was just easier to go along with things, that didn't mean you should. "Want another drink?" He asked smiling at her; She nodded. Aaron was nice, and comfortable. She felt at ease with him. She poke casually to him until he was roped in to some sort of party video game, it looked like a tennis match. Eventually stood and looked for Sarah and Jay.

     She saw Nick talking on the porch. He was waving a hand around chaotically, smile back on his face. He smiled as she approached.
     "Hey babe.." He put his arm around her shoulder.

     "Babe?" She furrowed her brow

     "Well...we are dating.." He said with a laugh. She looked around for Dylan. The new drink finally giving her emotions the boost she needed to stop pretending to not be looking for him. The guys on the wicker seat ignored the dating comment it like it was fact. She saw someone who looked like Sarah walking towards the cars. She broke free from Nick moving to follow her.

     It was dark out. She finally wondered if she would need to call her father for a ride. She was definitely drunk. She smiled as she pulled her phone out and sent Courtney and Jenna a text.

Me: I'm drunk...a boy kissed me.

     She neared Sarah's car - empty. A black car down the way had a light on inside. It was dim, lightning up a face; Dylan's. He was looking at a phone it seemed. She slowly approached the car, hearing voices. From the house you could not see them. As she rounded the back of the car, Dylan's eyes looked up to meet hers, on the other side of the car was Sarah sitting on the ground. Crying. She had a homemade sandwich before her. An entire sandwich.

     She tried to wipe her eyes. "Everything alright.." She did not mean to interrupt, but she also did not like the idea of Sarah having emotional conversations with Dylan. Which of course was the thought of a crazy person she had just met them both.

      "Oh...just venting to Dylan my problems." She picked up her sandwich taking a bite, "I don't think I can drive home...sorry, we'll have to stay." She shook her head holding her hands in a it's alright motion.

     "I can take her." Dylan said and Sarah nodded. She walked forward and squatted down.

     "Is it Evan.." Sarah looked at her and smiled sadly.

     "It's not worth talking about, I just wanted to hide from the idiots...So...kissed Aaron huh...looks like he likes you." She shot her eyes to Dylan quickly. He was still looking at his phone. He could of course hear them in his car, the window was open and they where all but leaning on it.

     "Uh...he's nice. I don't know if I would say I like him. I just met him...and now Nick is telling everyone we're dating..." Sarah laughed

     " has certainly been entertaining since your arrival.....the one day.." They both laughed. Someone was nosily stomping around. They yelled for both of them. Jay whipped around the corner.

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